Paranoia here we all are
There would appear to be a certain amount of paranoia here.
Who said that!
Is it the state watching or is it something in my trousers?
Surely if you are that scared of a certain type of RFID trousers then dont purchase them, easy when you think about it.
@ FOOF - Calling all paranoid fantasists
Mr Foof (nice nom de plume), what is your real name, your comments mean you will happily print your correct title, if Foff is your real name, i feel sorry for you, consider deed poll.
Reid Malenfant
Wise words great mate, dont worry about the 'if you were in Germany' quote by 'AC', (Yes another AC for you to whine on about Mr (or Mrs) Foof), cant imagine a person with a name like yours in leather trousers, slapping you thighs and drinking vast amounts of yellow beer from a mug with a lid on it, just dont go to Germany.
Tonto Popaduopolos
Foofs (Mr / Mrs / Monsieur?), will hate you more than everyone, top name though. Keep wearing the moleskin codpiece, i prefer mine to be made from scotchbrite.Nice.
@How to avoid being tracked by Argus Tuft,
You will be hated a close second by Foofs (Mde / Senorita?),Tonto just has it for me.
Dont use money or credit cards mate, your paranoid ideals will overtake you very quickly !!
I'm off now to think of a really good name to call myself.
All those worried about RFID should wear tin foil pants, not to stop any details escaping, but to catch the mess when you shit yourself everytime you think about the tracking in your strides.