Amazing New phone
I just got a new phone which does away with all those cumbersome menus and touch interfaces, tapping away at a touchscreen and clunky email clients etc.
You simply speak into it at one end and the person at the other can hear you insuring instanteous, interactive personal communication. In your own voice too, instead of some impersonal, badly spelled electronic rendering. It shuns Google maps for a sense of direction and the ability to read road signs. This works even when the phone is off thus delivering unrivalled battery life!
Frankly, I'm stunned at the technology behind this, how can Apple be so far behind the Zeitgeist?
Amazingly this phone was FREE, thus freeing valuable financial resources each month to clear the credit card bills for all that other electronic tat you bought that you thought might really improve you sorry existance and didn't. It also has the added bonus that it doesn't look like you have an ingot of some metal stuck to your ear, like some fashion faux-pas earring. Best of all it doesn't give you a falsely elevated sense of social standing, but then what item of mass produced Chinese electronics and near-future landfill, available to everyone should?
Could this be the, you know, coolest phone, like evah?