@ Bill Ray
So JesusPhone 2.0 isn't read for business because handset security is poor or it's too cheap???
If the former, then that's a fair point. However, there has been no detailed public announcement regarding this [typical Apple]. So, unless you have access to the latest beta firmware, you don't know what is/isn't being implemented. Seeing as the Gold Master of the firmeware hasn't been released it may yet have more [better] handset security features. You'll have a pretty good idea on the 27th. BTW, Jack Gold's analysis hasn't stopped the US Army from evaluating it [yeah, I've opened a can of worms here].
If it's the latter then I don't understand your point. too cheap for business?? Or that rogue employees will go and buy one and demand that the Exchange admins grant them access? Is this how you see businesses run?
Ether way, it's a crap article. It also must be a slow news day because the original source was published on the 10th.