Pi and Education
I'm reading a lot of "this needs to be taught better" and "people need to get involved" yet I'm seeing very few "I've got involved" comments.
Part of the problem we have, and not just with Programming, ALL STEM subjects is we're asking people whose (usually but not always) background, career and qualifications is that of, a teacher, not a professional Tech. It's no wonder that the material we all want/need as industrial bods isn't being taught, because we're not involved!
There's a number of organisations out there, from our own Professional Bodies, eg IET, IMechE, Royal Soc. Eng, BCS, to other groups such as STEMNET and Greenpower, who are all trying to encourage and help get kids into all these tech subjects, but they need our support and help. Code Clubs are great and generally your average school is grateful if they can get some help to set and run these. I personally do work with STEMNET as a volunteer, so go into schools every so often and the response is fantastic. I see regular pleas from schools to help them teach Pi's, sadly not my field so I can't help. Can you?
If we as professional tech heads, be it Programmers, Designers, Scientists etc etc etc cannot get off our butts and enthuse the kids, then please don't be surprised that teachers aren't able to do it, and don't be surprised when the whole gig falls on it's arse because have a bunch of kids who have no idea how to be a techie. Pi's, Arduino's, these are just tools, and like all tools, needs a person to wield it and show others how to.
So, challenge for us all... you believe strongly enough about the subject? Get involved. Find your local STEMNET Rep, approach your kid's school, go to your Professional body, whatever.... just get involved.