* Posts by Robert Hill

563 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Apr 2007


Father of Lisp and AI John McCarthy has died

Robert Hill

He IS the third...

Sorry, you have to include Jobs. Jobs has always LOVED hardware, much more than software, and even though his best role is as salesman and visionary, he certainly pushed the development of hardware at Apple to new, industry-influencing levels. He DID shift paradigms, even if he didn't invent them himself.

McCarthy...what a loss. I've done a little work with LISP (Literally Infinite Sets of Parenthesis!), but the language itself wasn't what was important. It was his vision of intelligent machines, and his acknowledgement of both their practicality, and certain limitations, that made McCarthy such a seminal figure. Back in those days, it took a great stretch of the imagination to think about a machine that COULD think.


Ten reasons why you shouldn't buy an iPhone 5

Robert Hill

So, absolutely NO value???

So absolutely no value given to actually having the most applications available for it's OS?

Actually, Lewis's equating the entire value of a piece of hardware to JUST the hardware really is pretty worrying, given the import of so much of what he writes (i.e., defense related). Anyone that is promoting himself as an "expert" in these areas should be able to discuss the value of an ecosystem (i.e., related peripherals that actually work with your device/plane/ship, etc.) and the software components of a hardware/software device (i.e., the value of iOS, which is still better than Android at overall usability, if not customization).

To get it so totally wrong in a simple phone tantrum makes me very much worry about his ability to properly judge the larger defense procurement issues...

O2 best placed to scoop new iPhone sales dosh

Robert Hill

Also unlimited data for iPhone 3 owners..

If you are an older iPhone 3 owner, you also have a contract with unlimited data, provided you haven't taken any upgrades. As I skipped both the 3GS and 4, that means I'll be buying my iPhone 5 at Apple.com...and enjoying unlimited data a plenty. Now if I could only shift that plan to my iPad...

Ellison brandishes 'speed of thought' Exalytics appliance

Robert Hill

You just, right?

Firstly, a number of follow-on comments to the article you posted were very pointed, and true, ripostes to the article. In particular, BI is designed for operational and tactical decisions, not strategy as the author tries to claim.

And anyone who works with large amounts of customer data knows that actually, most organizations are still pretty POOR at it, especially in time-critical areas or where data volumes still stymie easy analysis. This kit will really be of huge assistance to both - and I'm thinking every mobile telco that hasn't hand-built an alternative will be looking strongly at these for Call Data Record analysis, to say nothing of the program traders in banks and funds.

Lastly, much of what it does isn't really that NEW, it's just that you had to do a whole lot of hard work, or work with second-tier vendors (Kognitio, etc.), to get it done. This packages it nicely, and gives it the patina of a first-tier vendor. I'll hold off judgement until I see it in action (and the pricing), but I'm fairly impressed by the specs and approach.

iPad sales shove Apple to top of mobile computing tree

Robert Hill


The year I bought my first OSI single board PC, which I programmed in 6502 assembler and MicroBasic. 8K static RAM, tape interface. Also programmed assembler on PDP-11s, VAXen of all sorts, Z-80s, and even IBM 3090s. As well as a whole raft of higher level languages (including exotics like Lisp and APL). I've hand-built scores of PCs for myself and others, including my current quad-core AMD water cooled rig that I am writing this on.

I f*£^ing LOVE my new iPad, loser.

Piles of unshiftable HP fondle-slabs choke Best Buy

Robert Hill

Transfer files?

There are plenty of ways to transfer files to/from an iDevice - iFunbox is my personal fave at the moment. Needs a cable, not wireless, but can access the raw file space on an iPhone or iPad.

This stuff isn't hard, and believe it or not there actually are Apple hackers that can write stuff too...

Leica X1 APS-C compact camera

Robert Hill
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Another great review by Catherine. I'm starting to like her reviews better than DPReview's...

Four jailed for million-pound abuse images ring

Robert Hill

Still a fail...

You can comment on this specific case, but frankly the news reports have not been specific enough to actually know which newsgroups they were hosting, so specific conclusions will be flawed at best. That's why I chose not to comment specifically - insufficient public information. If you work for the plod and you have a list, then by all means share it...

And NO, the automated solutions cannot adequately distinguish between a flat chested 18 year old and a 16 year old - hell, it's darned hard for humans. That is why Australia proposed a ban on flat-chested women in general in porn, which was widely derided. Add in the difficulty in actually recognizing things like cartoon porn from Japan, or porn where the face is hidden...etc. It just doesn't work.

Then we get into the volume issue. According to my newsreader, there are 111,000+ newsgroups currently available. Each of these can have hundreds of posts (sometimes more) per day. Now, I know that merely uploading and processing a file on a public picture share service (Flickr or SmugMug) takes several minutes while it processes, per picture. And that is on a server farm dedicated to it. To do automatic recognition would probably take longer (and still likely fail). And then their is the requirement to actually decode video and then look at sampled frames, right? So...let's look at the volumes involved, and it is quite apparent that it would take a HUGE cluster to even hope to match the volume of usenet binary posts. We are talking a several million dollar system, for a business that only made, what, £2MM in seven years?

If you know of such a system that could work, then please post a link, or at least respond with the name.

Kiddie porn is terrible, and the people that do it, purchase it, and distribute it knowingly should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But saying that we want to totally censor all online media because an incredibly small fraction of it might be put to use in illegal ways is like saying we should force all drivers to take blood alcohol tests EVERY time they get behind the wheel, because an appreciable portion of them (larger than paedos on the internet!) have driven drunk.

There used to be such a thing as civil rights in the Western countries. Now, the cries of "terrorist!" and "think of the children!" have decimated them... IMHO.

Robert Hill

You don't know...

if that is the sanest comment, then by all means you join the ranks of the Newgroup Epic Fail brigade on this thread.

LOTS of porn (both copyrighted and amateur/legal), music (same), photographs, etc are posted on the newsgroups. Everyone that uses the newsgroups that is not in college knows that it costs money to store that many bits, so most newsgroup users pay for access - and there are some big firms doing it for real money.

Now, although the newsgroups have names, that does not prevent posters from posting darned near anything they want in a newsgroup - there is rarely any moderation of the vast majority. So, a newsgroup named alt.support.stop-smoking can have kiddie porn posted to it. And the paedos know this, and so this stuff crops up in "decent" newsgroups all the time (I've been on usenet for a long time). Often it is mislabeled too, so lonely guys just wanting free, legal porn end up downloading it - and if they are smart erasing it posthaste.

Which shows the problem if you run a hosting service. You can filter out all the newsgroups that are obviously illegal, ones containing "paedo", "torture", "bestiality", etc. in their names. But the non-offensive groups get spammed with it too, and it is often not named as such, and sometimes is is in password protected RARs or ZIPs.

I am not commenting on this specific case, or if these guys were paedos themselves or not. I am just pointing out after many years on usenet that censorship is impossible, even if you try really, really hard. Too much material, some encrypted for private distribution, and much mislabeled and posted in the wrong newsgroup.

What is important in this case is that it does NOT become open season on ISPs and content distributors...because that will effectively cede control of the internet to governments for good. Both good and bad governments...

Robert Hill

Trying to figure out...

I'm trying to figure out - was this just a newsgroup hosting service, like Giganews, that happened to contain newsgroups that had child porn posted (not by them), or was this a website that specialized in child porn?

If it's the latter, then throw the book at them, but there are chilling implications for free speech if it was the former...

Anonymous vows to attack Federal Reserve

Robert Hill


How would you know if Krugman is right or wrong? He has said from Day 1 of the recession that a truly massive stimulus would be needed, and the one proposed was nowhere near large enough according to him. Krugman also took extensive issue to the way the stimulus was done mechanically, relying too heavily on stimulating producers (through reduced capital costs), and not nearly enough on stimulating demand (via jobs programs, etc.). I am not here to say if that is right or wrong, but certainly you can't claim Keyesian economics are dead when they were never really applied to solve this recession.

However, we can see the opposite in Greece - a situation where all the conservative, fiscally tough medicine has done nothing but kill the patient.

Robert Hill


Although their wikipedia entry doesn't mention it, I always seem to vaguely think that Anonymous began on the Something Awful forums...with pranks like the fake MacBook reverse-scam...

Robert Hill

Tea Party, not liberals...

McMoo - if you had even a basic education in economics, you would realize the Anonymous's diatribe is EXACTLY what the right-wing Tea Party has been saying for two years or more.

Liberals, starting with noted NYC columnist, Nobel-prize winner, and Princeton University professor Dr. Paul Krugman generally agree with what the Fed has done as being necessary, and if anything not inflationary enough to spur the economy.

But just keep spewing your 180-degree incorrect diatribe, trying to tar anyone bad with that "Liberal" brush...next you'll say Hitler was a liberal too...

Robert Hill

ANONYMOUS - read this please

As a keen student of the financial crisis, I have to ask why the Fed is even a worthwhile target. The Fed did not create the banking laws that allowed hedge funds to be under-regulated (Congress did). The Fed did not create the mortgage rules for capital and risk management, Congress did, with help from Freddie Mac/Sallie Mae in implementation practicalities. The Fed does not affect the near-criminal operations of Moody's and Standard and Poor's, who continued to write AAA+ credit rating on what was essentially junk repackaged mortgages for 12 years. The Fed was not responsible for punishing those that take advantage illegally of the financial system - the SEC is supposed to do that (and hasn't lifted a finger).

I will not advise on the wiseness of taking such actions as DDoS attacks on anyone, but I will say that should you wish to punish the evil-doers of the financial crisis, the Fed is well back in the line for responsibility. And frankly, punishing the Fed is really punishing American tax payers, because THEY will have to pay to clean up the mess you make, not the people that actually caused or profited from the crisis. Better targets abound, IMHO...

Feds seize $15m from scareware monger's Swiss account

Robert Hill

A bank?

So...he didn't appear for his court date, he skipped the country (most probably), and he kept $15MM in...a BANK?

Two words for Sam: Bearer bonds, dude, bearer bonds...

Hot bodies get super-slippery when wet

Robert Hill


I have spent a lot of time playing with liquid nitrogen in the lab, and I can tell you the one thing you DO NOT want to do is "dip your hand" into it. You will lose it, quickly, because the pressure of the liquid rapidly displaces that thin boundary layer.

What you can do quite safely is pour it all over you - as long as it has a path to run. You can take a Dewar flask of it and pour it all over your hands, arms and legs...as long as you are not wearing gloves or shoes that will trap it, and thus allow it to burn-through the vapour barrier.

Fourth Euro star truck christened Albert Einstein

Robert Hill

I dunno...

This is Albert freakin' Einstein we are talking about here. The man who gave us more physics in a few years than we could have hoped to have invented in the next 50.

And the BEST we can do is name a TRUCK after him? OK, I admit it beats a crater, or an asteroid...but seriously, don't we have to put his name on something a little bit more exotic than a space truck...at least a nuclear powered deep space probe, or the first ion-engined ship to Mars?

Timing attack threatens private keys on SSL servers

Robert Hill

Cryptic...get it?

I understood the article just fine...I was making a wordplay on "cryptic"...perhaps the joke alert would have been a more appropriate icon.

i understand the article so well that I wonder why they don't use a random delay in the algorithm, rather than a set time to compute. The random delay would be interesting, because attackers would not know if they were facing an encryption algorithm that was vulnerable to such attacks, or one that was smart enough to randomly delay. As such, they may waste time attempting timing attacks.

Robert Hill


Did anyone else find that whole article cryptic?

Google preps mobile payments launch

Robert Hill
Big Brother

Real issue is DATA...

The real issue isn't just a payments mechanism...but Google's involvement in it.

Right now, as the leading search engine, Google knows more about our desires and wants than most anyone. But they only really know our interests...they cannot track that into conversion (i.e., sales) information, unless Checkout is used. And that is very little really.

But by being a partner in a micropayments solution, they get access to low level sales transaction data that is personally identifiable. For anyone that cares to think about it...that is a very, err, interesting proposition...all that concentrated power and data. We should be thinking about that, really...

Modern Warfare 3 teaser trailer reveals terror on the tube

Robert Hill

For BO, yes

Not for Black Ops, which never ran well on the PC because Treyarch are wankers. Or at least console developers that did a poor port onto the PC platform, that was bug ridden.

Can't wait to get my hands on MW3 - I don't do multiplayer, but I really like the campaign mode...

WTF is... 4G

Robert Hill
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Great article, great summary of the current state of the mobile world.

Ricoh reveals paper-bright colour e-paper

Robert Hill


Just a fast word about Ricoh, who ALWAYS go against the tide, against the grain, and usually end up with something niche, and utterly cool, such as their compact but pro quality cameras. I have no stock, no affiliation, but I just LOVE a company that can find niches and work to exploit them against their bigger rivals. Ricoh has guts...they ought to relocate to Silicon Valley...

Intel's Tri-Gate gamble: It's now or never

Robert Hill

Too complicated

The whole splitting and competing thing are just too organizationally complicated. Far simpler, and probably cheaper, for Intel to buy ARM outright...

Is there anything to find on bin Laden's hard drive?

Robert Hill


If the US were keep him alive, all that does is invite extremists to capture, torture and hold for ransom large numbers of Westerners, in the hope that they would get him released. That saga has played out repeatedly in the Middle East, usually against the Israelis - they still have two soldiers being held for ransom by Hezzbolah in Beruit, in the hope that Israel will release Hezz operatives that they have in prison.

Holding on to high-value prisoners just doesn't work when you have terrorists involved.

Multimillionaire's private space ship 'can land on Mars'

Robert Hill

Private -> Government -> Private

Sure, NASA, the Air Force, and the Russians all made huge strides...but where did THEY start from? Umm, the work done for decades by private rockateers, such as Robert Goddard, Hermann Oberth, and Werner von Braun (yes, von Braun went on to work for the military, but he started in rockets before that as a private citizen). The point is, neither governments nor private enterprise can claim NOT to have re-used the work of others - that is the way of scientific progress...

Robert Hill

It was studied...

Remember that the Shuttle has a monolithic body, not a single small capsule. To give it a separating escape bod was studied, but it was deemed that this would increase the weight of the crew area substantially, thus limiting payload capability to where it wasn't cost effective, and several of the larger missions (such as lifting components of the ISS) would not have been possible. There was, given the materials and technology of the times, no alternative but the use the entire Shuttle as an escape vehicle, with all of the limitations and risks that implied.

Itanium's future: Users believe Intel, not Oracle

Robert Hill

Not important...

Whether buyers trust Intel or Oracle is besides the point - the total cost of switching hardware is often less than the cost of switching software, particularly for non-trivial applications or anything with tight database integration. Even if Intel keeps producing and supporting Itanium, it won't matter to Oracle customers running on it...a great many will still switch hardware to keep up with Oracle releases, especially as packaged software running against it requires releases x.y of Oracle.

The best sci-fi film never made: Also-rans take a bow

Robert Hill

Great stories in this list...

Hinterlands, Integral Trees, Have Spacesuit, Difference Engine, even Iceworld...those that haven't read this list should not be put off from their rejection.

But I agree, none of these would make compelling movies these days...either too depressing, intellectual, or simply already done in other ways.

But you didn't list Niven's "Protector", so I still have hope for my nomination... :-)

So, what's the best sci-fi film never made?

Robert Hill
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Niven - Protector

All of the Niven fans are backing the wrong book - as fantastics as Ringworld is, it is simply too large, and too alien, to really be explored in a 90 minute movie. You'd spend 80 minutes setting it up.

The best Niven book for a movie is one of his first - "Protector", which sets up the Man In Space stories. Introduces the Pak as the ancestors of man, has reasonable and believable technology, explores Earth and the Belt, and the potential for great Brennan/Truesdale vs. Pak fleet battle scenes. Modify it to actually show the Battle for Home (it is assumed in the book), and you have a stunning conclusion.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc Android smartphone

Robert Hill

On the side...DOH!

Firstly, I will agree with the above posters regarding the quality of Sony products - my F-series Vaio notebook was expensive, but worth every penny.

But, like the OTHER posters above, the sidemounted headphone jack just KILLS this phone for me. C'mon Sony - I know your game: you expect us all to try it with wired headphones, and then get pissed off enough to go buy a nice set of Sony-branded Bluetooth headphones. For another hundred at least.

Sorry, not going to happen - I like my armature-powered, wired headphones far too much, and I hate having to remember to charge BT headphones when I've owned three pair of them. Go shoot your product engineers...this is a classic fail.

Single-patent lawsuit hits Apple, Google, Amazon, Priceline...

Robert Hill

No idea...

The problem is that this isn't "come up with a great idea". It is patenting ideas that have already been used and brought to market YEARS before the patent was applied for, by a bunch of different companies. There IS NOTHING NEW in this patent...not even at the time it was filed.

This is just a bunch of lawyers patenting any idea they can get approved, and then filing lawsuits against 20 companies and hoping that one or more will settle out of court for cash, rather than spend money on lawyers defending themselves. It's a "get rich quick" scheme for IP lawyers, and one that has been used before, many times.

Basically, if you can't see that, you are an idiot.

April Fools Day's Finest

Robert Hill

Arsenic Sea Monkeys

I think you missed the best joke at Think Geek:


Doormat, because I for one welcome our new, arsenic-based Sea Monkey overlords....

Ellison drops iceberg in front of HP's unsinkable Itanic

Robert Hill


Friends don't let friends buy Itanium....

RIP Itanium...good riddance!

New York Times tucks skirt behind stilted paywall

Robert Hill
Jobs Horns

Apple cut...

No, they are charging more to allow the 30% payment to APPLE, as per the terms and conditions of their apps. I'm just SHOCKED how many stories El Reg has had on that, and yet here we have people wondering why the iPad app will actually cost more...DOH!

Robert Hill

Way off base...

During the height of America's Golden Age, the 1950s and 60s, the top American personal tax rate was over 70% - way over at times (http://www.truthandpolitics.org/top-rates.php). It is now at 35%, and the country is crumbling, with pathetic educational standards, rampant income inequality, and a rapidly declining standard of living.

All the NYT does is point out certain facts like that...sorry if you can't connect the dots yourself.

Jon Bon Jovi accuses Steve Jobs of murdering music biz

Robert Hill

Wrong...simply wrong

Most seminal albums were created before anyone was concerned with mash-ups, repurposing, or re-mixing, except dance club DJs who did it on the fly, or on limited DJ-only vinyl releases (Hot Tracks 12"ers, et al).

If ANYTHING, the whole mash-up/remix/repurposing culture has made some artists lazy. With few exceptions such as Danger Mouse's seminal "The Grey Album", how many high-concept mash-ups are there? And not to knock GREAT mash-up work by people like Party Ben, but let's face it - "The Dark Side of the Moon" it isn't. It's not even "Fragile", and a far, far cry from "Tommy". Mash-ups and remixes are nearly always individual SONGS, not album concepts.

So please stop posting anti-music industry drivel just because you think it applies everywhere. It doesn't in every case.

What killed off albums was NAPSTER, and the ability to download tracks individually from the file share. Usually over a slow, dial-up connection, that meant you grabbed what you liked, and ignored the rest. And lost the cover art entirely. So, Jobs isn't to blame, I nominate Fanning...

(N.B. - the only people that doubt this are people too young to remember the Wild West days pre-iTunes...and before the lawsuits shut Napster down.)

Bloke with hammer fixes London's Olympic clock

Robert Hill


I've always wanted to trade up my TAG for an Omega at some point...but after seeing how their Olympic clock isn't so Olympic, perhaps I'll just stay with my TAG...or trade up to a Timex!

European parliament loves the Tobin tax

Robert Hill


Sorry, but this piece is complete twaddle economically. At it's heart, it takes the plight of small to medium businesses, i.e., people actually using PAYE, and then tried to extrapolate their price-sensitivity to those of a corporation, i.e., the banks. The problem is that this comparison is SIMPLY NOT TRUE...the banks are corporations and they have a massive cushion against price rises (which is basically what tax increases are). Their cushion is simply their corporate profitability, as reflected in either share prices or dividends or both.

In general the SME business market lacks that cushion (being much more hand to mouth, and often under capitalized), and rises in the cost of doing business or other input prices are directly related to their output prices - meaning that tax increases DO lead to increased costs for consumers. But large corporations, in a competitive market, can and DO adapt to supply price increases without a price rise. They decrease their share price increases (driven by a decline in profitability) or reduced dividends or other costs (i.e., salary and bonuses). They have that luxury, the SME market does not - and all banks are large corporations, not SMEs.

So the only real question is - will inter-bank competition limit the passing of this tax onto consumers? If the answer is no, then we need to address THAT non-competitive aspect of the EU banking market, NOT simply declare that this tax is "bad for consumers"...because with a properly functioning banking market, this should be good for most of us non-banking tax payers.

Of course, if we can't have a competitive banking market, then this tax will be a price increase for consumers. But worse than that, we would be basically admitting that the political influence of the banker's money has corrupted the political process so that it cannot be fixed...and then we just have to admit that us non-banking taxpayers are increasingly screwed. So maybe we should tax the hell out of them just out of spite...

Natalie Portman slaps John Galliano

Robert Hill
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heh...should't Bootnotes be renamed "Editorial Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Cards"?

Motorola 'flagship' Honeycomb tablet to ship sans Flash

Robert Hill
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Great explanation...

I wasn't aware of all the port problems involved with the "standard" ARM processor...does this affect all native-code applications, or is Flash merely more sensitive to chipset differences?

Google 'Arctic Sea' – Chrome native code, ahoy!

Robert Hill

This already exists...

Note to Google - there already IS an environment that can download code dynamically, check it for structure, apply security constraints, and then provide low-level services to support the execution of that code on a given platform. It can even be used to dynamically re-compile code to execute on different architectures.

It's called an "operating system". Why add another layer to run it inside a browser?

Carphone Warehouse wins Moto Xoom exclusive

Robert Hill


Why bother posting what the UK price would be at a given exchange rate?!?! You KNOW that it will be the same digits as the US price, merely with a "£" sign stuck where the dollar sign used to be, or maybe slightly less, say £700.

Because, you know, those big ships that pull into Southhampton full of goods from China have had to travel a LOT further than if they sailed to Los Angeles, so things must be more expensive...right? LOL...Rip Off England, we love you...not.

Dell Venue Pro WinPho 7 smartphone

Robert Hill

Totally agree...

I used to have Windows smartphones, including some of the giant sliders, until my gf read me the riot act and said I Iooked the geek with my suit hanging or jacket hanging down on one side, or a holster on my belt. Actually bought a shoulder holster (like a gun holster) that carried it for a while, but unfortunately twice people thought I WAS carrying a gun, so that got dropped.

Then I bought an iPhone, and I've never had to worry about how to carry a phone again. I think that is a point of view that manufacturer's are losing, as they begin to compete in a "spec war" on biggest screen size, largest battery, etc. Some of us just don't want to have to lug a big hunk of metal and plastic...

Pentax 645D medium format digital camera

Robert Hill
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Nice camera, nicer review...

So often tech site camera reviews are written by people that are gadget freaks first, and photographers second if at all. This writer is obviously a photographer, and her phrasing and points of inspection on this camera make this a highly worthwhile review. Kudos!

As for the camera, at that price point it is simply stunning. The sample image of the wooden fence disappearing in to the snow fields shows the DOF and detail possible with such an impressive specification and good glass.

This would seem to be a great camera for an aspiring amateur with bit of money, or a pro with little. For them the lack of a large lens selection is not a deterrent - they are not the people that buy a huge number of lenses. Those that can, will buy Leaf and Hasselblad. But for those who lack the money but are willing to spend the time and effort to work within a limited lens choice, this will be a perfect alternative...at least until Pentax can fill out the range. PLEASE Pentax would you do a great ultra wide, preferably rectalinear? (Hint: model it on the Oly 7-14mm!).

'You don't even know what change management is'

Robert Hill


"Change Management" is a highly important part of most large projects. For Mr. O's education, it involves actually getting people to USE the system, properly and well, and efficiently. It consists of designing new work and process flows (i.e., swim lane diagrams, Six Sigma, etc.) to take advantage of the new system, gathering user input into the design process, ensuring that the business areas surrounding the new system can work with it well, and ensuring proper training and certification in the new system, etc.. This is not a small thing - large projects fail equally often because a new system could not be USED properly when put in place as fail because they can't be built.

Good, professional change management consultants can make or break a large project. The only problem occurs when CM consultants become escalated to project managers, because then in their minds the ENTIRE PROJECT is now a change management exercise, and the tech bits are just, well, trivial. Obvious. Not worth worrying about. Sometimes they skip the PM role entirely and become account managers, which is even worse in my experience - at least as PMs they would have learned how limited their worldview was after a few balls ups....

PlayStation Phone spied in China

Robert Hill

Open eyes...

If you look at the pics in the article, you can SEE the backside of the phone. There are two circles (plus a lower one that is a Sony logo), one for the camera, and one probably for a round light. Given that xenon flashes seem to be rectangular, I think we can bet this is an LED flash.

As for the rest of the experience, it is Android, so I would guess HD recording, accelometers, and probably a compass...but I doubt it will run GT5 nearly as well as a PS3...

Airbus secures whopping 180 plane deal

Robert Hill

Paid for and delivered...

Aircraft are custom orders - each airline specifies cabin layout, seat choice, colour scheme of interior, etc. You had better believe that they are only done after a HUGE deposit is paid for each plane...

Robert Hill

Only a Memorandum....

So...a huge order, ooops, Memoranda of Understanding with a small carrier that has, at present about 15 aircraft. And few gates and aircraft parking places at India's airports.

I wouldn't bend my arm out of shape congratulating myself if I were Airbus - it is hugely likely that the actual order paid for and delivered will be MUCH smaller...

Android's Gingerbread finagled onto iPhone

Robert Hill


@Matt: I snorted out loud...that was great.
