Bad Breath
I remember hearing that on space missions, bad breath isn't much of an issue because of the oxygen rich atmosphere.
34 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Apr 2008
I bought a PS3 for £150 an PlayTV box for £50 and have a significantly better setup than this.
The playTV GUI is the best I've seen on any set top box/ TV plug in thing. Why do they need to reinvent the wheel when they could just integrate together what already works.
Given that people are being expected to work in excess of 60hrs a week, it won't be long until management decide that it would be more "productive" to give employees pee bottles so that they don't ever have to leave their desks.
Because obviously people can remain at 100% efficiency when they are working 10 hour days, 6 days a week.
<---Foamy Glass under WoW players desks
it does really just point out the obvious facts that any systems or software engineer have figured out for themselves. Another bit of software to capture requirements won't make much difference given that the vast majority of schedule slip issues are introduced by the customer themselves and the poor management of the changes by team leads.
Perhaps these companies might finally learn that customer service and product knowledge should be of greater priority.
I'm always hearing horror stories of people being sold freeview boxes when the TV that they are buying at the same time has freeview built in or people being sold £40 "Gold Plated" HDMI cables when a £10 would do the job.
Went to buy TV from Curry's last year after having seen an advert for it at a decent price.
I trolled the member of staff a bit to ask whether it had freeview built in (knowing it had), he disappeared to check the computer and came back to tell me it didn't but that they had an offer on freeview boxes and tried to flog one to me.
Then i asked for an antenna cable.... TV store... must have them.. surely... They only had a cable in a kit that included numerous other things that i had no need for.
HDMI Cable... he handed me an HDMI cable that was in the region of £90 for 2m and they didn't have anything cheaper. He tried to sell the benefits of gold connectors to me and how "electrons flow better in it, mate"
I went to a local supermarket and got both cables for under £20.
<Smug Mode>
The (Free) Google Navigation App on my HTC Desire gets me where I want to go and it is considerably more up to date and accurate than my 18 month old Tom Tom for which I would have to pay for updated maps. In a side by side comparison the Tom Tom failed to plot a route to a destination that the navigation app found with ease.
I'd be quite happy if cameras were fitted in classrooms especially considering the large number of attacks on teachers and pupils.
Its all about common sense really, if the head teacher is going to use it to spy on his staff then its not on but if it is purely going to be used for a safety perspective and only viewed in the event of an incident then what is the problem.