* Posts by Alan Denman

1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008

Android mobes outsell iPhones, but Apple gets MORE PROFIT THAN ALL

Alan Denman

Apple make a level playing field......

for parts manufacturing contractors.

So the quality is set at a more middling level than the high end stuff in both LG phones and Nexus tablets.

Is it all up for LANDFILL ANDROID? BEHOLD, the Moto G

Alan Denman

Useful landfill though..

.. yet the iPhone has near enough made it into the science museum.

Ones with IOS 6 are well prized


Alan Denman

Microsoft knew where to shove it...

well, shove a pretty picture onto the screen so you could click away to your hearts content.

whoo would have thought one clicky picture laid top/around a few thousand lines of code was to be worth 100's billions of dollars?

iPad 4 is so OVER: 5 times as many fanbois now using iPad Air - survey

Alan Denman

The honeymoon period

It is obviously the fact that the novelty wears thin after a few weeks.

Reality hit home hard.

Cook: Apple 'so very, very proud to be a FORCE FOR GOOD'

Alan Denman

Bad, just bad

Stop dodging corporation taxes, you evil thrawt Tim.

TWO THIRDS of Retina iPad mini shoppers will weep this holiday season

Alan Denman

Intentionally Not

Apple did a very late about turn and realised they would be a laughing stock when they released their planned low resolution A7 Mini.

Obviously supply is constrained, suppliers have only just started making them.

But at least you get something better than that ridiculously cheap 1024 x 768 original.

Mozilla CTO blasts WC3 plans to bless anti-piracy DRM tech in HTML5

Alan Denman

Exactly right - the proposal is a mess.

"But the he feels W3C is making a major mistake in not specifying the exact form of DRM that can be used, which could leave browser manufacturers having to deal with competing and possibly incompatible systems."

If the web is to stay healthy they simply need a standard. Even if that is Silverlight 'opened up' , then at last everyone meets in the middle.

Then of course, 'that bag of hurt' will be less and thus save the web for walled in Apple users too.

It's the '90s all over again: Apple repeats mistakes as low-cost tablets pile up

Alan Denman

You gotta have faith but Only You. Ain't That I'm taking the Michael, Vince?

Apple have such faith in their OS systems its a one way trip to no return !

So what happens if IOS 7 grows on you like an ugly turd ?

Island-hopping Beardy Branson: I'm dodging rain, not taxes

Alan Denman

pay your taxes here then?

Someone like Branson will not normally be resident anywhere for more than 6 months of the year.

However, probably like selling his estate sale to the kids, money always chases money .

He ain't changed so I certainly do not expect him to serve the UK

Swap your old iPhone for a new one, Tim Cook tells British fanbois

Alan Denman

4 what it is worth

Apple only pay what they think it is worth.

What fools will pay is obviously a separate issue.

Dear Apple: Want to stay in business? Make an iPhone people can afford

Alan Denman

Treat them mean, keep them keen.

If Apple ever brings out a smartphone with a competitive functionality and screen quality it will be seen as sign of failure.

Treat them mean and they will always be wanting next years model.

Or is it last years Android model, what with the 2014 iPhone sounding suspiciously like a Nexus 7 clone?

Apple ban win: Now you can't buy Samsung gear no one was buying

Alan Denman

Will Samsung 'Bounce Back' ?

Well bounce back is so revolutionary it is patented so everything 'hangs by a thread'.

Quick Samsung, grab the 'hangs by a thread' patent.

Billionaire dumps Apple stock because Steve Jobs was 'really awful' guy

Alan Denman

The Jobs word was just another piece of marketing

Jobs, Retina, Thin, Ives and 64 bit.

All are simply part of the hard sell. and meaningless when isolated.

Microsoft Surface 2 fondleslabs finally get off ground with airline order

Alan Denman

ve have many vays of kontrolling you

Quite obviously, employees are locked out of messing it up.

Sadly the lifetime paywall experience is no no for those of us used to better.

Google: Thanks for the billions in revenue, UK. Here are your taxes, that's ... £11m

Alan Denman

£11.2m more than Apple !

Yes, Amazon, Google and Apple are all scumbags

The more worrying thing is that our politicians might well be corrupt.

The 'heads in sand' from the lot of them is so scarily inept that workfare has almost become the solution !

'200 million' fanbois using iOS 7 just a week after release - study

Alan Denman

Haters hit the boot camp .....

and there is no way back.

That's how you deal with dissent, give them zero choice. Tails permanently between their legs, they are owned forever because they simply have zero choice.

Slavery has never been such fun.

Apple: Now that you've updated to iOS 7... YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK

Alan Denman

The experience is nicer.....

We have the no going back way of making it so.

This way there is no point in moaning so everyone just makes the best of a sometimes bad lot.

Anyway, those who hated IOS 6 the most got to drive off cliffs and into aeroplanes.

Apple named in criminal lawsuit over Premier League–streaming app

Alan Denman

Kingpins are always responsible

Obviously with Apple the monopoly proprietary hardware they cannot claim 'free market' or anything such like that applies elsewhere.

SO its more far than always 30% guilty.

Verizon finally drags FCC into court fisticuffs to end one-speed internet for all

Alan Denman

The suits usually win.

No surprise really,

its the same with apps, the guys wearing the suits usually win.

What is sort of surprising that we still have an internet.

Microsoft's $7.1bn Nokia gobble: Why you should expect the unexpected

Alan Denman

There is only one big selling Windows phone - Nokia

Yes patents do matter. They win you the right to bankrupt everyone with lawyer and court fees.

Poor HTC, they might as well quit the Windows game right now.

iPhone rises, Android slips in US, UK

Alan Denman

Anyone know what the partial data says?

Well,I'd like to add some points but the data is so select, obscure and limited I can't add anything up.

Yet one small point though may be that unlike the rest off the world, the UK is still being led by the US.

'Silent' staff stood by as £100m BBC IT project tanked – DG

Alan Denman

Financially removed

Fact is that the more you pay the hierarchy the less responsible they really become.

Yes, they do get forced to resign, but usually via pension payments and a fat cheque and another fat cat post awaiting.

So will yet another independent review committee will be well paid. I expect so, that being an fat cat ass kissing industry in itself.

Firefox takes top marks in browser stability tests

Alan Denman

IE = play nowhere

In the world of internet gadgets its best avoid those with little in the rest of the world.

So Firefox both wins and plays anywhere. It would even play in IOS but for that big 2 fingers 'NOT WELCOME' sign hanging on that other web door.

Fanbois taught to use Apple's new killer app: Microsoft Windows

Alan Denman

Apple and Microsoft are quite hip these days.

Joined at the hip that is.

Having a mutual enemy makes for being best of friends.

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak disses Ashton Kutcher's Steve Jobs

Alan Denman

From out of that room came the future.

"Nobody really knows what happened in the rooms."

Throughout APple history, small snippets from that room have been used to shape the fanboy herd.

And boy, does it work.

How much will Apple cough for ebook conspiracy? Trial starts May 2014

Alan Denman

not the messiah

............a naughty naughty boy

Peak Apple? HOGWASH! Apple is 'extremely undervalued,' says Icahn

Alan Denman

as iffy as they are what about the rest

yes, in hard times Apple is a safe haven.

Those billions can make them into useful vulture fund, and as we well know they do not buy high.

Mobe-slurping Wi-Fi SPY BINS banned from London's streets

Alan Denman

Caught a tadpole - leave the tracking to the experts.

Is that Apple IOS 'last 400 visitors' still available then?.

They got rid of your lifetime tracking but their crowd sourced router database was still free last time I knew.

Google vans also slurped the data too, Clever Appke never even had to get out of their US bed.

Apple wins Samsung import ban, loses 'Battle of Rounded Corners II'

Alan Denman

Foss is having an orgasm on this one.

From the bbc new report "The noose is tightening. Apple step by step actually is gaining leverage against Samsung.Florian Mueller Foss Patents"

That Sick old Pant certainly likes his paid shrills.

Alan Denman

Obama timing so so imperfect

I was the anonymous coward who mentioned the winning plot of the Apple ban.

saying "I suspect this is done to make any coming protectionist Samsung ban appear fair play.

The timing is so so suspect."

You could see tit for tat judgements coming.They simply do not act alone in these crazy Apple wars.

You fucked up Obama.

Apple returns to courtroom once again to contest ebook shafting

Alan Denman

Re: APple only have hate?

So, have you nothing positive to say about Apple?

Here we go again: Apple gets second bite in ITC Moto patent spat

Alan Denman

Re: thoroughly done more like it.

we all loved the thoroughness of that elected head of jury.

What a hoot.

Apple: Of course we stalk your EVERY move. iOS 7 has a new map to prove it

Alan Denman

Re: Catch 22 - iPhone GPS so useless it only works with wifi augmentation

"Turning off cellular data does, but that's common to many aGPS devices"

Nope, elsewhere GPS works fine in Airplane mode. I can therefore extend that to 'lost up shitcreek without a paddle nor much battery left'.

Alan Denman

Re: Catch 22 - iPhone GPS so useless it only works with wifi augmentation

"iPhone GPS is perfectly usable, but WiFi detection can improve location"

Usable is the word, by limits of use it still comes across as being stupidly crap compared to the rest.

Yeh, wifi and networks help get a fast fix but that is no use if you are out there lost up shit creek without a paddle

Alan Denman

Catch 22 - iPhone GPS so useless it only works with wifi augmentation

Those location services can be turned off on Android and you can still use the GPS.

Apparently, if you turn it off on IOS the lights go out on the GPS too !

What crap is that?

Wow! British Gas bungs a million remote-controlled sales-droids in UK homes

Alan Denman

A Fat cat 'sod the secutity and your local economy'

So whilst this may make you a target for thieves checking you are away from home, more local jobs will be gone forever just to feed the greed of those millionaires in the sky.

Apple KILLER decloaked? Google lovingly unboxes Nexus 7 Android 4.3 slablette

Alan Denman

"How come a small $269 fondle slab has better screen resolution than most laptops costing up to, and over, £1000?"

It is about giving us something we really need relative to our spend.

It just ain't like your very average Macbook Air. No Intel tax and a small hope for Asus, no diamond encrustment for Tim Cook's bath taps somewhere 'Bermuda with shamrock'.

Add why shouldn't the quality f what we see match our 1080p TV sets or top end laptops?

Titsup Apple Developer Centre mystery: Database interloper fingered

Alan Denman

'On the run'

The white hat hacker was probably 'on the run'' and panicked.

Expecting to be living it up no expense spared while helping them fix it, instead he sat there waiting a police raid!

How would you react?

Alan Denman

Hilarious transparency.

so they took it down Thursday for 'maintenance' with the intruder still 'out there'.

Saturday they panic, not knowing what they are doing.

Sunday the 'intruder' also panics knowing his security reports are what did it.

Obviously he might know more than the Apple technicians so why was he not flown in as an advisor immediately? I admire the Apple plan of attack to distract from what now looks like technical incompetence.

Smartwatch makers: You need apps to beat Apple

Alan Denman

Watch = notification system

Android with it's superior notification system an easy link into a standardised bluetooth smartwatch.

I hope Google will enhance bluetooth notifications to make existing and new developers very happy.

Intel flogging Atoms for belated push into mobile market

Alan Denman

the good and bad

the good news is that Intel and Microsoft have removed the 1024x800 Windows Starter wuth a maximum of a 10" screen restriction.

However they now seem to have locked the firmware so that it gets to be obsolete far sooner.

So no standard booting to Linux.Android or even OS/X.

You, Google. Get back here and bend over again - EU antitrust chief

Alan Denman

Two tribes go to war.

"The competitors claim that Google shafts them in search results, Google claims it does not, they just appear lower because their websites are crap"

Wasn't this every user's experience until Apple went tribal?

Irish gov refuses to haul Google, Apple into MPs' tax inquiry

Alan Denman

Re: Much ado about nothing

We pay our pennies, they save their billions, we become penniless slaves, them locusts then move one.

Nothing amazing to see.