Nobody Mentions Why the Mods Are Upset
This comment on Techdirt (https://www.techdirt.com/2023/06/14/reddit-communities-decide-to-extend-boycott-after-ceo-says-its-almost-over/#comment-3046724) is insightful:
Almost all of the reporting, including here, has missed the reason why moderators are upset.
Reddit does not provide a viable way for the mods to actually moderate. The official apps are garbage which gave rise to many 3rd-party apps. These 3rd-party apps give the moderators the tools needed to provide free work for reddit. Charging everyone for API access makes the apps too costly to run.
Now, moderators will have to use the official apps slowing down their work. This will result in more spam and hate-speech, especially in the large forums.
Eleswhere (https://www.techdirt.com/2023/06/16/reddit-ceo-triples-down-insults-protesters-whines-about-not-making-enough-money-from-reddit-users/#comment-3048063) the attitude of the owner is summarised as
“We don’t do things for free, so all the unpaid mods should get back to work”