Are you hard of understanding?
"There has been a general increase in summer temperatures averaged over the country as a result of human influence on climate..."
Bullshit. There's no evidence for that assertion and you know it. When someone proves a detectable human signature in the climate it'll be the science discovery of all time. Hasn't happened yet.
"Further, "For the A1B emissions scenario the UK is projected to experience..."
"Scenario". "Projected". In other words, more computer modelling fantasy nonsense, not actual real science.
Do you not understand that computer models of barely understood chaotic systems that require thousands of initial condition parameters, many of which are simply guessed at, are nothing more than expensive digital masturbation? When someone creates a model that can hindcast, then I might not immediately dismiss computer modelling of the climate out-of-hand as bullshit.
Warming since 1960? By what - a fraction of a degree? Big deal, let's run for the hills. I take it you're one of these cretins that denies the medieval warm period and all the other times in Earth's history when it was significantly warmer than today?