Breaking news from el reg
Hope he feels better soon.
PS Reg, GJ on keeping the community up-to-date.
29 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Apr 2008
" the RAF some more Chinooks..."
Do you get RSI from pressing the C, H, I, N, O and K keys in the same combination for every article? If they are that abundant go and buy your-self five of them and impress minor celebrities down the pub with your arial tomfoolery.
Black helicopter, well just because.
The exact time of day makes a big difference. A red car in clear conditions in the middle of the day and it will be difficult to get out of. Night time, parked at an angle shielding reflective light surfaces and you will be lucky if you spot it in time.
Maybe he thought he was doing the responsible thing, obviously not a good idea, but I know I would try and call someone to warn them that I had left my car in the fast lane of the M1.
M$ always emulate Apple ideas about 2.5 years after dev, it would be interesting if Apple ever come out with a significant feature, that is user driven and very difficult to run on a Windows platform.
Of course I don't know what would fit the bill, but I would love to know if M$ have sleepless nights about the day they can no longer photocopy?
I'll take the coat that hasn't been done to death.
... at a difficult press conference;
[Google exec] Today all you questions will be answered by our new press office (Press officer ALPA) via VIOP.
[Press] How do you feel about the current media representation in of Google's affairs in China?
[Press Officer ALPA] *static noise* This is POA, commencing run. *static noise*
[Press] Can I gather from that comment Google is on the run from these allegations? *nervous laughter*
[Press Officer ALPA] Target acquired... air speed 400 knots... BLU AWAY, BANK ROLL!
[Press]? *static noise*
Well the UK have just spent [insert amount] on [specify tech]. The USA version of [specify tech] is better than the BAE system of [specify tech] and comes in grey. In summary [specify tech] could have got the hard working school-drop-out front-liners X amount of Chinooks [where x = y (y = ∑ spent on [specify tech]) / 10,300,000)]. Then we could really do Viet- ahem, Afghanistan in style!
If only they would think of the children!
Yes many of you are correct. Lack of cut & paste is abject madness and why the hell haven't they put file vault in the OS + better Cisco VPN backwards compatibility.
But seriously have you tried one? I had the most advanced HP PDA and it seems like a joke next to the iPhone. If they can fix the above your IT staff better get used to them as their bread and butter.
Paris, because she knows when the winds of change are blowing.
My god, Ballmer has acknowledged Apple is doing well, that must mean he is really screwed. M$'s idea of a rival to the iPod was the Zune and their idea of a rival to 10.5 is vista.
Not long now until Ballmer gets committed " WOOO YEAH, WOO I FU*KING LOVE THIS PADDED CELL! WHO SAID SIT DOWN?!?!?"
PS where is the screaming Ballmer icon?
"I bet it was running Windows for Refrigerators"
I made the switch too, but got an iFridge. I can't get as many different meals as your open source fridge, but each one looks fantastic. It never explodes and is 10 times whiter* and shiner than the average fridge.
* Also available in black.
I think the lack of magnetic layer surrounding Mars is part of the problem. A wind made of charged particles very gently blows away atoms of water in the atmosphere (and also the atmosphere it's self). Gravity is an incredibly weak force and over a massive period of time the charged particle wind has slowly removed the water and most of the atmosphere. It doesn't happen to Earth because magnetic shells deflect the charged particle wind around the Earth.
seriously your doing the festival equivalent of Monty Python's Four Yorkshiremen. "When I went to Glastonbury we partied for 3 hours before we got up..."
The super fence was the best thing they did for the festival, crime is practically non existent now in Glastonbury. I'm guessing you're slamming the acts because your tastes are a bit dated, that is fine, most people's tastes get dated as they age.
Glastonbury commercialised? Welcome to the f*cking current era, where people get brand names as tattoos and wars are sponsored by Haliburton.
So how long before the Daily Mail read the "The Tiger Who Came to Tea" (ISBN 0006640613) and consider it an accurate depiction on how immigrants will threaten national food stocks. Reporting on inaccuracies in the Daily Mail is akin to reporting on water content in the Atlantic Ocean.