Re: Something isn't making sense
Don't suppose that green/blue light can be turned off, or brightness reduced can it? It looks like just what I need, but those things can light up a bedroom in the dark like Blackpool Illuminations!
76 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Apr 2008
Agreed... With the drive for equality in all areas, we really should strive to stop marking events relating to the "first woman...", "first black person...". Any achievement for such a title is worthy in itself. Until such branding stops, we'll struggle to attain proper equality.
P.S. Thumbs up for Koch - I wonder how long it'll take for bone/muscle mass to return to normal levels.
We used to have a known issue with our microwave link for the phone system to the local BT Exchange down the road whereby trees in the line-of-sight would obscure the view if it got too windy or they grew too much (nothing some pruning/trimming couldn't solve). However, one day, we kept losing connection throughout the day for random periods of time before connectivity was restored... we knew it wasn't the trees this time.
On my way home, I noticed workmen on the roof of the BT exchange... then it dawned on me that with them wandering around up there that they would have been obscuring the receiving dish from our site from time to time.
Thankfully, we know longer use this system!
Watched the piece about this on BBC Breakfast this morning... The closing comment by an affected (home) user was... "make sure your protection is up-to-date". I was disappointed that at no point did anyone mention backing-up personal data just in case such things happen and all your personal docs are encrypted.
Reinstalling Windows (presumably the OS of choice) and copying data from a backup is a lot cheaper than shelling-out to Ransomware chumps.
I appreciate that maybe your average Home User might not know how to re-install Windows, but don't new computers at least come with a small leaflet detailing how to restore a computer/laptop to factory settings via a hidden Restore partition?
What's really frustrating is the inability to delete user accounts on sites. Generally, there's no way to delete your online account from a system.
Modaco were breached, and I was notified earlier this week from haveibeenpwned.
I've not logged-on/used their forums for a good few years so had forgotten about the account - again, there's no way to remove the account, (though they did state in an informational post that you could email them to ask them to delete it).
...including a few more sites for good measure. [Copley being a rather large data centre just a few minutes away from Halifax town centre.]
"Rob MacGregor, Unite’s national officer, said 640 staff will lose their jobs under Wednesday’s announcement.
Unite said the cuts will affect staff in the following areas: Group IT sites in Halifax, Copley, London, Edinburgh, Bristol, and Manchester, with additional impacts in Pudsey, Leeds, Banbury and Birmingham"
Back end of Jan I moved to BT Infinity, and received the HH5. Doddle to setup, etc. A couple of weeks ago I got home to find the hub constantly rebooting. Unplugging the power didn't make a difference after it powered-up again.
After a call to BT, and performing a full reset, it stabilised.
A week later it happened again, and after going through the same trouble-shooting steps (this time a full reset didn't fix it), they decided to send me a new HH5.
After I'd ended the call to BT, I tried another full reset which seems to have worked again as not had a problem in the intervening days.
I now have a brand new, unopened HH5 sitting doing nothing as I wasn't going to replace it until things went pear-shaped again. By the sounds of it, I may not need to, if they're rolled an update out.
I bought an iPod Classic just the other week to replace a 120GB model. Mainly for car use and for travelling. All this nonsense about Cloud and streaming comes to nothing when you're abroad or with no signal/wifi. I appreciate each person has differing needs, but the iPod Classic suits mine to a T. I like the choice I have too by having all my music on one device, plus the iPod works very nicely with my car as the media console has a dedicated iPod option.
I've used memory sticks and they take an age to read in the info especially when you hit over 32GB... with the iPod it's seamless.
As someone's mentioned, maybe it's time to grab a backup Classic, just in case the current one goes tits up.
The article is about arcade games... ie, games that could be played outside the house in video arcades, not home computer games. I think a few have missed that point (or, not to be condescending, are too young to know about arcades).
Late 70s through to late 80s... that's when it was all really happening with coin-ops.
Maybe there's a market here for just such a retro arcade place - maybe stocked with MAME cabinets (though I doubt that's entirely legal...)
A pretty good list there. Defender ranks as #1 for me personally and yes, where's Galaxian or even Scramble, though let's face it, too many to mention and to nail into a top 10 easily.
I threw far too many coins into Xevious myself.
Also worth noting, Bradford's National Media Museum has a room with some cabinets and sit-downs in for retro-gaming goodness, and still at the original 10p per game too. They have Defender too... I'll always try to find time to have a blast on that when I'm there.
Since either the last IOS 6 upgrade or iTunes update Home Sharing has completely stuffed up foreme (and many others) on both iPad and iPhone. When selecting the Shared library via the Music app, it sticks at a grey half-moon of death when loading the library. Sometimes it *might* work but you'll only see a small amount of albums, artists, songs. Sometimes it'll work but mostly not.
As a happy, long-time user of a Toppy 5800 for the last 7 years, this unit may be the one that gets me to upgrade. Sure, the £300 price tag isn't cheap, but considering a Humax twin tuner HD 500GB PVR costs around £230 or so (according to a quick google), I don't think it's too much of a premium to pay.