i'm binning them anyway
I've had them for 2 months and after countless calls to their "support" team they cant explain to me why my talk talk service only sync's at 250-300k downstream, leaving my "service" pretty unusable - I know i live in the back of beyond (3km from the nearest exchange), and this is the reason they put my slow sync speeds down to, Very strange that on previous providers (Demon, IDNet) i'd be getting 1MBit - 1.25MBit speeds. hardly lightning, but at least i had the ability to watch stuff on youtube without having to wait 10 minutes for it download the entire thing first. They don't seem to understand how i was able to achieve working broadband before. My neighbour has BT Broadband and that sync's at around 1MBit, so how do they explain that one? Is it because they are 5 metres closer to the exchange than i am? morons, the lot of them.
The final straw came this morning was when they finally called me back and told me that the problem was with the length of line from the exchange (blah blah) and that they could send a BT engineer out to my property but i would be billed for it at whatever extortionate rate BT have plucked out of the sky.
Take your broadband and stick it.
Though there here was a funny incident after the clocks had changed, and obviously their call centre in mumbai/wherever hadnt worked this out properly. I asked them to call me at 8PM Monday night to perform some line tests etc. Mobile goes off at 7PM and i'm on my way home, "Rupert" from TalkTalk is on the other end wanting to perform these line tests for the umpteenth time. my response was "you are supposed to ring me at 8PM" his response "sorry sir, my previous appointment ran over so it made me late for this one" - WTF.... world time FAIL
Also hearing "Thankyou from your time and patience" a billion times per call to their "support" people really does nothing for my patience