* Posts by Alan Denman

1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008

CEO Tim Cook sweeps Apple's inconvenient truths under a solar panel

Alan Denman

re Apple was regularly slammed by Greenpeace

Yet everyone slams Greenpeace now.

No wonder they need Apple as a friend!


Sony battery recall as VAIO goes out with a bang, not a whimper

Alan Denman

Coming to a sealed device near you soon?

As all sealed phones, tabets and laptops get older I really do expect something to blow !

Apple to flush '£37bn' down the bog if it doesn't flog cheapo slabtops

Alan Denman

BTW 'supplemental' = crap

Obvious really. It is a word for selling something useless or hardly needed.

Alan Denman

Is this a joke, of course they will do it.

Bizarre headline grabber.

They ain't even brought out their phablet yet, there simply ain;t any rush if they are grabbing the billions selling the wrong product!

Of course sales of tablets will die next year but giving consumers options is not the way to long term fortune.

They might just opt out.

Google teases more modular smartphone details in run-up to dev meet-up

Alan Denman

A secure PC in your pocket?

If the keyboard, screen etc are the crypto key I could see this working very well.

We could even have a secondary module at home as auto-backup but their heads are in the cloud away from practicality.

The traditional PC needs this to fail.

Alan Denman

Going nowhere?

I can't see this being in Lenovos interests to go far so Moto now says no ?

Abandoning standardisation is the way to keep reselling everything to us fools. So this concept has business problems.

Judge strikes down Apple attempt to bar Samsung's 'untrue' patent comments

Alan Denman

If Apple had gone for Google instead would that patriotic flag be waving as strong?

An interesting question considering Apple has also played the race card on this one.

Its was also very funny race card appointing Koh in the first place. Unlike others, she continually has to prove her impartiality whilst also proving she is 'American'. Koh cannot win on that one yet rightly gets ridiculed.

Final Windows XP Patch Tuesday will plug Word RTF vuln

Alan Denman

re "said that holdout XP users will be moving onto dangerous ground "

Windows full stop is "dangerous ground".

You really can't go somewhere you already belong.

From most dangerous to least we have Windows, OS/X, IOS, Android and then Linux.

Yet Android is the pet sheep project for our media. I really wonder why.

Intel uncloaks next-gen 'Braswell' Atom, 64-bit Android KitKat kernel

Alan Denman

64 on XP is just too bitty

Considering most XP kit is 32 bit as is most owned Atom, it is all about selling new chipsets.

Wanna attend Apple's June developers' shindig? Ask yourself, 'Do I feel lucky?'

Alan Denman

Suckers everywhere...

They even do all the advertising work for free.

Madness. If you don't work them hard you certainly wont get anything sweet..

ICANN boss: 'Russia and China will NOT take over interwebs'

Alan Denman

No control = easy to control you.

Screwing it up fast means the walled garden app becomes the norm.

No internet = no free speech = corporate joy,

Big business hates the internet.US loves big business.

Join the dots.

Putin and pals dump Apple's iPads for Samsung slabs... over security concerns

Alan Denman

Proprietary loose canon code is all accidental?

No flies on Apple.

Bad code is simply bad code. Yet its the open heavily perused stuff that gets talked down in the west.

Funny that.

Apple iOS 8 'will put end' to crap map app rap flap misery

Alan Denman

Silly fuckers buy it when it dinnit even work...

methinks Apple sales will go into orbit when they finally sell something that works.

Or is it the supreme crapness that is the fatal attraction?

Microsoft courts mobe-makers, tweaks Windows 8 for WIMPs

Alan Denman

The short and curlies

Well maybe some will be happier being caught by the short and curlies?

Real competition ain't that good for long term business..

Google's paid link settlement plan will lead to fresh wave of abuses, claims Euro rival

Alan Denman

Highly ranked officals - by Microsoft


likely the very same ones who allowed Microsoft to monopoly bundle Windows with almost every PC that came into existence.

Brit boffins brew up blight-resistant FRANKENSPUD

Alan Denman

What will GreenPiss have to say about this?

Well, I bet there will be no Peace when that green between the ears lot has to think about their own actions.

Apple Mac Pro: It's a death star, not a nappy bin, OK?

Alan Denman

The answer to the universe is 99?

There might just have been a grand total of 99 pre-orders.

So rather than admit no one is will to pay even sillier money, maybe that wait is just artificial one.

Of course far more likely it is still Beta like.

EC officials voice doubts about Almunia's planned Google settlement deal

Alan Denman

A lobbyist lobbying nightmare.

When Microshaft hits the mix nothing quite makes sense.

SCRAP the TELLY TAX? Ancient BBC Time Lords mull Beeb's future

Alan Denman

Subscription = how far do you want to fall ?

As an optional subscription service those 'opting in' well end up paying same money for half the service.

The problem being that with half the service even more may drop out so you could then end up at 'pay double' for half the service.

Of course the top brass will find it attractive for its 'big bucks bonus culture'.

Google to banish mobe-makers using old Androids: report

Alan Denman

Better than shutting out users like Apple does.

It is new (old)hardware getting shut out, not apps like happens with IOS 6 etc.

If you have your iDevice functioning like it used to, then there are no new apps available.

One good thing from the Flappy Birds crapp flap: It's a handy 'tech' media rating system

Alan Denman

A chicken and egg conundrum.........,

...............yet most tech journalists appear to be in an embryonic state

'No, I CAN'T write code myself,' admits woman in charge of teaching our kids to code

Alan Denman

Much of it is barking mad

Complex coding is just a branch of maths logic.

If the kids ain't yet competent at maths they ain't really going to be coding !

Nokia to launch low-cost Android phone this month – report

Alan Denman

Nickname the 'Snide Phone' ?

So is this the very first Android launch wit the cannibalistic intent of destroying Android?

I'd imagine so. There's a dirty war already taking place.

California takes a shot at mobile 'killswitch' mandate

Alan Denman

What is the Filofax method?

Some form of spontaneous combustion switch maybe?

Apple RESURRECTS the iPhone 4: report

Alan Denman

New refurbished?

ssshhh, don;t tell anyone.

Apple is selling cheap phones.

Why not, they likely only cost $35 to make.

Google will dodge EU MONSTER FINES by 'promoting' rival search services

Alan Denman

Re: Why? - tweaks its contents in order to improve its Duck Duck Go ranking,

Surely, any site tweaking for Yahoo Bing will achieve that !

Alan Denman

Free adverts wanted !

"But an unnamed complainant in the case told The Register that serious niggles remained because competitors were still required to pay Google for inclusion in some of Google's results."

Seems a solution to auction off 3 lots of ads. That other problem of Google being the best and staying so through gravity of users is a whole different issue. Microsoft once had gravity, Amazon maybe does and likely so does Facebook.

Google strikes deal with EU competition chief over abuse of search dominance claims

Alan Denman


People seem to be telling you to BingGoBing these days,

Quack quack Bing.

Alan Denman

No victory - most claims are just part of the negative marketing tactics.

Microsoft's claims are mainly negative marketing, MS themselves are guilty of real monopoly abuse.

Yet natural gravity also does means Google have a monopoly in results driven search.

That is the problem and not abuse. Microsoft are simply feeling abused via Chromebooks, Android and Google search.

ARM posts sterling revenue growth, but moneymen spank it anyway

Alan Denman

ARM were out manouvered.

Most marketing has gone into promoting older chips at ARMS expense.

With little take up of the much faster Cortex A15, ARM themselves got forced to go backwards in launching the likes of the A12.

As supposed partners of big American corporations they certainly look a bit brow beaten.

Democrats introduce net neutrality legislation in Senate and House

Alan Denman

Peasants versus Corps

As said, the consumer pays.

Anyway, corporations fell out of love with net neutrality when the iPad came along.

The Democrats are fighting a losing battle.

Yahoo! Mail! users! change! your! passwords! NOW!

Alan Denman

Software companies gone soft!

There ain't many of the big guys left who ain't been hacked.

The bigger you get the harder you fall.

Google helps out utterly underexposed Lego brand with Chrome toy

Alan Denman

Game risk.

WebGL runs OpenGL ES 2.0

So it maybe has as much risk as any game that relies on the GPU, that being nearly all games.

Apple and Android split Santa's stash, go on Xmas PC and tab high

Alan Denman

A Sterling cliff hanger

With all that lucre now gone to an off-shore haven instead of the exchequer, globally Sterling edges ever towards the cliffs of Dover

Want a touch-friendly solar-powered laptop? Apple just patented it

Alan Denman

Re: Sure smells like apple innovation in here

Most of the stuff is already being made.

They just sent advance notice that all your sales belong to US.

Stephen Fry rewrites computer history again: This time it's serious

Alan Denman

Two stupids don't make a right.

Whilst it is pretty weird that Fry tells us about technology its just as stupid to see stupidity when that stupidity ain't there this time.

Apple declares war on PAYPAL: Pay-by-bonk + iTunes = profit, right?

Alan Denman

The US to leave the dark ages of NO chip and pin

Obviously they have agreement to finally move the US forward into thew 21st century, encompassing NFC.

The backward cartels have no doubt said YES

A BBC-by-subscription 'would be richer', MPs told

Alan Denman

50% at twice the price

Some will go without.

Some will go BT only.

Some will go Sky only.

Therefore at a positive 50% takeup, those buying will have to pay near £300 for the same service.

Apple punts patches for holes in Pages and OS X, Windows iTunes

Alan Denman

Pawned for how long?

I recall that Google Pawn prize was given for a hole in Webkit which Google fixed a month or so later.

Apple waited near 12 months so how long this time?

I sometimes assume its because the 'good guys', that being security services are a main user of exploits.

Icahn slurps another $500m in Apple shares, demands buyback AGAIN

Alan Denman

Its not their money.


There are only fanboys, you're a pretend owner mate.

Get used to it!

Apple: That 'white screen of death' nightmare? We'll fix it... AT SOME POINT

Alan Denman

The Apple Time Machine.

When its good we get to know, when its crap it gets long term stored at the Tardis like depot.

North Korea eat your heart out !


Bored with patent trolls? Small fry - prepare for the Design Trolls

Alan Denman

Most of it is fucked

Pardon the language but simple software solution that have been actioned by most software engineers are now getting patented.

Even worse is the fact that new media calls it an 'invention'.

NO, it is just an extremely corrupted patent system.

You software engineers are going to be patented into oblivion !

Virgin Media's 'little(ish)' book of deals contained BIG FIBS, rules ad watchdog

Alan Denman

All are lies.

In that supposed name of competition out watchdog is usually a poodle.

These companies should not be allowed to the compulsory unbundle line rental from the price.

Seems to me our watchdog is as useless as Ofcom.

Bing Maps COCKUP: Oracle UK HQ is 'Elvis Impersonators' joint

Alan Denman

Bing for OS

As said Bing is great for OS maps.

Now where is that Sustrans cycle layer?

Come on Sustrans, get charitable.

Amazon's 'schizophrenic' open source selfishness scares off potential talent, say insiders

Alan Denman

2014, the year of the "Locust movement"?

In the good old days the top companies were the benevolent tax paying loved authorities.

Now we have corporates out to own the whole world.

Many in tech seems to have joined that 'Locust Movement'.

Tax avoiding feats are another Amazon speciality.

Amazon patents caches for physical goods

Alan Denman

Now what do we eat?

Apparently Tesco will have to close down next week.

It is their cache of food that infringes.

Obvious innit.

Take that, BT: Vodafone and BSkyB mull over broadband tie-up - report

Alan Denman

Capacity removal ?

Obviously, if the mobile networks join up to supply mobile telly, then there is little network to sell.

Luckily for them they can double up with 'price rises for all'.

This may means that duplicate LLUs will be removed at the BT bit so again it may mean less competition.

Java bug burns Borg

Alan Denman

blame it on China ?

when the US went their usual sly protectionist way and accused China of having backdoors the US meant 'it ain't got our backdoors'.

Java, Android were THE wide-open barn doors of security in 2013 - report

Alan Denman

Nein Nein Percent IOS

Meanwhile 99.9% of all IOS malware lies undiscovered.

Ve have de garden vay of making that AV detector software naff off !

Apple fanbois make it 'official', hook up with Internet of Fridges Things

Alan Denman

INTRANET of things

Whilst some could argue it might also be 'internet of Thing', Intranet of things really applies to Apple.

That walled garden is an Intranet.