Re: Forced to support forever
One could argue that poor programming which allows these worms access should always be fixed. Before they bring out their next money spinning version they should fix the last!
19 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Apr 2008
As an IT aware person, like many here, I can think of a few ways which could get around any 'interception' of encrypted communications assuming it was done in an organised manner. I am sure there are far better 'brains' than mine that could think up even subtle better ways.
Apart from risky backdoors, it is a fundamental requirement of the security of business and banking that transactions are fully secure. Perhaps the EEC and Trump should seek advice from the 'Ruskies' who seem to have some sort of an advantage on this.
I think I will patent a process I will call 'Eating'.
A person opens their mouth and an object we will call food is inserted by the left or right hand sometimes on a fork. The food is chewed in the jaw and is subsequently swallowed and digested in the stomach.
Once this is filled and approved I guess anyone doing the above mentioned will have to pay me a fee.
Easy money!!! Yippee
I must admit this point never crossed my mind. Surely this Webwise interception totally undermines also some of the legal advertising business models by Google, MSN and Yahoo to name a few.
Why are they not reacting more noisily? They have a very good UK legal case (watertight?) made out by Dr Richard Clayton and the FIPR who have done all of the hard technical and legal analysis work indirectly for them in their papers. Does Google, I wonder, already know of court action being prepared behind the scenes?
Incidentally, who has the definitive list of OIX partners so that I can ensure that I never do any sort of business with them in any manner or form?