Trump and Deja Vu
I am sure I asked a hundred people if they had experienced deja vu and Donald Trump
They all had beards and mac based laptops
I awoke hot confused and with an erection
Thank God, wood seperates dreams from reality!
118 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2008
I blow things up on my desktop
Email etc the phones (3 last count)
Got a 10inch tab for some games, viewing imdb whilst I watch the telly and recording my gas and electric on a spreadsheet (started life as an xhell orifice 2000 back in '06...)
But a tablet/laptop combo for nadda coin?
With HDMI?
That tablet never leaves the house so GPS is meh.
And it runs Android Bookmarks?
Castrate some Kodi loading crim in public just as you give $$$ free movie for x months*
* With a rusty knife, on a rainy day...
If the droid thing is sorted by my birthday... else crimbo
£200+ ish budget
It was all about the ipodness of it (the ipod touch came out in september that year, a few years ahead of the ipad)
You may recall some people carrying wifi GSM doongles so they could use their ipod touch in the field
And early iphones are for those blessed with young eyes, this old windbag needs at least 5" to use the web
Case-sensitive passwords are a joy on an iphone keyboard
Remember when music was the food of love?
What happens if you play on?
It grows bigger and you can't stop playing with it?
Or you have children and have to be an adult
Almost valid...BUT
Given their recent history they are never concerned about standards, even their own. And having paid for a brandname in headphones why let anyone else into the party?
No this is all about wearing $300 headphones to listen to your $1000 phone and knowing those looking at you know this
Sumptuary, pure and simple, 21st century ermine, let them eat Android
Where are we lets see...
6 inch screen you can read, voice req that works most of the time, fingerprint NFC yep all nice when it works to make it work and work quick.(diary, comms bread and butter)
So the iphone 7...?
no headphone jack?
My thoughts
Two cameras with all the 3d stuff you could then do seems an obvious step; AR/VR Estate agents...
Front camera? Why not a reverse screen? A screen on the back, eink style for some nebulous messaging advantage that is used mainly for mega-selfies ; the top model sports a small IPS full HD 2" screen WHY
Built-in hinged cover with razor sharp edge that doubles as a knife; chop your veg help out with a mugging keep your screen scratch free
Super waterproof No buttons or ports, all capacitive buttons and wireless charging...
Safari OS; cross-platform integration via the all-new run anywhere safari browser OS, not iOS on a browser but the otherway round and thanks to open standards it works with m$ and google accounts ...
Or better yet a USB image...
I am about to upgrade my win 7 box (I mean buy new bits and make a new one)
Can I d/l the upgrade and use it on a new m/c? I suspect not
Is it worth messing with an old m/c Im going to upgrade? No of course not
If I put a pirate version on the new box can I upgrade for free? Ha nice thanks M$
Will it be faster? I have every reason to think yes it will be as long as you go for a 64 bit option
Green and black serial terminals emulating oh what was it some DEC 100 thing VT that's it VT100
Jumpers for goalposts
When it got stuck you had to thump the keyboard!
Internet? Nah you had to text search a book with your eyeballs
Yeah knowing that by time you read the manual it was out of date
Nah no such thing as XP back then
Change is so much faster/slower today/then
Think XP is old? Try UNIX... no hang on is it really 1st Jan 1970?
Come to think of it NT is even older
Yeah UNIX is cutting edge, why it even works on MIPS!
Oh and my phone, and yours
As their email says all the current cert holders can stay connected ... until 1 by 1 they die
Meantime any enterprise or government dept. that needs people with these skills have to decide what certification now counts or (and here comes the long play) just pay Microsoft to have its own people come in and "add value"
And if they can sell a largely cloud based solution most of those people will be in a Mumbai office
They will look as exciting as a fuzz covered worthers original in the bottom of your mum's handbag
What do we mean by grammar?
"grammatical error"
a) You know there was an error
b) So why did you not correct it?
I am a nurse, Mr Dr comes along and says "Give Mr Y 1000mg of morphine"
I have worked with Mr Dr for many years an know he really meant 10.00mg, cus he well he may be a sort of fake Dr, but Im just a nurse so well say your a Dr and well you know
Anyway because I did NOT correct an error which I knew to be an error I was given 7 years
Now there is you. You with let us guess a paid-for education maybe not Eat'um but by God your mum & dad put you thru a school that spoke Greek & Latin
So grammer well your top of the pops
World's largest miner?
So not some stupid kid with an opinion and no data
A huge corporation with the ability to hire the best
And we can assume from all that has been said before to use facts rather than fiction
Hence the use of "CLIMATE CHANGE" rather than "GLOBAL WARMING"
I mean you know a giant hurricane the size of Europe crashes into NY NY, in a season starting a month early, I mean where are these so called signs of climate change eh? WHERE ARE THEY?
Intels "Pick a Whore any Whore" bribe campaign worked to push llano down to a sheet of cardboard outside lidil's despite the fact that sandyitch can't do OpenCL, and that Adobe lives off the bribes it does not honour (why should it?)
Assuming Area 51 won't release Alien Batteries And the rise in "economic uncertainty" ultra low battery powered ARM like tablets that integrate with a cloud service or two seem to be the future.
A cloud with two ends; one low powered content consuming tablets, the other vast storage on fast links
A double digit watt x86 is so 1995 (P reg Astra?)
Buying ATI was so smart
Get NVIDIA and block Intel off?
No do that and we suddenly learn AMD is Arab owned and likely as not funds the tallyband
Employ or kill their top engineer's ?....France 2012....???
An offer you can't refuse....!!!!
Some Nokia yeah maybe phone
Tiny screen
fucking shit CPU
BUT you could yell at google and maybe see what you wanted to
And when you wanted to use the phone bit it had a "pick up the phone button" and a "put down the phone button" geez some UI design, years ahead of its time
Maps street view navigate
go on kill pigs with a bird?
Fuck no I could not twat away time like that!
That is so cool!
I know your a cheapskate who thinks he can beat the bookies!
Face it the iPad is a no brainer {if you can afford to spend any money on these things}
Spend £500 on a toy
£40 a month on a contract
£0 a month on stupid apps you never use 'cus all you do is read the news or tv guide on the bloody thing
Is this it reading Steven Fry's supper and trying to piss pig heads off?
A GPS device that only works outside but cannot be read in sunlight?
Made in China by slaves
Hacked by Latvian crime lords
Oh but it is so shiny!
Fuck Im stuck with last years model, look at her, finger marks all over her face, stains on her bezel, fucking slut God you smell like piss I WISH I NEVER MET YOU
It is important that I do nothing important
On my Samsung LCD the freeview stuff knows what aspect ratio to use AND on the Sky+HD when viewing an HD channel also knows what aspect ratio to use (via an HDMI interface)
If only we had known what a series 6 Samsung TV could do we would not have got a series 5 sure a USB stick with a film on it looks cool but a wireless dongle so I could watch the iplayer without having to plug a laptop in is even better!
Bluetooth remotes would be nice if you could replicate them on your smartphone
The more that can break off the better - makes you want a new one
Stupid battery - means you want at least two and after 5 years they are both dead, and unavailable
To make it fail:-
A RAW no one can use
Some stupid XD card that never sells
A USB adapter in the shape of a baby's head
An f3.5+ lens that fails indoors
A non wide angle lens
crap battery life
huge shutter lag
fucking loud beep
huge red light shine before candid shot
You get things like the user swore (the fucknig system is shit slow)
Most 3rd parties can hang up the call there and then (abuse)
In fact if they DO NOT HANG UP when you swear they will lose their job!
So the entire exercise is to see who has the least humanity
Say your the support staff and you say something like "Sounds like a shit storm, I will send an engineer pronto" you might as well go home after that call, 'cus you just lost your job; you said the word SHIT in case you missed what I was typing
No, the New World Order is we are all French; We must wear and speak what we are told.
Only the "Real" French may tell what these are.
You are Brandy
We are Cognac
Both will get you pissed
But it is easier to burn a cheap Spanish Brandy atop your pudding than...
Oh I don't know give a Mac Air to a tramp
(One Mac Air per A Tramp OMApAT?)
Or is it more super strength Cider versus Champagne ?
No no no, the cider will always get you laid...
The iPhone is your new right hand?
Is that what they meant by right-hand man in history lessons ?
Women are all right, but you can't beat the real thing?
The Sunday Sport folded some years ago, now the Screws is no more!
Yet this woman still does not have the balls to stand up and be counted!
Most of us will never know the adulation nor the money of the famous, nor will we have anywhere near as much sex as the powerful
But every Sunday we could tut tut them with a misguided sense of moral superiority as the Screws lay bare their feet of clay
Do you think I will buy a Mail on Sunday from my £1million house?
Perhaps the Observer will idle away the time as I take the Eurostar to Tuscany?
No no no the Dirty Digger MUST MUST MUST revive the mix of moral outrage and soft porn that was NoW
Either that or he will see his empire collapse all for the lust of a red head's !!!!
Did I not hear one of the matriarch utter this? Was it in Alaska ?
I understand Islam considers it a sex crime.
A professor, an Australian professor , female, on a documentary about prostitutes stated several times that sex outside of marriage is rape.
And you think you will change their minds with facts!
Now who is the wanker!
The bit about "continuing to address the self-generated risk that children place themselves in"
i.e. kids snaping a shot naked in front of a mirror and texting it to whom ever
I know if I try and photocopy a banknote I get nothing but a black blob, could sometime in the future
all digital cameras including those on phones detect when a child is being photographed and replace them with a black blob?
Why not, try going to a sports day with a camera see how far you get
In the 70's everyone agreed wage inflation was killing the economy and the main reason was Unions (spit, curse)
Once the Unions were killed no one ever said anything about wage inflation except to say massive top brass "renumeration packages" reflected their market value
Perhaps they can make apply for a job when you have one the same as kiddie fiddling / drink driving, you will feel the guilt instead of them, that's how I would do it, seeing as you twats all vote that way
Let us assume your superduper computer figures are correct, going forward the PS4 etc will have at least 4x times the power of the PS3 & the internet will be an IP6 based gigabit to the home vonder land
Further all encryption must decrypt as that is the point (send it thru unknown pipes in a safe fashion) but given enough CPU all encryption must fail, even quantum, because at some point you need to decrypt the bloody thing
At the moment I can only see a usage model as supplying the nes. security; Just as with limiting emails from one mailbox by what one human could reasonably send, we now need "electronic money" that weighs too much for you to carry that much around and spend
But if the market needs to be regulated like that then QED Capitalism must fail, for it can only exist in a market with no regulations e.g. cocaine
If every transaction must ultimately backtrack to some central point to verify the plausibility that someone somewhere might want to d/l a game in Poland and buy a tank of petrol in Peru (at the same time , keep up) that would mean a level of surveillance which would exclude any and all newcomers thus creating a closed market almost as it were "too big to start "
I ask you is there any evidence, any at all, that the world would stand back whilst a few rich and powerful people would control all trade like this? is there?
Any future codec discussion is mute, I will use Moors law to encode it on the fly after asking for the clients ID, or even cache it now, on huge hard drives say over 1TB each ( yeah in the 21st century they will be common...)
Apart from my dominant market position I can also leverage the 1st amendment to invalidate your onerous h264 licence, plus your a cartel, plus you are using a time-limited resource; patents
On top of all this the <video> tag is about the same as <embed>/<Object> bollocks, spawn another thread and start a shared library, no hang on I got HW support, just point the files handle at this GPU... Now who needs to pay who? ATI/AMD/NVIDA M$, umbungo or Apple?