and a "while true do" with no getout = nasty infinite loop! tut tut
78 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Apr 2008
"Surely you either need to use hacks like this or have the sensors running all the time."
Because this script may work on the current android incarnations - but what about when the android hardware becomes faster - will your current programs need patching for longer sleep? Surely the StartSensing should know when the sensors are online?
I can see why they arent on all the time (power saving) but surely the APIs are cleverer then that?
TBH do people use wifi a lot? I find it more of a hassle. It is simply easier to use the onboard HSDPA or 3G rather than scan for a station, enter my voucher code, surf 50mb before being cut off. Ive never gone over my allowance but then again i'm an average surfer (and most of the time I switch the pictures off). Granted if you want iplayer on the move then you need wifi but arent you better getting a pocket surfer? The screen isnt really good enough for serious iplayer or youtube action anway.
What about battery life with bluetooth on? My samsung omnia eats battery when bluetooth is on, and how about altering the display brightness to get longer life? Again, I need to turn down the brightness on the screen when im using tomtom else the battery is gone in 3-4 hours.
There is an open sauce equivalent to exchange and outlook (that has seamless tasks & calendar) then I wont be switching to open office. We get good discounts on office and the difference between outlook vs office pro isnt enough to warrant the major retraining costs.
shame as I personally like (and use) open office.
"and is equipped with 8GB of internal storage. "
This depends on how it works though. Most large capacity samsung phones have a systems memory too (of about 200Mb) and an "internal" memory. I would like to see that before purchasing (as the crippled part of android is the inability to save applications outside of the system memory)
No xenon flash is a pity on a model that is clearly TRYING to be a well rounded phone (otherwise why bother with a 5MP sensor?) No customisable buttons is a problem.
I dont think it will uproot the iphone as it is still running on clunky WM but then again at least you dont need to give your phone your credit card details yet.
The main problem with developing for andriod is the lockdown of internal storage. Since you cannot have applications residing outside internal storage the usefulness of the system will be limited to the size of internal storage. G1 users are now finding that 70Mb is fairly crap to install applications on and that 8Gb card plugged into the side is good for music and video only.
This is due to propriety security on "downloaded applications" from the app store.
ive been saying this all along and this highlights the major problems with android. Sure it maybe an open sauce OS but it has very limited ways of getting apps installed on it. If the operator doesnt like it then it will be no better than an iphone -i.e. you need to hack it.
Personally I will stick to my clunky WM omnia which (btw) is happily using network connection sharing.
Sounds identical to the G1 sans keyboard. So it will have the same flaws such as you can only install programs to the pitiful 192Mb? Bad camera with no flash? I'll pass until a proper phone arrives.
WM6.1 may be clunky but at least it works, I would have loved to keep my G1 but it was simply not very useful.
"In fact, police had previously been warned of the shindig, as Mrs Worthington explained: "Because of the gun laws, I phoned them in November to tell them we were having this themed do. I didn't think any more about it."
Then i'd be having nightmares and the such. Get them sued for being stupid and spend the money on another bash.
For that price you might aswell get a raidsonic NAS2000, it spins drives down, its quick for a 100mb (not gigabit im afraid) supports large drives and doesnt need to be fat32 if you dont want it to be.
There are loads of linux hacks for it too if you are that way inclined.
Then again im having more luck using my old XBOX as a file server (and it happily runs XBMC too)
"Mainly that's because the sheer amount of brain and computing power required take the attack out of the grasp of the average internet criminal."
Right, bury your head in the sand. There are plenty of clever hackers out there who would do this for the funnies. Maybe the criminals are a bit thick but the h4x0r kiddes arent.
We had FAST knocking on the door (the sales guy) but it prompted me to double check the licences. Some were down but some were over. At least it balanced me out at renewal time. Plus it prompted me to install a dansguardian box instead of fortinet saving me some more money.
Paris, both unlicenced and expensive.