A 3.8" odley world phone
Obviously it competes against other small phones.
As the cash rich trinket buyers have all been signed up by an iOther, this one is cheap
1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008
Quite obviously an upgraded Mini comes out in March.
Apple did not want to compete with the Retina iPad so they shrunk the better iPad 2.
Problem is they never upgraded anything with that screen needing real improvement for the price point.
I still think the sell off is hasty even if the iPHone 5 happens to be 18 months behind the trend.
To me we have a dual world where we get the media truth and then we have consumer truth.
I have an inkling that the media truth is backfiring in being so distorted that loyalty is pushed to the limit.
I guess it has always been like that, with main media, loyal as ever to their major sponsors and advertisers, even after the ship has long sailed away.
It is in the interests of Apple, Microsoft and even in some ways Google to undermine the web.
So will Apple and Microsoft sign that petition to keep the web free?
Apple especially, have their financial heart set in a limited web.
Facts about IOS's slow web browser got published by Blaze last year.
Don't worry, the abuse they got probably means they won't dare real benchmark again.
Whilst it is well known IOS web apps get stymied to funnel developers onto proprietary apps, publishing the the data is maybe a kamikaze act.
Ultrabook chipsets was their last great cash grab in the mobile market.
Cheap and cheerful Intel Atom always had to be stopped/limited.
Apple stepped in with ARM and the rest is history.
The problem now is that even Apple's Intel Macs have problems selling.
When people accepted the iPad there was obviously a dramatic lowering of requirements from buyers.
Thus your supposedly half decent laptop is surplus to requirements for many consumers.
Maybe the millions of the semi-used, too small for general indoor use, iPad Minis will boost laptop sales.
If the design was 100% Apple then obviously TSMC would already be making some of them.
This already happens with tscreens where they seemingly downgraded specification to achieve it,
Apple therefore have not yet got the skill set up to the enough speed to take advantage of that now old ARM license approval.