Has anyone thought of trying this?
Apparently, they can be put to work, for literally, just peanuts.
Vending machine for crows.
There's plenty of them around here, think I'll give it a try myself.
9 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Apr 2008
A CO2 fire extinguisher makes the best LART. Blasting the luser with a shower of
dry ice particles will usually suffice. For the tough ones, CLONG!
As an added bonus, they can be used to get a 6 pack of warm beers down to
drinkable temperature in mere seconds.
LART = Luser attitude re-adjustment tool.
Flames, because someone emptied the fire extinguisher to cool all the beer.
I have recently had to remove variants of this from several computers. The ones that I have seen do attempt to connect via internet to something. Unplug the CAT5 until you remove it. It is also resistant to most manual removal attemtps. I had to boot the recovery console from the Windoze CD to be able to delete all of it's parts. Some of it lives in the browser cache, Windows, and system32 folders in XP. Just sort folder contents by date, and they become obvious. I'm a bit sorry I didn't keep a sample to feed to my dis-assembler. Perhaps it can be hacked to feed bad data back to these crooks.
...And you guys with the MACS... Stop snickering!! They will be aiming at you next.
Tux... Because he's mostly immune (for now)
This is Black Hat, after all.... But I suppose it should be possible to set
up the "off limits" parts of the network to deal with unauthorized devices
connecting. Go ahead.. Use that username and password on that
postit note on the monitor and see what happens.
Security by booby trap works better than security by obscurity.
I guess I'm use to the fact that in America there is not one public transit system that allows you to drink or have an open container.
You can still drink on the Long Island Rail Road in New York. They even
sell beer and other mixed drinks on the platform at Penn Station. (for too
much money, BYOB instead) The last train out of Manhattan at about
3 AM is often refered to as the "Drunk Train" by staff and knowlegeable
passengers. It can be an entertaining ride, if you pick a spot out of the
way of the totally hammered idiots.
...Mines the one with the bottle of Samuel Smith in the pocket..
It can be a little tough to find over here sometimes.
That I had a PDP-11/03. Now that was a machine! It was the industrial control version of the PDP-11. Came with a whopping 4K of SRAM (None of that silly DRAM stuff). It had a pair of 14 inch drives that about caused me to kill myself lugging them down the stairs.
.... At least you HAD disk drives.. All I had was a dodgy papertape reader
to load software. I did have core, though. So as long as none of the
lusers managed to break anything, all I had to was press HALT, and
turn of the power at the end of a week. Monday morning, just enter
1000, deposit and RUN...
It's the one with the large charged capacitors in the pockets
Thanks to all of you for all the useful info, and the laughs, over all these years. I originally found you by following a link from the BOFH's site many years ago, and have been a regular reader ever since.
May the next ten years be even better.
Vulture icon, because there's no Norwegian Blue.