* Posts by sam

3 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Apr 2008

Up to 80,000 AOLers face the boot from Carphone network


Pushy CPW

I hate pushy salesman at CPW and Phones4you . I like their websites and their pay as you go service but pay monthly is where most their salesman lie. Honestly no one should sign the dotted line believing they are getting a good deal with them , when they may be fobbing you to get the commission. It is much better to do it online or go to another shop and confirm the deal from a second unrelated salesman than signing the contract and discovering to your horror , something is not right and going through the nightmare of cancelling it .

WiMAX is more of a crawl than a Sprint


No comparison of blighty with uncle sam

There can be no comparison of uk with usa as uk is very small and densely populated. Also there has been no news of the intel backed uk wimax company pipex about when its going to, if ever, introduce wimax in uk. Only uk broadband offers a similar system in a very small area and at very high costs and with very lengthy contracts. Only cloud in the silver lining is intel coming out with centrino 3 notebooks with buit in wimax but till then there is no future for wimax in uk or usa. There are numerous applications like skype which can benefit from wimax and people with no fixed address having no landline can use it in a similar way like uk broadband has been doing till now. But still competiton from 3G/HSDPA is great and by that time it may be cheaper and faster to use mobile telco's internet than go for mobile internet with wimax. It will be better to offer a complete mobile service in the wimax frequency range than just offer mobile internet on wimax as can be done now in uk and usa. USA also needs 3G mobile phone network more than wimax , and spirint /google should aim to provide that instead of wasting resources on a limited service.

Elpida hikes DRAM prices 20 per cent


Bring in the 4gb laptop and 8gb desktop modules

I want to add more ram and ssds to my computers , but ssd are too expensive and sodimms abd desktop ram are available in 2gb capacity only. Wish these companies increased density and reduced costs, thereby helping themselves and us consumers instead of just trying to sell the same old obsolete product at a high pricepoint