* Posts by George B

3 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Apr 2008

Georgia cops cuff terrorist elf

George B
Paris Hilton

Santa, Elf In Love Spat

That's all. Move along now.


RIM joins queue for Qi

George B

In a word: standardized rechargeable batteries

We have triple-A's and double-A's and horrid 9V's. But look at modern mobile gear - laptops, cell phones, video cameras, etc. - and you'll find a dog's breakfast of batteries. If just about anything electronic could be powered by one of a half dozen standard rechargeable battery configurations...that's wireless power.

And yes, make all the damn battery chargers use international standard connectors.

So then we end up with a battery charging station fed by AC and capable of recharging all of the standard battery types.

Virtually wireless.

- G

US punters don't want mobile music

George B

Only $0.99 to buy a song...

...and only $129.95 to download it???

That's been the Canadian business model for mobile phone data rates.

It's how you can actually run up an $80,000 monthly mobile phone bill...and why there's not much point in Apple offering iPhones in the Great White North.
