Summed up in one word
84 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Apr 2008
So we might say that this would be a step forward for protecting your personal docs if you left your memory stick on the bus - the finder would likely have no idea what the owner looked like. You wouldn't want to use it for hiding secrets from your girlfriend though.
The fact that it doubles as a bottle opener tells us something about the target market anyway.
I have been researching these things recently because I want a media PC for the lounge. This looks very good but I think I'll be getting an Asrock Ion 330 BD - same price as this EEE but with a Blu Ray drive. It has no OS which is a minus point because I would probably want Win7 but I'd give it a go with Ubunto before deciding on Win7 (I have Win7 on the other computers in my house).
"a planet called Nibiru or Planet X will collide with Earth during the 2012 holiday season, wreaking havoc and devastation on an unparalleled scale"
I think a planet "colliding" with Earth would do more than set the scene for the heroic actions of a lone American to save the human race...
It's no surprise that the data snooping occurs, and that's why whenever I've had to send my laptop for repair I've swapped the hard disk for one with a clean windows install on (or sent it back with no disk at all).
The real WTF is that five out of six of these companies failed to find and fix the actual fault. SHAME ON THEM!
...bloat, update, bloat, update, .... ignore
Pile of shit software. I want something lightweight, that loads quickly, displays the contents of a PDF and lets me zoom in/out and print. I've given up updating my software because the updates are so frequent and time consuming, and I'm sure I'm not alone in choosing to leave my software unpatched like this.
If they removed the bloat, surely they'd also reduce the number of vulnerabilities?
And anyway, why does software that displays the contents of a document even HAVE "vulnerabilities"?
I've been using DD-WRT for a couple of months and I've been really impressed but I was thinking of trying another firmware because my virgin media 10Mb connection rarely delivers over 2Mb when I go through my router. This news and discussion will motivate me to install Tomato as soon as I get home from work tonight!
- Your personal diaries
- Your address book
- 12 months of phone bills, itemised
- Any letters you have received from family, friends and lovers in the last three years
- Receipts for everything you have purchased in the last three years
- Your house keys
- Your alarm code
Imagine the uproar!
Every SE Walkman review I've read on the Reg has moaned at the lack of a 3.5mm socket so I was astonished to see a complaint when one finally arrived.
And I'm not sure how the complaint at the way the panoramic picture makes the road look bent is fair. I can't figure out in my mind how else it *could* look with subject matter that close to the lens? Why not test the panoramic stitching on a PANORAMIC VIEW?
...computers had moving parts in them. Imagine that! Hahahaha
My first computer needed a desk to put it on and you had to plug it into a wall socket.
And when your grandma wanted to watch a movie she had to put a disc in a special device. No, really! we used to have to use magnetic tapes before that..."
Looks like the end of disk storage is nigh then. Whaddya reckon? 5 years? 10?
And what's the longevity/reliability of SSD like?
That's hardly a surprise even if you put aside the fact that most of the early BD adopters are male PS3 owners. Not many genres are worth the extra cost of high definition, I mean who wants to pay £10 extra per film to watch rom-com or black and white classics in high def when standard DVD will do the job just as well.
Sounds perfectly reasonable to me - if the image was taken from a page other than flickr so copyright couldn't be investigated. It was a human error after all, so accept the humble apology and £75 and drop it. It gives Mike a nice little anecdote to share at dinner parties and no harm done.
Methinks some people are exaggerating the truth in order to make this claim.
I don't see how this is the fault of the operating system, there is no way it's taking that long all the time unless the employer has installed Vista on completely inadequate hardware or installed other software that slows things down. Perhaps they have roaming profiles and all the employees have filled up their profiles with gigabytes of photos of cats or porn.
my new Miii, errr, I mean, *Avatar* looks like me and I'm looking forward to running a game from the HDD. I wish I'd known that would be an option in future, I'd have bought the 120Gb version!
Has anybody had lock-ups with NXE? My console has completely frozen and needed rebooting twice whilst browsing the new friends list to giggle at the Miis, errr... *Avatars* my friends have made.