Apple make a level playing field......
for parts manufacturing contractors.
So the quality is set at a more middling level than the high end stuff in both LG phones and Nexus tablets.
1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008
Apple did a very late about turn and realised they would be a laughing stock when they released their planned low resolution A7 Mini.
Obviously supply is constrained, suppliers have only just started making them.
But at least you get something better than that ridiculously cheap 1024 x 768 original.
"But the he feels W3C is making a major mistake in not specifying the exact form of DRM that can be used, which could leave browser manufacturers having to deal with competing and possibly incompatible systems."
If the web is to stay healthy they simply need a standard. Even if that is Silverlight 'opened up' , then at last everyone meets in the middle.
Then of course, 'that bag of hurt' will be less and thus save the web for walled in Apple users too.
If Apple ever brings out a smartphone with a competitive functionality and screen quality it will be seen as sign of failure.
Treat them mean and they will always be wanting next years model.
Or is it last years Android model, what with the 2014 iPhone sounding suspiciously like a Nexus 7 clone?
Fact is that the more you pay the hierarchy the less responsible they really become.
Yes, they do get forced to resign, but usually via pension payments and a fat cheque and another fat cat post awaiting.
So will yet another independent review committee will be well paid. I expect so, that being an fat cat ass kissing industry in itself.
Is that Apple IOS 'last 400 visitors' still available then?.
They got rid of your lifetime tracking but their crowd sourced router database was still free last time I knew.
Google vans also slurped the data too, Clever Appke never even had to get out of their US bed.
I was the anonymous coward who mentioned the winning plot of the Apple ban.
saying "I suspect this is done to make any coming protectionist Samsung ban appear fair play.
The timing is so so suspect."
You could see tit for tat judgements coming.They simply do not act alone in these crazy Apple wars.
You fucked up Obama.
"iPhone GPS is perfectly usable, but WiFi detection can improve location"
Usable is the word, by limits of use it still comes across as being stupidly crap compared to the rest.
Yeh, wifi and networks help get a fast fix but that is no use if you are out there lost up shit creek without a paddle
"How come a small $269 fondle slab has better screen resolution than most laptops costing up to, and over, £1000?"
It is about giving us something we really need relative to our spend.
It just ain't like your very average Macbook Air. No Intel tax and a small hope for Asus, no diamond encrustment for Tim Cook's bath taps somewhere 'Bermuda with shamrock'.
Add why shouldn't the quality f what we see match our 1080p TV sets or top end laptops?
so they took it down Thursday for 'maintenance' with the intruder still 'out there'.
Saturday they panic, not knowing what they are doing.
Sunday the 'intruder' also panics knowing his security reports are what did it.
Obviously he might know more than the Apple technicians so why was he not flown in as an advisor immediately? I admire the Apple plan of attack to distract from what now looks like technical incompetence.