* Posts by Charco

7 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Apr 2008

Brit carrier deals inked at last


Poor Navigation?

Well if they're building the thing in Dunfermline as the article states they may have a bit of bother dragging it a few miles to Rosyth where the MOD base is...

Google tips hat to St George - finally

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@ Liam and @Anonymous Coward

Liam, Tony Blair is Scottish and no-one complained about him...until he *cough* entered and illegal war...

Why should a Scot, as part of a United Kingdom, not be allowed in to the UK Parliament? Does that mean people in Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland should refuse to have an English Prime Minister? Don't be so bloody stupid.

Anonymous Coward, it's not racist in the slightest. Although the Register is a UK website it's also an English one. There's nothing stopping you starting your own petition to Google demanding a St Andrews day one or a Burns Night one.

The logo looks good. Pity it's UK only.



No-one knows who really "invented" TV but John Logie Baird was the first to actually make one work (as opposed to simply having designs and patents). Even then it only recreated crappy face shapes.

Like most technology of that period various countries believe a different person invented it.

Scottish Government scuppers Lewis wind farm plan

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Scots and Gaelic are two different languages completely.

I'm sure it makes you feel important to pick out local terms on internet comments pages...idiot.

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Scotland would do well not to destroy it's main selling point of scenic views/walks. Already there are plans for massive pylons to go through the Highlands and Perthshire ruining views. The simple fact is that Scotland doesn't need these turbines. Yes, you can sell the electricity but then any money made would only make up for money lost from tourism...Come to Scotland and see...eh...some giant wind turbines.

If they want to put Turbines some where then why not put them somewhere without the views? I know folks don't think much of Lewis (I've never been, just seen the postcard views) but I'm sure they still make money from tourism.

If you checked you'd realise Scotland has a pretty much static population apart from fluxuations caused by Eastern Europeans coming and going. Your comment about Scottish people living off benefits is just ignorant. Scottish unemployment is on par with anywhere else in the UK (last year Scottish employment was again higher than the rest of the UK).

Perhaps they should just build a wind farm between Glasgow and Edinburgh along the motorway. There's nothing much to see there anyway.



It's for the rest of the UK. The only way I would support wind power would be if it were off-shore and being used to replace an existing power station. In this case it's just to add to the network for people outwith Scotland.

As for Whisky - I'm sure there's plenty of that made to sell to people outwith Scotland. Not too sure about how you sell a Golf Course though...they don't come in IKEA flat packs do they?



It's a Parliament, not a room with a piano in the corner ;-)

It's a waste of time bothering with wind power. It isn't particularly effective and Scotland already creates more electricity than it uses it. If people are that bothered about wind power then why not stick the giant turbines in the Lake District and see how people react.