Please stop promoting scams; have some journalistic integrity!
El Reg, have you no shame?
Has it come to this? Clickbait and eyeball-scrounging?
Will we be getting listicles next? "You won't believe these 10 hot tips to wow your storage admin in the data center"?
This is yet another in the long list of blatant frauds populating IndieGoGo (along with Shiftwear, Fontus, Trtiton, and many others). Devices that claim the physically impossible, but manage to steal millions of dollars because irresponsible journalists like you fail to ask even the most basic questions before hyping them to the world. Or, perhaps worse, choose not to ask those questions because you want ad impressions.
Show some journalistic integrity, Ms. Quatch! Delete this article. And check out, or simply engage your brain, before posting things like this in the future.