* Posts by V

7 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2008

Norway's national broadcaster breaks Beatles download deadlock

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Sadly been pulled.

Sodding lawyers. First up against the wall and all that...

Porn doctor jailed for 33 years


"received the harsh sentence on Monday"

Nothing harsh about it. Lock him up and throw away the key.

New cleaning products erase murder stains


David Kelly

Is it too late for forensics to go back and test his body/clothing for residue of Vanish?

I can just see the advertising...

Vanish, As used by spooks, probably.

Run Mac OS X on a PC

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[/quote] If you use a boot 123 boot disk (google) you can install a real OSX system on a PC without using a hacked copy, that won't be destroyed by apple updates. You need relatively compatible hardware and an intel cpu [/quote]

You mean Boot 132. Have a look at insanelymac for lots of info on how to install a purchased copy of OSX on generic PC hardware.

There is also a good noob guide here: http://menoob.com/2008/09/04/hackintosh-install-a-mac-leopard-os-x-retail-dvd-on-a-pc/

CookieMonster nabs user creds from secure sites

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Gnatwest - OK

(they did something right for a change!)

Spy regs used against dogs, litterbugs



"What about perving the buxhom blondes with little puppies bending over to stroke their beloved pooch?!"

Surely they would be big puppies if the female in question were buxom??

Thailand cracks down on cut-price castrations



So, did you used to be Leon?

Cheque please....