@Given the chaotic nature of driving in Indian cities,
You have obviously not "arrived" in the Indian IT world !! *Real* programmers have chauffeurs to ferry them about !!
603 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Apr 2007
Yeah, it would make most of the people around there wonder if they've got into the wrong container at the Shenzhen Container Terminal !!
@stupid pricks...... Well, not to be too pedantic about it but it's actually *little* pricks !!
@Actually, I think we should start replying to the 419 spammers offering our shrunken-willie restorative cures in return for their bank details, BIG RETURNS guanteed! - Nothing so crude !! I just offer to make theirs backfire !!
...which are highly sought after since they are hardly ever used !! However, recent studies have found an undesirable side effect that the recipients have been padding their expenses after receiving the organ(s) !! Furthermore, they found a disturbing tendency among the recipients to be economical with the truth !!
ALL Pioneer products are "Matsushita-made" because Pioneer *IS* a Matsushita-owned company !! Matsushita owns Akai, Pioneer, National Panasonic and Ten. They also own part (half?) of JVC (Japan Victor Company). The main differences are the levels of tech and quality and the "percieved" value of the products/brands.
The statement above is almost as good as "The Toyota-made Lexus..." !! Toyota owns the Lexus brand and ALL Lexus are made in Toyota factories and rebranded !!
Now, if Panasonic started making Sony products that would be news indeed !!
@Jamtits - I'm sure your neighbours love you when you squat over that little hole in your garden to capture your carbon output !!
The easiest govt. solution is to place an emperor-size bucket next to Two-jags and capture HIS carbon output !! They can even help the crime statistics by sentencing serious criminals to months of removing the resultant capture. Those crims will be too busy barfing to go out and commit any more serious crimes !!
Does he have any idea of the cost of (1) setting up such a wide coverage of London and (2) maintaining this coverage at a usable level ??
If he thinks he can just build a few towers to cover vast swathes of London, then he truly belongs the LSD* !! The radiation alone will totally destroy his Green credentials !! The alternative of building lots of little stations will cost more than the bribes for a defence contract !!
Then there is the running cost per MB/per GB/per TB and the routine upkeep of the entire "system" !! Finally, there is the hostility of the other ISPs and he will have to build an entirely new company/organisation/lash up from scratch to operate that....thing !! I'd be hostile, too, if you try to steal my job !!
If he naively thinks that ALL those costs will be covered by business advertising, then he is too naive to be the mayor of our fair (well, sort of greyish, actually) city !!
* I mean the Liberal Social Democrats, not the other sort as some people might unkindly assume !!
Iconic representation of his chances of being a mayor of London !!
"who knows how much "restricted" material on something you could hide in your ear!" Not unless you are a bleeding elephant, mate !! Now, I wouldn't dispute what you might hide at the other end but they are going to deploy millimetric-waveband radar at airports soon !! Alternatively, you could try taping a memory stick to your todger !!
So, now Microsoft's Panzers will march into Sudetenland, oops, sorry, Jerry Yang's office !! And young Billy Gates will announce that there will be "Peace in our times" !!
Icon on the signboards at the camps, with tall chimneys, outside Redmond !!
They have some of the world's best adverts. Especially the anti-fur ones where they show many (female) stars in the buff protesting against the wearing of fur !! I have a complete collection of that !! I will encourage them and ask for more of the same !!
Letching aside, if I were to vat-grow any meat, I'd start with lobsters. Since they are a lower evolutionary order of animals than chickens, they should be easier to grow in the VAT. And have you checked the latest prices of shellfish ?? Meanwhile Tesco flogs chickens at 2 for a fiver !!
Alternatively, I could vat-grow brains !! Whoever thought(?) up this prize(?) is in serious need of some and might pay well for that privilege !!
I can't find an icon with a leer so a smiley one will do !!
"The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia" Ol Genghis was quite successful at this, you know !! And all he had was men on lots of little ponies !!
Oops, forgot to mention the 4 1/2 foot plate-armour-piercing arrows that rather upset his plate-armoured foes !!
@Re: Scripting? JVMs? Bah!!! - Just take them all out and shoot them !! Then we can all go back to assembler programming like I used to do !!
That bamboo armour next to the double recurved bow on top of that fast pony !!
Ballistic = Uncontrolled free-fall !! I'd bet the young lady must be glad of her space suit's biological functions !! I'd also bet that, along with the flames, she saw her life flash by before her very eyes !! The ultimate extreme adventure !!
A very apt icon, methinks !!
...when the moon is made of green cheese and the cow jumped over it !!
@dervheid - Yes, stop idiots driving 100 yards in a Chelsea tractor to fetch the papers !! Or slap a massive ( and I mean a REALLY MASSIVE) tax on Chelsea tractors within any urban areas !!
@Alternative and readily available fuel source..... Unfortunately the pollutants inherent in the ASBO supply are even worse that of fossil fuel. Consider, if you will, the junk food consumed in the production of that supply !! OTOH bring back chariots !! A six ASBOpower chariot will do nicely for urban areas !! Acceleration and course can be controlled by the proximity of a dangled Big Mac !! Pearl handled whips are optional extras !!
The American tanks "lent-leased" to Britain were so hopelessly outclassed by the German tanks that they were virtually death traps. However, the American, in their arrogance ignored the British requests for up-gunned and up-armoured tanks and went to war with the same models.
During the American landings in North Africa, the Afrika Korp shot up so many American tanks that there were wild exaggerations of the German strength to "explain" away their failure. The Americans were only saved by their possession of masses of artillery !! German tanks used to sit out of range of the American tanks and pot them one by one while the American tank ammo would bounce off the German tanks like peas !! The Grant and Sherman tanks could barely match the Panzer III which were already obsolete. They were out-classed by the Panzer !V which were being phased out and they were hopelessly out-classed by the Panther just coming into operation by then !!
The good thing from the Lend-Lease were the destroyers used in the Atlantic convoy battles !! Those were desperately needed and they did a sterling job fighting the U-boats !!
And, *NO*, U-571 did *NOT* capture the enigma machine that broke the German codes, no matter what Hollywood says !! Those codes were broken at Bletchley Park using a very early form of computing (IT angle !!) .
This sounds like the salesmen demanding the release of yet another untested "update" against the wishes of their techies simply for the sake of some marketing "advantage" !!
Truly the Chinese, with their thousands of years of collected wisdom, are right to rank salesmen below that of prostitutes in their social hierarchy !! At least prostitutes give honest value for money !! Techies (scholars) are very highly regarded !!
There are not too many cottages where you can hand-build a 63" TV though !!
It is also strange how the "do-without" brigade are always the first to scream loudest when they actually have to do without !! Try asking them to squat over a hole in the garden instead of using a modern flush toilet....
Please, update your information !! Novacaine is so yesterday. Lanacaine at the very least. Even my butcher of a fangman used Lanacaine to extract some teeth (and the subsequent extraction of a hefty wad from the wallet/credit card) !! The dentistry may be painless but the subsequent extraction wasn't !!
"as the medical staff were unable to administer strong painkillers to a drunk!"
Oh yes, they can !! Why do you think they keep them old socks with lead shot in em for ?? Then there's those 10 pound panel beating mallets....
And they have category-A NBC masks in case the fumes from either end.....
It's been know since pre-history that alcohol is a wonderful anaesthetic !! It is also a wonderful antiseptic, especially when circulated in the blood stream. So, unless the knife hit something vital, he should be quite safe !!
And finally, last but certainly not least, should he be killed, the alcohol in him should preserve(/pickle/mummify) him in a fit state until a decision is made on the disposition of his remains !!
Alcohol !! One of the greatest discoveries of mankind !! Ask the El Reg staffers. They should know all about it !!
... as the English say,"Too many cooks spoil the broth !!" They've have various "product" heads spitting into each others' broth as we can see from their products !! Ericsson, who got themselves into a jam sometime ago, merged with the Sony's phone division and now they are doing nicely, thank you !! Ericsson's phone technology and Sony's various Walkman technology have dominated a niche market within the mobile phone market !!
Of course they are !! Them drug cartels have much bigger bucks to spend that you do !! Money talks, bullshit walks !!
@Quite the golden handshake... - well, there is the cost of hiring outside consultants to fire those managers so that the senior management can "truthfully" say it wasn't them that fired those sods; so the "blame" can be passed on to others and, thereby, pacifying/suppressing the union(s) !! Axemen cost money !! It's a shit job but someone has to do it and I'm sure they cried all the way to the bank !!
Naw !! Them Nazis are all talk and no ..... Not even after partaking of Pfizer's most famous product !!
@AC@Wrong party - not as good as the one in the Darwin Awards who had a mobile phone in the same place. Appearantly the phone went off while the operation/procedure was taking place !! What was not said was :-
1) was the phone set to vibrate to announce incoming calls ??
2) did anyone answer that call and HOW ??
At least it wasn't a 3G phone, complete with video, text and camera functions !! If it was, the subsequent footage would have been of significant medical interest !!
...outside Edward (Capt. Blackbeard) Teach's merry(totally plastered) men !! And the ladies will probably have his men *JUMPING* off the plank to preserve their honour and virtue by the looks of it !! :-)
Well, you've done your first 10 years so you'll only have another 89 more to go !! :-) I'll be here every day to see that you "do" it !!
...and dive head-first through a plate-glass window, preferably from the 10th floor !! Shouldn't hurt his head one bit considering the density of the material it is constructed from !! I pity the landing zone, though. Not nice being struck by a kinetic weapon !!
(FYI, grey matter is mostly water and not very dense !!)
UK has sovereignty ?? I thought it was sold by the Labour government long ago !! 10 pieces of silver from the EU and 20 more from the US !!
And now Brown is over there performing for his puppet masters !!
At least Mrs Thatcher stood firm against the prostitution of British sovereignty and honour !! I'm sure various Labourites must enjoy spending their 30 pieces of silver now !!
This icon as a classification of something toxic !!
....is still only after the money by fair means or foul !! At least the real prostitutes provide a service for their money and don't leave you feeling like a piece of poo afterwards !!
This is a perfect argument for legalising prostitution !! Level playing field and all !!
If you've nothing to hide, why wear trousers ?? If you got em, flaunt em !! Having said that, there is a significant (and rising) proportion of the population that make beached whales look sexy !! Perhaps they should be forced to wear canvas tents to spare the rest of us some ghastly sights !!
They've just been hit by one of the biggest losses in the sub-prime crisis. Those poor things are still reeling from the loss of their massive bonuses and their annual junket^H^H^H^H^H^H board meeting in their Bahamas Headquarters !!
Please take pity on those poor, deprived persons struggling to make do with their last Rolls Royce and multi-million quid country home !!
After hours trading is also known as kerb trading in English. This dates back to the days when shares and commodities were traded in various London (and other) coffee houses. When the coffee houses were shut, trading continued privately, if desired, on the kerb outside !!
Please DON'T tell any of this to Starbucks, Coffee Republic, etc. !! They might ideas above their station....