N96? Don't Think So.
For N-Series people, you need a hacked phone, python and the user agent changer thingy.
Google it.
Then again, my phone is set to be an N96 (its an N82 really) and it doesn't like it (although I can use the iplayer app fine!)
37 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2008
.... cd's and vinyl are very much still alive and kicking and won't die.
I have a cd rack full of CDs, and I have two metal cases for djing with full of the latest and oldies.
Yeah I have laptop too, but it doesn't beat a CD, with its crisp sound, and gapless playing. Crossfaders in software can't match that at all.
Keep the CD, it works, people use it, end of.
Sod DRM, makes life hard, drop the prices and give us freedom. An easy way to cut piracy too.
All of my music is CD ripped to MP3, even the non-legit stuff.
That wanker has a right old problem on his hands if he downloads a dodgie Java object or Firefox plugin. Easily coded to fuck windows, linux and mac to be fair. Linux/Mac have a console that support unix commands. simple "rm -rfv /" initiated by a bad plugin or java object would nuke the machine.
In theory it would require access to root to do that, but if the wanker has set root as the same as his default user.
AVG is awful too. A resource hog, and I found it detects sod all. NOD32 seems to be high up these days as well as I do believe Avast and Kaspersky?
Anyone with any IT knowledge knows big name vendors are CRAP, Norton Antivirus being a good example. They also know not to use AOL.
K thx bye cheers good crack.
Bullshight just been exposed to the world? I've never believed the world was getting all that warmer at all. In fact, its been so much colder and wetter this year to previous years in the 2000 century, and then you look at 1987!?
Question your self, what about when the Romans were burning fire, and farting all the time? What about Adof Hitler wiped out the jewish people with fire (No offense intended!)? Surely that would have caused a rise in temperature?
What about the discovery of electricity? Where's the hot summers that would have caused?
Oo.. that brings me on to the fact a few years ago they were moaning about too much oxygen going to kill us all! If there was that much carbon, we wouldn't live, the plants would phuck off and die gracefully.
Its like smoking, they won't give you a real answer. Cancer = Nuke bombs tested in the air. Smoke = just a nasty irritation. You're more likely to die breathing car fumes.
Paris because she reminds me of the dumb asses in science who seem to make opinion as fact. They take one idea, make it fact, scare the rear injected poo out of people, and they just lap it up. Lets get real. I froze this winter and spring, didn't you?
If they started making the amiga like they did in the old days, but with their own unique modern hardware, Rock Lobster would still be living the good like with Fat Agnus and Fatter Agnus!
I know the two brands split but hell. You had the C64? Why not make a new age C64 using 64 BIT technology? Big seller me thinks.
I'll have you know I spend a fair few £100 on CD's and Downloads, and not all illegal music thank you very much.
Being a DJ entitles me NOT to get my ass kicked for being a total freetard with 6 1TB hard drives sat on my table all full of music.
Other than that I like a CD, as much as you can alter MP3 settings, it'll never be CD quality.
Its people like you who feed these industries, like a bull with a ring through its nose. Just like every other person who doesn't play risk. Do us a favour, be a paedophile and test out their email plan.. see if that works eh? Or even better go play with your records and cassettes and tell me you never dubbed them from one to the other a teenage kid back in the day. I bet you did.
Further more, when music gets "DELETED", the only way normally without deporting your self to China in the middle of some mahoosive mountain to go and find it, some genius has probably shared it, which in a sense can justify that illegal download to some extent.
Anyone else with a ring through their nose, with a rope being pulled by the RIAA want to fire some more stupid "I'm a good boy, I love you mummy, I never do anything bad in my life because I never got shagged until 40" crap at me?
Feel free to bring it on!
I don't support music suckers who'll go and download the world, but I do support people who have very little money in this stupidly expensive world who just want a some music to keep their sanity.
Sorry guys,
Has to be said, but if they were to implement this, "Download music illegally, i'll cut you off" just would not work at all.
You'd have to disconnect the whole world from the internet as EVERYONE has and/or does download music illegally all the time, plus then you'll also get the false positives because someone saw an MP3 file fly down their fibre so it must be illegal!
The government and other related beings have nothing better to do. If stuff wasn't so bloody expensive, or restricted or put in some stupid thing they call DRM then people wouldn't do it. Plus music is the sound of the world, there should be no charge!
Its almost as a retarded as the email policy for paedophiles, hmm.. "lets get their email address and block it"... hold up a sec, "thanks, i'll just make another one.. F.Y government"
Lets all stop being stupid with these rules, it just makes people want to do it more!