* Posts by Captain! I cannae hold her any longer!

6 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2008

New Microgeneration report - what it actually says

Captain! I cannae hold her any longer!


How do microbial fuel cells compare - anyone?

US imposes 72 hour pre-reg for Visa waiver travellers

Captain! I cannae hold her any longer!


This is a good thing since so many terrorist attacks on mainland USA have been perpetrated by foreigners, particularly Europeans.

Oh wait... just 9/11, and all their other attacks have been from homegrown nutcases? Well then, this makes them look rather silly, doesn't it. Either they're defending themselves in a stupid way against a minor source of threat, or the threat from Europe has actually risen since 2001, which makes their policy choices and random middle eastern crusades look rather silly really;

or this is just about the data.

The music biz's digital flops - a short history

Captain! I cannae hold her any longer!

How curious

... highly critical of *most* proposed business models, but what about the proposed tax on ISPs/mp3 players/writable media? No comment?

Wikimedia Foundation muzzles Wikinews

Captain! I cannae hold her any longer!
Thumb Down

Three cheers

Three cheers for Wikileaks, without whom most of this story would have no sources

(oh...oh shit... I best not say that out loud, for fear of appearing a wikicultist. Sorry, Cade)

MySpace Music leaves creators cold

Captain! I cannae hold her any longer!
Dead Vulture

Am I bovvered?

Here's the thing. The only time I ever visit Myspace is when the website of a new band I am interested in hearing music from links to it with the promise of music. That's whether they're signed to a major or minor label.

If they instead choose to link to a site that treats them more nicely, then that's where my eyeballs will go, and I will be all the happier doing so in the knowledge that a "fair trade" site and and an indie label will get my CPM+retail bucks instead of News Corp and a music major.

Phorm, on the other hand, is an opt-out spyware service being put on my line by Virgin Media, who have signed me to a 12 month contract. I fail to spot the similarities that you've alleged in this interesting and insightful, but for some reason hubristic, piece. If the economists have it right, the free market should protect indy artists and labels, and punish MySpace.

Captain! I cannae hold her any longer!

Re: Re: Irrelevant

So, how exactly do you think MySpace will affect these other sites of which you speak, other than to rub their hands in glee and then open up their arms wide to all the indy refugees that come make their site "the next MySpace" (their thoughts, not mine, necessarily)?

C'mon, let's see the logic.