Chicken / Egg scenario
What came first, the word, or the paraphilia.
Surely no-one thought about getting turned on by tears until someone invented the word dacryphilia...
86 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Apr 2008
Why didn't you use your real name?
If we eject all "foreign nationals" who's going to drive the buses, serve in restaurants, clean hotel rooms, treat the sick & dying, pick fruit & veg, mend toilets etc etc
We need immigrants because far too many people in this country are too self-important / bone idol to carry out necessary but unglamorous jobs.
It may have escaped your attention that over the centuries Britain has regularly taken in foreigners who've integrated into our society to such an extent that we've probably got the most multi-cultural society outside the US, and this society works as long as knuckle draggers like yourselves butt out.
Why don't you go and join the like minded ex-pats who live in the Sun reading utopia of southern Spain where you can keep your race pure and English speaking...
Last time I had a Pot Noodle was after the Stone Roses gig at the Spike Island chemical dump.
We'd had an all nighter before, arrived at the site sans money, so had nothing to eat or drink until close to mid-night and the only thing approaching food at the Shell garage on Runcorn ring road was a "chicken" & mushroom Pot Noodle. I ate half and chucked the rest away and not touched one since.
Thanks for bringing back those bad memories...
"How on earth did you cope in the real world without it?? Agree it's a very cool application, but this sounds very much like trying to find a problem to match the solution if ever I heard one!"
Firstly - we're off somewhere we've never visited before. I need a nearby car park because my wife can't walk very well.
In the real world before Street View I would have driven there beforehand and checked the area out, now with Street View I've saved about 60 miles worth of fuel and a couple of hours of being sat in traffic. There you go Google saves the planet yet again...
"The argument of utility isn't likely to carry much weight, as there isn't really that much utility :-)"
Sorry pal, it does have utility - yesterday I used Street View to see where I'm going on Friday, find a nearby car park and plot my route from the car park to the restaurant.
It's a pretty cool application really...
How many users really want this choice. Most people use IE7 because all they want is a tool to access Facebook
Secondly, how many people have their PCs connected to the internet during setup? How will the installation routine download the requested browser?
Finally, I'll add my name to the list of people requesting the same treatment for Apple with their Safari/iTunes monopoly. I'm not sure the same is true for Linux, because all flavours I've used generally have at least two browsers installed, FF and Konquerer...
Whilst I love Top Gear, and find it consistently the funniest program on TV, i do wonder why it's classified under "News & Factual" on the Freeview TV Guide.
btw the Fiesta / Corvette car chase through the shopping centre last week was a classic, bringing back happy memories of The Blues Brothers
Are you the Police
No ma'am, we're musicians...
For the same reason Frank Zappa's Grammy award winning Jazz From Hell had a PMRC Warning Offensive Lyrics sticker despite being a true instrumental work and completely lyric free.
There's also the fact it got a Grammy award when none of the Grammy panel had listen to a single note...
I just tried to configure one of these, so I selected the Quad core option and was warned that this was incompatible with the wireless card. you cannot change the wireless option so you have to deselect the quad core chip.
Then I selected Vista Business 64 bit so I could load it with 16gb ram and I got this error message...
"The Operating system you have selected is incompatible with Palm Rest Option."
So Dell's palm rests are not compatible with 64 bit windows - perhaps they'd better get a certified driver for their palm rests.
Finally, the only hard drives on offer are 160gb, 250gb and 64gb SSD, and there is no second drive option, so how exactly do you get 1tb of storage.
With the quad core chip, 16gb RAM, WUXGA screen and 64gb SSD onboard the price is £5125 + vat
Why is that on every story about a new SCC there's loads of tossers complaining about it being too dear, or ugly, or the wrong colour etc.
If you don't like this one, or prefer the Acer or MSI, keep it to yourselves, all the people who aren't anally retentive are sick to death of your wingeing...
"The chance that we are following this correctly is roughly equivalent to that of a man with no arms throwing a handful of jelly through a falling doughnut at fifty yards without touching the sides."
Now If NASA used an Infinite Improbability Drive they could use the jelly throwing man to power their ships...
**btw is that US jelly, as in fruit based preserve, or UK jelly, as in the stuff fed to hyperactive kids at birthday parties**