None of this would be required if they had free school meals...
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236 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Apr 2007
School gets an F for using facial recognition on kids in canteen
Hey Microsoft – what ever happened to 'Developers, developers, developers'?
Russia takes gold for disinformation as Olympics approach
OpenAI reassures: GPT-4 gives 'a mild uplift' to creators of biochemical weapons
No reliable way to detect AI-generated text, boffins sigh
Rights groups threaten legal action over NHS data pilot based on Palantir tech
Go ahead, be rude. You don't know it now, but it will cost you $350,000
Facebook's Meta, tracking code, and the student financial aid website
Less than PEACH-y: UK's plant export IT system only works with Internet Explorer
Re: Not fit for purpose
In a former life I was involved in a small way with agriculture and had some dealings with ADAS - as that was what was later morphed into DEFRA by government edict. The ADAS advice service was free to farmers and growers as it was seen as promoting the common good.
When it was rebadged as DEFRA it was no longer free and had to become 'self financing' and the upheaval caused many problems. (eg the set-aside payments fiasco).
At the time I remember the previous ADAS employees had the new DEFRA acronym as:
'Dont Ever F***ing Reorganise us Again.
Chinese web giant Tencent predicts Beijing has more internet regulations coming – and welcomes them
Preliminary report on Texas Tesla crash finds Autosteer was 'not available' along road where both passengers died
Hacking is not a crime – and the media should stop using 'hacker' as a pejorative
HPE urges judge to pick through Deloitte-bashing report it claims demolishes Autonomy founder's defence
Buggy code, fragile legacy systems, ill-conceived projects cost US businesses $2 trillion in 2020
Who knew that hosing a table with copious amounts of cubic metres would trip adult filters?
Mysterious metal monolith found in 'very remote' part of Utah
BBC makes switch to AWS, serverless for new website architecture, observers grumble about the HTML
Oracle Zooms past rivals to run TikTok’s cloud, take stake alongside WalMart and ByteDance investors
Financial Reporting Council slaps Autonomy auditor Deloitte with £15m fine over audit 'misconduct'
Linux kernel maintainers tear Paragon a new one after firm submits read-write NTFS driver in 27,000 lines of code
Virgin Galactic pals up with Rolls-Royce to work on Mach 3 Concorde-style private jet that can carry up to 19 people
Google: OK, OK, we pinky promise not to suck Fitbit health data into the borg. Now will you approve the sale?
Stinker, emailer, trawler, spy: How an engineer stole top US chip designs, smuggled them to China to set up a rival fab
Only true boffins will be able to grasp Blighty's new legal definitions of the humble metre and kilogram
Not the Wright stuff: Bitcoin 'inventor' loses bid to sue YouTuber who called him a liar
Square peg of modem won't fit into round hole of PC? I saw to it, bloke tells horrified mate
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GIMP open source image editor forked to fix 'problematic' name
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There's a reason why my cat doesn't need two-factor authentication
Could you just pop into the network room and check- hello? The Away Team. They're... gone
Re: Totally unrelated to IT but related to explosions
My late father (born in the 19th century) was old school when it came to electrical wiring. To join two lengths of flex, the bare ends, stripped with teeth ( a habit it took me years to kick) were twisted together and folded back in opposite directions along the flex. Then the whole join was wrapped in what he called 'electricians tape' - a sort of cloth based tape soaked in a kind of black tarry goo. This seemed to work OK and was industry standard around our house even after I , as a curious 5 year old pulled one of these joins apart while trying to figure out how the 'wireless' worked. The ensuing flash and bang surprised but enthralled me.
The rest of the family were horrified, but strangely I have never been afraid of electricity since.
Wanted: Big iron geeks to help restore IBM 360 mainframe rescued from defunct German factory by other big iron geeks
Facebook: Yeah, we hoovered up 1.5 million email address books without permission. But it was an accident!
When 2FA means sweet FA privacy: Facebook admits it slurps mobe numbers for more than just profile security
Senior slippery sex stimulator sales exec sacked for shafting .org-asmic cyber-space place, a tribunal hears
Senator Wyden goes ballistic after US telcos caught selling people's location data yet again
Memo to Mark Sedwill: Here's how to reboot government IT
Here's why AI can't make a catchier tune than the worst pop song in the charts right now
Who wanted a future in which AI can copy your voice and say things you never uttered? Who?!
A tiny Ohio village turned itself into a $3m speed-cam trap. Now it has to pay back the fines
Electric cars to create new peak hour when they all need a charge
Re: I've been pointing this out for years.
True. Look what happened to low diesel fuel tax untill there were enough diesel users 'hooked'.
It was increased so that the diesel price is now more than petrol. I imagine the increase in diesel efficiency (in mpg) is now completely offset resulting in no loss of income to the taxman.
The same thing will happen with electricity costs. A way will be found to tax electricity for road use (EERV?) to make up the shortfall. There will only be a brief window where electic cars will be cheaper to run. Death and Taxes.