* Posts by Alan Denman

1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008

Nokia tries its luck with a sub-£150 Win Phone 8: The Lumia 620

Alan Denman

A 3.8" odley world phone

Obviously it competes against other small phones.

As the cash rich trinket buyers have all been signed up by an iOther, this one is cheap

Apple releases iOS 6.1, adds LTE carriers, tweaks security

Alan Denman

"My Nokia hands free car kit is still not fully functional with iPhone"

Business logic has it that old devices get removed, certainly not added.

The Oric-1 is 30

Alan Denman

Atmos = keyboard + big fix ROM

You could piggy back a new ROM into the original Oric to give dual boot Atmos/Oric system.

Essentially the Atmos was a bug fix version and with a quality keyboard.

Dual boot was useful for code testing.

Engineers are cold and dead inside, research shows

Alan Denman

A doctored report

So how come the health profession always seem like ostriches, paper shufflers and containment pill pushers.

They mainly send me cold.

Belgian watchdog barks at Apple: Take care when you flog that warranty

Alan Denman

Theywant your money.

Apple care?

Not really.

Google wriggles out of FTC search smackdown. Now to Europe!

Alan Denman

The Apple and Microsoft pincer movement is looking a bit stuck in the square corner.

Yep, the underhand 'Google's a bad boy' tactics are not working.

Google WON'T ink consent decree with FTC on search - reports

Alan Denman

Lobby group Fairsearch, which counts Microsoft among its backers...

Plenty of stool pigeons here I see.

"Goodbye google, hello mega expense.". That's the corporate wish some comments try to fulfil.

Brits are so outraged by Amazon, they voted it TOP for shopping

Alan Denman

Luck of the Irish.

Ireland is a bit to far to travel to picket the likes of Amazon and Apple.

And obviously no fairer trade coffee nearby for our dear troops who want to liberate those UK workers.

Android Trojan taints US mobes, spews 500,000 texts A DAY

Alan Denman

The nanny state has its advantage.

Obviously apps are in a permanent boot camp with Apple so less likely there.

With freedom comes responsibility so you need to train those Android kids and Android grannies.

Germany sets date for Google vs newspapers smackdown

Alan Denman

Alternative news wins it.

Surely Google could argue the other way round.

If there ain't any news to find who's gonna remember the dinosaurs?

I've pretty much forgotten that the Times exists

Sorry, Apple - China's just not that into your iPhone 5

Alan Denman

Re: The venomous Leach at it again.

That's maybe another one of Apple's problems.

Many attribute 'cheap and nasty' comments as chav like.

Thus we end up with the impression is that the iPhone is a chav phone.

John Lewis agrees to flog Microsoft's Surface RT tablets

Alan Denman

Profit level is phenomenal.

Sell one Surface and I bet they get the profit level of 5 iPads.

Phenomenally overpriced I suspect real prices materialise next year.

Google maps app is BACK on iPhones, fanbois spared death

Alan Denman

Look what got uncanned

Now that was quite a desert flick.

Apple's iOS 6 maps STILL muddle Mildura

Alan Denman

Out for a spin

It just works has always been out and out spin.

So when out for a spin, the iPhone's your dizzy friend.

This is out of hand now: Apple attempts to trademark the LEAF

Alan Denman

First the leaf, next that spec of dust

If you blow up the Apple logo 100 fold you can just see a spec of dust.

Dusty bin, you are toast

Australian Police say don't use Apple's iOS 6 Maps

Alan Denman

Google contract ended early

So one casualty too many?

Alan Denman

Fox news

Sadly not on Fox news so not the most endangered of our species have probably not seen this.

Apple, Samsung patent judge: 'I feel like I'm in Groundhog Day here'

Alan Denman

Re: Anyone else

From the very start she brought a rather strange touch to the proceedings.

There was never to be a winner so it really needed a more clinical strategy.

It should never have had a jury either.

Apple shares take biggest one-day hammering in 4 years

Alan Denman

Mini is 'just for Xmas'

Quite obviously an upgraded Mini comes out in March.

Apple did not want to compete with the Retina iPad so they shrunk the better iPad 2.

Problem is they never upgraded anything with that screen needing real improvement for the price point.

I still think the sell off is hasty even if the iPHone 5 happens to be 18 months behind the trend.

Apple-HTC patent deal doesn't include designs, 'cloned' iDevices

Alan Denman

Apple clones of the ancient Galaxy S led Sasung to relaunch..

............Samsung relaunched it with the Galaxy S3 Mini.

So is the S3 Mini now a copy of the iPhone 5?

Tech titans lose our loyalty: Are fanbois a dying breed?

Alan Denman

Seems to me that the biggest fanboys run most of the media.

To me we have a dual world where we get the media truth and then we have consumer truth.

I have an inkling that the media truth is backfiring in being so distorted that loyalty is pushed to the limit.

I guess it has always been like that, with main media, loyal as ever to their major sponsors and advertisers, even after the ship has long sailed away.

Adobe's revenge on Steve Jobs: HTML5

Alan Denman

HTML is too loose a cannon in aspring app monetisation corporate world.

It is in the interests of Apple, Microsoft and even in some ways Google to undermine the web.

So will Apple and Microsoft sign that petition to keep the web free?

Apple especially, have their financial heart set in a limited web.

Scientists build largest ever computerized brain

Alan Denman

There is Dumb and then there is Dumber

It might be as dumb as a bag of hammers, but all those predicting brain like intelligent computers might well compete for dumbness.

Apple sticks finger in dyke, cuts off Dutch flood of Galaxy S, SII, Ace

Alan Denman

All free advertisng

Methinks it helps Apple get its ideas into the public mindset.

Readers here are not the general public who do not realise software engineers are now becoming scared away from programming.

Nokia RIM shot: Seeks royalties after winning wireless patent spat

Alan Denman

Apple are already a non entity in Spain.

With Android at 90% there, do you think anyone gives a stuff about Apple beyond the US heartland?

But for the English common language, IOS on smartphones would already be a dead duck here too.

Android seven-inchers swipe rug from under Apple

Alan Denman

The Mini is simply childs play

It is designed for small indoor hands.

There is no need to navigate, you can leave that to Android, thus creating two different markets.

And I don't think adult consumers take kindly to 99% of the media pretty much pretending that the Nexus GPS does not exist.

Android users: More of them than fanbois, but they don't use the web

Alan Denman

£36 and $65 contracts are the norm for iThingsies.

It simply shows that they have been suckered into paying fat sums so they have to get their moneys worth.

£720+ worth of IOS internet versus £100 or so paid out on PAYG Android.

Obvious innit?

Apple's former retail boss spills magic beans on store strategy

Alan Denman

re - "But what truly amazes me is that so few people can see this."

It's called growing up.

And its a grown up thing to let things be.

Alan Denman

Ron's the man.

"we view our space as the environment we inhabit"

Apple inhabit the space between peoples ears.

As Apple are also fond of white space, Ron's the man.

One in 10 Brit smartphone owners 'can't afford' to pay for apps

Alan Denman

Its a phone stupid.

Obviously the vast majority of buyers just want a phone with a bit of the web.

With everything the more you pay the more excuses you happen to make for paying it.

But hey, spend a thousand bucks on a more limited phone and you can learn the corporate song.

Facebook tries to stop its staff using iPhones in 'dogfood' push

Alan Denman

Re: Supporting the real world.

Facts about IOS's slow web browser got published by Blaze last year.

Don't worry, the abuse they got probably means they won't dare real benchmark again.

Whilst it is well known IOS web apps get stymied to funnel developers onto proprietary apps, publishing the the data is maybe a kamikaze act.

Alan Denman

Supporting the real world.

Did Apple's crippling of the web forced Facebook to stick to IOS apps?

The success of Android open web model maybe caught Facebook cold footed.

Google, Apple, eBay shouldn't pay taxes - people should pay taxes

Alan Denman

Cannibalistically destroying the capitalst system

Tax avoidance is the main reason we Western Europe capitalist system is near dead.

We then stupidly borrowed money on the never never to pay much of the loss caused by this seek and destroy lot.

Apple's profits fetish could spell its DOOM

Alan Denman

Juast a fad, we are now into the Phablet era.

Xmas means your iDevices will still sell like hotcakes to the kids.

Only next year will they cotton on next year that they wished for last years gear.

That's blanket marketing for you.

Why do Smart TV UIs suck?

Alan Denman

Progress free TV?

Obviously if they were all the same, then there would be little in progress.

Anyway the lack of full OS certainly ain't for our benefit.

How Intel's faith in x86 cost it the mobile market

Alan Denman

Plenty of faith in Atom smashing their profits.

Ultrabook chipsets was their last great cash grab in the mobile market.

Cheap and cheerful Intel Atom always had to be stopped/limited.

Apple stepped in with ARM and the rest is history.

The problem now is that even Apple's Intel Macs have problems selling.

HDMI hitch hounds Mac Mini holders

Alan Denman

Simpes, port to a different Display

Obviously do as intended and buy the Display Port in your Apple store.

Cheapskates use HDMI.

How can the BBC be saved from itself without destroying it?

Alan Denman

High minded stuff needed or wlse we are doomed.

The 24 hour drivel helps ensure the nation is stupid and uncompetitive.

Sugar candy rots so chasing ratings is short good fun, long term extinction.

Judge confirms Google's miserly $22.5m Safari privacy FTC payout

Alan Denman

Tell the Guardian then!

This is one of their favourite Google stories.

Their angle almost seems that the Intel and Windows tax are what we all need.

Dead Steve Jobs was dead wrong on Flash, bellows ColdFusion man

Alan Denman

U forgot the U

Their iPhone 4s beater can be had for £129 PAYG. (is probably unlocked too)

Does HD video capture and has Sonys great Exmor R camera. (Sony supply Apple)

Maybe it is the square corners that mean Apple don't sue.

Alan Denman

Web now closed for business

..........in a Flash.

Whatever next.

Slow the gadget's web apps down so the likes of Facebook have to abandon it?

Alan Denman

a Tardis like future?


the idea is very much like Vic 20 like gadgets but instead of plugging in a games cartridge we plug into a proprietary app store to get a dose of the web.

The open web is not quite dead yet, though surely Apple wish most of it.

BBC iPlayer downloads BORKED by Adobe Air update

Alan Denman

Revenge for the Beeb supporting Android?

Entirely possible as Adobe's official policy is walled garden apps for mobile.

The fact that that it works on Windows RT mobile is pure coincidence arf arf.

Sony confesses: we can't beat iPhone... yet

Alan Denman

what are they on,

Their new phone is a 720p phablet.

That's what buyers want. It just happens that for probably commercial reasons, iPhone is behind the trend.

Their 4.6" phablet seems clear enough to me.

Brits kept waiting as iPad Mini LTE arrives Stateside

Alan Denman

Want to wait?

Just maybe no one wants it?

sub 720p iPad with GPS = approx £380 (+3G)

720p Nexus 7 with GPS = £160

Worth the wait?

Notebook price war slams Dell's revenues, slashes profits

Alan Denman

Tablets lowered expectations!

When people accepted the iPad there was obviously a dramatic lowering of requirements from buyers.

Thus your supposedly half decent laptop is surplus to requirements for many consumers.

Maybe the millions of the semi-used, too small for general indoor use, iPad Minis will boost laptop sales.

Apple staff call Taiwanese filmmaker an 'idiot'

Alan Denman

Just make it up guys

Obviously someone is pirating his books.

And in the other story maybe Apple does not like free books apps in its store.

Apple granted patent for ebook page-turning

Alan Denman

Jackanory - time

Yep, yet another children's tale.

Peak Apple: Forstall was 'closest thing to Jobs they had left'

Alan Denman

Yup, they need a new Totem pole.

Obviously you can't worship facelessness so something must give.

When dictatorships work it is because many people prefer mythology.

Samsung turns screws on Apple, hikes A6 processor price 20%

Alan Denman

Samsung by design

If the design was 100% Apple then obviously TSMC would already be making some of them.

This already happens with tscreens where they seemingly downgraded specification to achieve it,

Apple therefore have not yet got the skill set up to the enough speed to take advantage of that now old ARM license approval.