* Posts by Jacob

2 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008

Google waves Occam's Razor at web coders


Number of searches

My google page just keeps loading more searches as I scroll down. Hence no increased latency to get the first results.

Its not a "Default" search, as it is an option in the "customise google" add-on for Firefox called "Stream search result pages", but I really don't see how it could be a bad thing to arrange their searches like this overall.

PETA offers $1m for test tube chicken


Done and Done


Massive seeding of the oceans with photosynthetic algae. (There is no requirement in your competition that I have to actually do it, just "find a way").

Waits patiently for money to be transferred...


Insulin was the first protein to be produced from bacterial vat cultures to be purified and sold in a commercial environment. We have been producing it without the help of animals for decades. (Other than that, nice call!)