My last Palm
I think it's all too late for Palm and they've lost the plot.
I was a Palm fan, right from my first Palm III, until now. Now I have Treo 680 because I always fancied a palm that could make phone calls. Alas, I got a phone that can emulate some of the things my Palm III could could do 10+ years ago.
It can't multitask.
Half the time if I'm using it when there's an incoming phone call, it gets it's knickers in a twist and won't let me answer.
Sometimes if I'm not using it and there's an incoming phone call it won't put the 'unlock screen' button on the screen so I can't unlock the screen and answer the call. (top tip 1 : don't rely on it as a phone, always carry a real phone as well)
Sometimes, applications don't seem to clear properly so despite looking 'off' it's munching the battery to oblivion and will just kill it overnight. With no 'process monitor' it's impossible to tell when it's going to do this until you wake up with a dead phone (top tip 2 : don't rely on using it for an alarm clock when travelling).
Even if you do spot that it is happening the only way to clear the rouge process is to take the damn battery out and force a reboot.
When it has killed the battery, it doesn't use a single 'standard connector' so your chances of borrowing one to charge it up are nill.
Don't get me started on what a missed opportunity not putting wifi in it was.
I soooo wish I'd bought a Nokia n800 instead and just had 2 devices that work instead of one that doesn't.
This is definitely my last Palm.