* Posts by Sven Schubert

6 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Apr 2008

Nokia's Windows phone outed on video

Sven Schubert

(OT)N950 information out

according to here:


the N900 may not have been the last full-keyboard linux-based mobile phone by Nokia.

Can Big Blue survive another century?

Sven Schubert

legal stuff

... it appears that IBM never as such claimed responsibility of dehomag's actions during the Nazi era, and despite IBM Germany's contribution to the holocaust fund continues to reject direct responsibility, which may or may not be correct, but it is certainly understandable. If anything, I salute IBM for contributing to the fund - guilty or not.

If Hitler annexed dehomag is probably open to interpretation, they were nationalised for a period and re-integrated into the IBM following the war, rather than wound down and replaced by a separate new IBM Deutschland organisation.

Sven Schubert

Just because you haven't read about it before, doesn't make it a lie...

...it is a well established and acknowledged fact that IBM Germany (est. 1921, aka DeHoMAG) was tasked and paid by the Nazi Government to design and operate people records in concentration and extermination camps.

For this, IBM like BASF (IG Farben), GM, Ford and other multinationals whose subsidiaries milked both sides of WW2 did pay into the holocaust reparation fund set up by the German government and industry.

This is not unique to IBM, but all the same, denying it doesn't do big blue any service either.

UK is fifth free-est nation on the internet

Sven Schubert

If the list champions some of the most restrictive countries in the EU...

... what must be the bottom of the list look like?

Somalia? North Korea?

Germany isn't internet-free - if anything, the internet in Germany is slowly turning into a Germannet, where content is made unavailable after 8pm CET for the purpose of youth protection, where people are sued for comments on discussion boards and private website owners come under scrutiny for failing to include a 10 page imprint containing legal mumbo jumbo.

Australia? Really??? The country that until recently wanted to create its own version of the Great Chinese (fire)wall?

The UK? Internet-free???

Okay, where's the comedy tag, 'cause I didn't see one.

Naked at 30: Osborne 1 stripped to its chips

Sven Schubert
Thumb Up

Superb article - please keep them coming!

... thanks for yet another great article on homecomputer cambrian...

Even though I now do feel old considering I know DIP switches - I never had the pleasure of owning a Kaypro or Osborne, my portables were rather curious exotics such as the Epson HX20 or the Z88. Although I did own a Sanyo PC XT / 80186 portable, which was following much the same design as the Osborne...

CP/M wise I was always restricted to the robotron monsters of East German fame, sporting the U880, a Z80A clone. But good times nonetheless. WordStar, SuperCalc, dBII ... not to forget BASIC80 (basi?), TurboPascal, Ladder, Catchum ... and yes, POWER was the handiest piece of software in these days, as a matter of fact, it was so good, I think it wasn't until Norton Commander, that a software tool was such a versatile utility. I mean - come on! multiple file selection through sequential numbers - that was class! ;-)

El Reg celebrates 10th birthday

Sven Schubert

Zum Geburtstag viel Glück! ;-)

Alles Gute zum 10. Geburtstag liebes "DasRegister" ;-)

Yepp - there's a good few Germans who've been reading the Reg from day one on.

Keep up the good work!

Party on!

cheers, Schubi.