* Posts by Matt Roxburgh

3 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Apr 2008

World's biggest ISPs drag feet on critical DNS patch

Matt Roxburgh

TalkTalk & AOL were patched a while back ..

You list OPAL as bein unpatched but AOL & TalkTalk were patched a while back and pass the "Check Your DNS" test.

'We could wake up smarter' - Ballmer hints at Win XP reprieve

Matt Roxburgh

If Microsoft ran a Vista to XP downgrade programme ...

If Microsoft announced an OS downgrade program tomorrow I would jump at it.

One of my machine came only with Vista .... its pants. The worst OS ever. Its even made Mac OS X a very viable proposition.

XP was simple, fairly intuitive with SP2 and just worked and was fairly compact and rock solid when it had the right drivers.

Vista is buggy, slow, HUGE, counter intuitive and plain terrible.

Mac OS X is light, simple and, apart from not being as intuitive as people claim, not bad although ... 2 mouse buttons please, let me ALT-TAB my windows not just my applications and let me resize windows from everywhere rather than just the bottom right. Oh yeah, maximise windows should maximise windows :)

CPW broadband targets feel the crunch

Matt Roxburgh

CPW BRoadband Problem

Jez Caudle, I fyou are having problems then nip over to the TalkTalk members forums. You should not be getting a massive drop off in speed and either

a) you are on a congested exchange which has a planned upgrade date

b) you are on an unsuitable profile

We'll be able to give your line a once over and let you know.