* Posts by Mark Harrop

3 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Apr 2008

Pro-smoking website redirected to 'baccy free zone

Mark Harrop

That's just nasty!

The following cut n pasted from Smokefree England site which is where you get redirected when trying to visit www.Freedom2Choose.info -

"The vast majority of smokers have respected the law, and those around them, by not lighting up illegally in public places.

However, If you have encountered problems with people breaching the law you can take action by phoning the smokefree compliance line on:

0800-snidey-miserabilist-tw@t ('sorry' - had to get that off my chest)

Your call will be answered by a call centre operator, who will then forward the information to the relevant local councils to follow-up as appropriate."

Mark Harrop

pfff . . . some more.

What do you antis think of the suggestions mooted to put limits on the information highway? ie. what we can and can't look at and discuss - for our own protection, of course.

Mark Harrop


Who says anything about giving up smoking? You can shove yer patches where there's no sun - should l want to give up smoking, or anything else for that matter, then it ought be my choice.

You 'antis' ought be aware that the smoking ban is a vehicle to get us all stepping in line - haven't you noticed increasingly intrusive interventions into most aspects of what should be our private and social affairs? Publicans are now becoming proxy coppers and we're slowly but surely sleepwalking into an over regulated "society' at the behest of politicians with some very dodgy habits of their own.

I don't want my 'filthy' habit to impinge on others that's why we should have choice in the matter - smoking or non-smoking establishments. Everybody happy? Hmm . . .

As for being wazzed on - you can pay a lot of money for that.