* Posts by Paul Kerton

1 publicly visible post • joined 21 Apr 2008

Price cut fails to push Xbox 360 past PS3 in UK

Paul Kerton
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Nonsense comments all coming from Anoymous Coward

GTAIV having different features on the PS3 is a lie. The two versions of the game, except for colour pallettes are identical, and the 360 was the lead development platform, making the PS2 version no more than a port.

Also, any PS3 DLC will also be available on the 360, which cannot be said for any DLC the 360 will be getting, and its appearance on the PS3.

There is no "exclusive multiplayer" on the PS3... I have all 3 systems, and pound for pound the 360 has been the best value out of all three.

MSG4 is also not a system seller in Europe like GTA is. The console "war" in Europe will be decided on this simple statement.

"Do I pay £160 for a machine to play GTA4, or do I pay £300 for one... Do I want all the downloadable content to be available to me, or do I want just some of it?"

360's sales will rise considerably next week.