* Posts by Alan Denman

1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008

Apple files foul-up-fixing patent for fumbling slab-fondling flubbers

Alan Denman

All your software belongs to Apple.

Every programmer who writes similar tricks on a daily basis is more into the claws of Apple.

Don't you dare think, Apple's got all thoughts patented.

Plastic iPhone 5Cs? Nah, we'll flog India our OLD iPhone 4 models - report

Alan Denman

Obviously 'Made in Rumania'.

I wondered what would happen to all that dead horse.

Ban-dodging Mac Pro to hit Blighty's shops as Apple bows to fan fears

Alan Denman
Thumb Down

So 4K at 6 grand.

They will sell you the matching 4K monitor making for a minimum outlay of £6000.

It could be worthwhile to get away from a competing pair of Dells at £1000 total.

£5000 to get a way from Windows 8 is a bargain in my books.

AT&T's sponsored data plan: Who, us, violating net neutrality?

Alan Denman

How the Web was won.

This is the path to full control of the internet.

Its the is the end of the World Wide Web.

Few will venture outside the walled garden once it costs.

Connecting Gmail to Google+ is SENSELESS, says Digg founder

Alan Denman

Android is the mistake

I'm not sure about the wisdom of inventing Android.

Only if they had known everything Google is now the enemy.

Even DuckDuckGo, that Microsoft stealth weapon is striking it lucky in the arena of hate.

Alan Denman

Yet he dig his own grave with Microsoft

the demise of Digg came a year or 2 after switching from Google to Microsoft.

The value plummeted from 100's of millions down to a single digit value .

So what does this guy know about sense?

Intel and Asus put the dual boot in, offer 2-in-1 lapslab WinDroid

Alan Denman

Seems Asus is a bit different

Looking at it again, the Asus one, Asus have simply removed their cut down quick start web browsing Linux and replaced it with Android.Quite obviously its cheaper Celeron ones that people will end up buying.

It looks quite out of place on an I7.

Asus have always been disruptivly innovative.

Sadly they also get tamed far too quickly by Microsoft and Intel. Lets see how this one pans out.

Apple, Samsung get a room to settle patent war. Forgive us if we don't hold our breath

Alan Denman

All a costly game

The ruse has worked very well in selling mid range technology at a higher price.

Perception is everything. In the end costs are always paid for by the general public due to lack of competitive technical innovation.

Qualcomm chief: Why is China probing us? We haven't a clue

Alan Denman

just luck then?

I assume predatory pricing has quickly moved them to a near monopoly in the west.

Don't forget Intel did something very strong arm similar with AMD. Even when a pre-decline AMD had the better CPU product hardly anyone would dare use them

Apple asks judge to axe ebook price-fixing watchdog

Alan Denman

"Not like me"

anyone else noticed that whenever Apple's case is extra weak so many posts seem to start 'I'm not normally in support of Apple but..' ?

So it is just like you, and you and you and you.

Hong Kong to welcome planet's second EVER Bitcoin ATM

Alan Denman

Off their rocker

the wise ploy was always to wait for some unknown artist to die and big him up.

South sea bubble spells disaster. One wrong move and everyone leap sideways into the safe hands of wungcoin or maybe one of the thousands of other bits coining in.

Dell confirms Chromebook for Blighty

Alan Denman

a token offering meant to be ugly?

like their hidden overpriced Linux laptops,

as likely as not this will be a token offering to show they are not hotly in league with Microsoft.

And we customers want all things to progress to dual or even triple boot, not master slave virtualisation.

Apple: C'mon, flick on iBeacon. Let us track you. You'll get BADGES

Alan Denman

switch it on?

I guess I was mistaken.

I thought iSpam was to be turned on by default.

Zombies simply don't mind.

Snapchat vows to shut its hole in wake of 4.6 million user data breach

Alan Denman

Re: What I don't get...

and that might contain bollo*ks.

Fools do not realise it is a very simple process to copy all Snapchat pics.

So your might well be sending those testy pics to the whole world.

AT&T takes aim at T-Mobile with $450 cashback lure

Alan Denman

Keeping the pricing upwards.

And yes, any fool who falls for this bait help prevent competition.

Always best to go with those who really compete, not those who try to plug leakage.

Alan Denman

Looking over their shoulder.

Those high prices are causing consternation in the states.

They might need to at least show they are competing to stem price fixing accusations.

Britain's costliest mistake? Lord Stern defends his climate maths

Alan Denman

Learn to swim friends.

Quite obviously it is much cheaper to just let everyone drown everyone in Kent.

HTC: Shipping Android updates is harder than you think – here's why

Alan Denman

Re: And that's the big problem in the mobile world

Yes, they would surely love to have the very low cost scenario of Apple.

That added cost of always having to compete by massively improving new hardware in the phone is a big customer win though. Not everyone wants to pay 500 bucks for 'mutton dressed as lamb'.

Alan Denman

Leak it!

Far far better would be them simply 'accidentally leaking it'.

That way the support costs vanish.

The term 'update' is only sometimes an 'upgrade'. Updates really can cripple your gadget. And for some poor suckers it is a permanent thing.

Get lost, fanbois: Nokia pulls HERE Maps from Apple's App Store

Alan Denman

A cure for cross platform appiness

So quite obviously they all want us penned in or I'm Arthur Write..

Google BLASTS BACK at Apple, Microsoft, Sony in Android patent WAR

Alan Denman

That 'cartel' problem yet again.

People on the whole gravitate to the most innovative technology.

With this endless innovation costing both big money and market share, Apple and Microsoft(aka Nokia) see litigation as far more worthwhile.

That reality also extends to this dirty, once stagnant patent pool.

Note-jotting and mapapp firms VANISH into Apple's MAW

Alan Denman

Premature map ejaculation

Knowing full well maps are out of fashion, you have really jumped the gun here.

10 xmas lashes for you boys. As we know, any map speakeasy is still waiting for the OK from Apple.

Feuding fanbois in a flap over piracy haven in new iOS 7 jailbreak tool

Alan Denman

No fuss.

IOS users have, on the whole, become very institutionalised, so I doubt there will be much fuss.

Cyanogen grabs $23m, will ship mod-installed N1 smartmobe on Xmas Eve

Alan Denman

Another nice job,Another nice job,Another nice job

The forums were always full of congratulations and compliments when any new ROM is released.

You then have to delve through hundreds of those 'great, super' comments to realise that GPS and Bluetooth do not work, etc etc etc

Once bitten, twice shy.

ARM server chip upstart Calxeda bites the dust in its quest for 64-bit glory

Alan Denman

Right idea, wrong country.

Too many enemies over there stifled growth and development?

Saying that, WTH was it doing bigging up on directors.

Not exactly cutting edge that !

Proposed California law demands anti-theft 'kill switch' in all smartphones

Alan Denman

Political sponsorship at its worst?

Protectionist idiots and maybe NSA sponsored.

The disguise is now wearing far too thin.

Australia rebukes Apple for 'false or misleading representations'

Alan Denman

Yes, Aussies have gone all soft.

Real men are glad to know that when we eat our steak and kidney pie, that scrumptious kidney might just have got someone an iPhone.

Statutory rights, warranties and stuff like that are for softies.

Android antivirus apps CAN'T kill nasties on sight like normal AV - and that's Google's fault

Alan Denman

Out of sight out of (your) mind?

The flip-side of that coin is that where AV is barred you are at the mercy of supreme controller and his skills.

It may surely happen one day that Apple will be made liable when all them 'forced ignorant' users get stung.

Qualcomm pleads innocence as Chinese regulators turn the screw

Alan Denman

Creating dependency?

"Qualcomm continued by arguing that thanks to its chips Chinese companies have grown to become “among the top manufacturers in the mobile industry”.

Reads like a dope dependency strategy.

The new Intel?

It's true, the START MENU is coming BACK to Windows 8, hiss sources

Alan Denman

They are simply copying Apple's consumer dictat.

Quite obviously, as far as the consumer goes, the PC is to become history.

Looks to me like Linux's time has now come.

Apple's spamtastic iBeacon retail alerts launch with Frisco FAIL

Alan Denman

Re: iAd support at its best.

Like I said, they are just like " the rest of them evil companies".

Yet indeed it is obvious that I am not enamoured enough to be an iDonor.

Alan Denman

iAd support at its best.

The great thing about Apple devices is that, in being ad supported, you get to contribute to that off shore tax dodging fund forever.

Skimming the UK dry like the rest of them evil companies. Obviously, it makes for a few more well paid sycophants in power.

EC antitrust cops raid offices of Philips, Samsung, others

Alan Denman

Reads wrong..

in that restricting products and price is what Apple does.

So methinks we only have half the story. The dots do not join.

Microsoft: C'mon, you can trust us... look at our gov spook-busting plans

Alan Denman

The three-pronged plan .......

Microsoft have likely detailed this three-pronged plan.

a) Scream about Google and privacy.

b) Ensure companies like Adobe avoid Google like a Flash.

c) Sue hardware companies who use Google software in any way they can.

Only light encryption is needed there.

Lightning strikes USB bosses: Next-gen jacks will be REVERSIBLE

Alan Denman

USB = Unlikely to Satisfy those with Blinkers

Not for the Apple crowd I'm afraid.

Universality bad, garden duties good..

Apple patents facial recognition tech for mobile log-in

Alan Denman

Apple get my prize patent award for ' fucked up world'.

It is all about 'Screw everyone , all the common people belong to us'.

More drizzle from a Cupertino brain shower session.

MPs back call to boycott low-taxed tat from Amazon over Xmas

Alan Denman



you are very creative with your truth.

You will get the very same truth talk from right wing politicians bigging up a free market . The consequences of this is an eventual $1 an hour wages for the majority.

Alan Denman

The only way is to ban them!

Sadly, we all vote with our wallets.

Their really needs to be a n 'ethical trading law'.

This should be "Obey or Get out '.

Fat-walleted execs? Nope, it's a corporate tax swerve that REALLY ticks Brits off

Alan Denman

Too right !

Yes indeed. Those execs sort of own the company so any 'short term' business that employ scum give away the right to ransack.

But scum like Amazon, Apple, eBay and Google do not have the right to ransack British coffers.

And are scum politicians lining their own pocket in support?

Solar enthusiasts rays idea of 'leccy farms on MOON, drones

Alan Denman


How about sponsoring sending Npower and that Cameron crony up to the moon.

Anyone want to power it via kickstart ?

Moto G: Google's KitKat bruiser could knock out, bury Landfill Android

Alan Denman

720p is the new low end. Its a quick and 'Ready' HD..

Tech moves forwards and this is middle end at best.

So what if they other company prefers permanent a pesudo post war rationing system on their small lower end goods..

Sinclair's FORGOTTEN Australia-only micro revealed!

Alan Denman

One for the 'Archive'.

Well, that sent things back to dee base.

Samsung hauls in chiefs for 'CRISIS awareness' confab – report

Alan Denman

'get your kit out for the lads' ain't cool anymore

Apparently cheap to make low resolution screens and smaller chips inside are now in.

Price stays the same. Its cool to donate and we don't need mega tech from our spend money.

Fancy that?

NSA installed '50,000 malware sleeper cells' in world computer networks

Alan Denman

No mention of which PCs and which systems.

Must be Microsoft then !

Leaked MS ad video parodies Chrome as surveillance tech

Alan Denman

Quack Quack

Meanwhile I'll use DuckDuckGo .

Who use Microsoft Bing.

Quack quack quack.

Alan Denman

What's hiding under the bonnet Microsoft?

Sorry, can't say, our software is proprietary produced in Israel.

arf arf.

Wintel must welcome Androitel and Chromtel into cosy menage – Intel

Alan Denman

Antitrust is lip service. Anything can happen.

The AMD Intel things was lip service by the whole WinTel alliance.

Anti-trust, it surely will revert back to 'let's all pretend there is some competition'.

Apple Schill-er: 'I was shocked - SHOCKED! They went and copied the iPhone'

Alan Denman

The day of the lesser spotted iPhone.

I get the impression that Apple fans are wanting some of this money spent on them rather than making do with old standard Retina phones.

Apple simply want to halt innovation and give us the same 'old before their time' phone products.