* Posts by Alan Denman

1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008

Google tells Microsoft to yank its new WinPhone YouTube app

Alan Denman

ITV without the ads. How does that work then?

Microsoft are aiming for the Sky.

They have a privacy dick working on the case too.

You gotta laugh.

Why UK slid £150m to tax-exempt phone-mast master Arqiva

Alan Denman

So how can the UK suckers blame Europe on this one.


we are fiddling while Rome burns. Obviously you can vote UKIP just for the burn.

Apple asked me for my BANK statements, says outraged reader

Alan Denman

Blank cheque bullion bonus system next?

As the product is so good some people will be happy to send a blank cheque as a thank you.

Obviously the ones who only get 1 cent taken from their account will tell us about their generosity on this matter.

Google's cloud dumps custom Linux, switches to Debian

Alan Denman

The 2014 nightmare wont bomb Munich.

I do wonder, dId Microsoft accountants cost 2014 too?

I'm sure they did, in billions of extra profit.

Alan Denman

The Beanz on HP

Seems that study that already new what Microsoft wanted compared costs of going to XP and Office 2003.

Anyone else see 7 or 8 or even 2013 flaws in that Windows data?

Microsoft 'poised' to SPAFF A BEELLION on e-book also-ran Nook

Alan Denman

sleep with the Amazon tiger?


easy picking is what they want. No point in forging a deal with someone who currently thinks bigger than you.

The world is getting more competitive where both manufacturing and bricks and mortar outfits are made near bankrupt and then either enslaved or bought on the cheap.

They simply have no choice no the matter.

Speaking in Tech: 'You can't NOT look like a douche wearing Google Glass'

Alan Denman

Re: A 1st major perception training victory by MicroApple.

"by = buy = purchase"

Alan Denman

A 1st major perception training victory by MicroApple.

With them being banned even before they arrived and now denigrated unseen Google has a problem fast approaching.

Public being sheep only by by peer approval so where the whole Google show goes is anyone's guess.

Google not sabotaging YouTube on Windows Phone after all

Alan Denman

Come on Microsoft, invent something!

That is the problem for the likes of Microsoft and Apple.

Content is actually part of the whole package, so why not yourself, bring something new to the whole world?

37,000-machine study finds most reliable Windows PC is a Mac

Alan Denman

Do nothing sort of stuff

Obviously limitations have their advantages, especially if it is one big turn off.

Mozilla accuses Gamma of dressing up dictators' spyware as Firefox

Alan Denman

So your PC security has been Thwarted !


it does seem to of make any Thawte certificate near worthless.

How Google lost the trust of Europe’s data protection authorities

Alan Denman

All going pear shaped for google?

The problem for google is that on the whole, everyone pays them, not the other way round.

Apple's tax dodging is legendary and barely gets a mention but it is easy to work out why.

If Google had stayed just as an advertising agency it is, it would not have Microsoft and Apple as mortal combat enemies. When Microsoft and Apple get back to telling the consumer what they want without that Android spanner in the works then peace will reign.

T-mobile US in invisible handset handcuff contract smackdown

Alan Denman

much edia are willing liers and crooks

the fact is that we keep getting headlined $99 and $199 smartphones which is a blatant lie.

t-mobile has simply been caught being innovative in the extremely low integrity sphere.

Sadly, I suspect those $99 headlines are chasing product promotion money making no integrity the norm.

Climate-cooling effect 'stronger than volcanoes' is looking solid

Alan Denman

Flat journalism

Having had the warmest decade known to man its quite obvious that the flat earth society thrives on plateau snippets.

Free French app app booted by Apple, triggers 1m-strong petition

Alan Denman

all my precious

keep you filthy hands off my precious say Apple.

It is 'Tootle pip' to anyone wanting more than a crumb from that pie.

Heck, they even gave their lucky users IOS maps to further please them precious shareholders.

Inside Secure snatches BBC iPlayer downloads from Adobe

Alan Denman

a headline loss for Adobe. What next

I think the 'challenge' was getting any proper Android support from Adobe.

Unlike Adobe, Inside Secure only has money to gain by supporting Android.

Firefox 'death sentence' threat to TeliaSonera over gov spy claims

Alan Denman

what I do ....

is stay quiet and listen when my sphere of knowledge gets too close zero.

Apple alert as half China's fanbois consider switch to Galaxy S4

Alan Denman

and the other 47.6% ?

Maybe they are considering the HTC One.

And so a win for Samsung, but only just

Flexible flywheel offers cheap energy storage

Alan Denman

floor me but is it flawed

Surely, anything but short term energy from any flywheel has to rely on perpetual motion !

Ofcom: Parents, here's how to keep grubby tots from buying Smurfberries

Alan Denman

re"Premium numbers need a security code and a signed written contract. "

Got to quite agree.

I'd also enforce a landline number for all 0845 type service numbers, especially the new NHS and police ones!!!!!!

Its as if we are now part scammed by the police and NHS. I guess it is all pseudo privatisation.

Alan Denman

Ofcom - now even dodgier than hell !

So rather than actually protecting the consumer they are resorting to posting health warning like stuff!

I know Cameron wanted them abolished but is this looks an even greasier solution.

Whilst Cameron might have looked like he was sticking 2 fingers up to the public, as Ofcom always seems to too, maybe he was right?

Moist iPhone fanbois tempted with golden Apple shower offer

Alan Denman

nope,not unique

What is unique about Apple is that, probably because fanboys rave about the service, Apple get license to do what the hell they want.

Which obviously means even more lucre for shareholders.

Half of US smartphone owners have no idea which mobe to buy next

Alan Denman

Platform lock-in is indeed overrated,

It just happens that there are some with value subtracted offerings.

So lock-in or no lock-in its best to buy what is of more useful value.

I doubt we lose the taste for sugary drinks as we get older, we simply wizen up to the fact that we get 5 cents value from $1 spent..

US bill prohibits state use of tech linked to Chinese government

Alan Denman

USA = North Korea in 10 years time

If you look a cooperative trade deals its the USA that looks headed into its own arse.

Even in their own back yard its Brazil now choosing to look to China.

Yes, NK is stretching it a bit far but the cent will certainly drops.

Google Translate for Android adds offline translation option

Alan Denman

Sunny days ahead with this one.

well, with no data sucking network cloud this is an all consuming winner.

Free speechers want into Apple and Samsung sealed court filings

Alan Denman

The clueless capital

not on.

Apple and even Samsung rely on us being clueless.

And with less cluelessness to train us with it badly affect the fanboy psyche

iPads in education: Not actually evil, but pretty close

Alan Denman

peasant users


but not knowing what they want they can all bleat out 'It does what I want'.

Apple share-price-off-a-cliff: Told you that would happen

Alan Denman

Stealth mode operation spells long term success

Apple are doing it exactly right.

They are buying up strategic enterprises with one proviso, that being Apple stays mostly below the radar .

The strategy is so far so good. There is simply no point in them spending big if that means they become a big monopoly instead of the worlds biggest cash earner.

Apple pulls iForgot password recovery system over security bug

Alan Denman

the flaw has been there for years?

seems to me it was becoming common knowledge amongst a few hackers but hacks percentage increased of recent..

They are just having a 'last fling'.

Apple fixes iOS passcode-bypass hack with 6.1.3 update

Alan Denman


"Google maps still thinks my daughter's postcode is near Lambeth Palace - "


That's one more than the number of wrong entries I know of.

And I thought IOS maps were cloud based. So are they out-dating maps now?

Freeview telly channels face £240m-A-YEAR shakedown by Ofcom

Alan Denman

Fatcat Quangomainia?

Seems to me they have to justify their wages and existence.

So is this a good long term bet for longevity by those at the top?

Alan Denman

Go job they are not in charge of land...

using the very same formulae there would be no housing crisis, just millions of starving people.

Microsoft backs law banning Google Apps from schools

Alan Denman

I take some of that back ........

Seems it was lucrative contracts with only the one bidder at stake until things got 'cloudy'

Alan Denman

Microsoft will do it free

"I just can't imagine it's that difficult to add. I'm sure neither Microsoft or Google intends to provide the E-Mail for free,"

Yes they will, Microsoft wants em trained in their own products for life! That is how it works, grab em young and stupid.

Alan Denman

Ban Freemium for our own good?

Obviously we the public prefer to pay double for a device and refuse everything free?

Why be when you can massage the truth for your own ends Microsoft and Apple?

Here's the $4.99 utility that might just have saved Windows 8

Alan Denman

A walled in future

"MS would force users into its Metro walled garden complete with MS App Store where MS can cream off profits from Metro app sales, Apple style."

Exactly, it is not for our benefit. They simply need to appease shareholders.

Alan Denman

a slight hiccup there

"I was determined to hate Windows 8. I've been supporting MS tech since MSDOS 3.x and every once in a while we get a real turkey of an OS."

strange, most of us were determined to like it and look what happened.

Still, someone has to like it.

Malware devs offer $100 a pop for 'active' Google Play accounts

Alan Denman

they just buy the semi defunct app and later malware it!

There are 100's thousands of worthless apps they can buy the rights for, on both IOS and Android.

Which will be is more lucrative is very uncertain but OS/X stuff, by many accounts pays big dividends from very stupid people who think it just works.

Android 'splits' into the Good and the lovechild of Bad and Ugly

Alan Denman

Moving the sheep on?

"The cheapo hardware can't keep up with the demands of the software, we're told"

err That low end hardware is now faster than last years high end hardware.

All we need to know is that app developers do not get penalised for supporting old kit. This mobile revolution means they either want out stuff obsolete even faster that we had before or license it to us by the month!

So if you are lucky, 'There's an app for that' but for how long will it work?

Android currently means it lasts forever, unlike the others wit an app 'private club'.

IT'S HERE: Seagate ships 'affordable' desktop hybrid drive

Alan Denman

Quite an occasion.

A momentus one, obviously

Apple 'insider' explains why vid adapter hides ARM computer

Alan Denman

a crappy fortube spent then

Using that hammer to crack the egg costs consumer a fortune.

You gotta laugh but hey!, it is the one and only so who cares?

Wind-up bloke Baylis winds up broke, turns to UK gov for help

Alan Denman

So where was the wind-up?

It always seemed to me that the whole Bayliss thing was one big wind up.

It epitomises the fact that British media are gimmick driven, usually doing Britain as a whole a major disservice.

Google to open flagship retail stores by end of 2013

Alan Denman

No tablets to swallow here

"It's Google so it must be good *howls of laughter*."

The real howls of laughter come in 5 years or so time when everyone will fondly remembers tablets as a once non niche device.

'Did we really fall for that crap?'

Apple CEO Cook: 'Bizarre' shareholder lawsuit a 'silly sideshow'

Alan Denman

Whos money is it anyway?

... I can't quite yet believe Apple shareholders are as gullible as its evangelised users.

Opera joins Google/Apple in-crowd with shift to WebKit and Chromium

Alan Denman

A sad day that competitive development ceases

but at least its open source unlike that rubbish IE we all had shoved down our throats years ago

'Depression-era grandma' Apple responds to bolshy investor

Alan Denman

Apple struck oil and are simply hanging onto it all for dear life.

Now is that Vampire policy helping grind the world to a halt?

Amazon patents digital resale market

Alan Denman

Chicken or the egg?

"As soon as someone says things like Cr(apple) or similar in their posts they lose all credibility outside of the school yard."

Always hard to trace the origins but there's plenty of reviewer referring to plasticy things and ignoring the cracked glass and low quality or dropped calls caused by metal cladness.

How much for Opera's app store in my TV? A tenor, perhaps?

Alan Denman

Only a few hundred pieces of average

Seems a bonus to me.

A few semi-useful apps with another 500,000 pieces of complete garbage missing.