* Posts by Rob

2 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Apr 2008

UK ISPs agree to menace their filesharing users

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ISPs must love it...

IPSs cant afford to provide unlimited broadband for the prices they have to sell at now. They would love to speed control their heavy users at peak times with no PR impact on them! This just gives them the excuse to dump their heavy users who they make no money from, all in the name of law, order and truth.

Boo that for sure.

BBC technology chief bounces on to Project Kangaroo

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Plenty Bandwidth...

...just not when you want it. ISPs build networks for peak usage (1600-2200) after that their network is surely empty? Why not offer packages on peak and off peak. Off peak you can have as much as you want. On peak you pay for a 'fair' amount and if you want to download the t'internet then you pay top dollar...
