FYI, those Chinese diesel-powered boats are a direct rip-off of the good ol' U-boats and everyone knows how sneaky those bastards were !!
603 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Apr 2007
Naw !! Highly unlikely !! With a large minority of its population of Asian origin and with the rise of China and Vietnam as economic dynamos, not to mention the Japanese out-innovating everyone else, California will opt to join the Greater East-Asia Co-prosperity Sphere V2.0 !! V1.0 got incinerated in nuclear fire at the end of 1945 !! V2.0 relies on more pacific(??) means (pun intended) !!
...the Cambridge Examination Board ran exams throughout the former empire and got the papers marked and the results collated in ample time for the students to deal with their next year's schooling. This was in the days when air-freight was limited to gold ingots and single sheets of paper !!
This bunch of clowns can't even deal with the exam papers from one lousy, little country !!
Forget about going to Third-world countries to look for corruption. There's cronyism enough here in Britain. More to come from Red Ken's London now that Big Boris is in charge !!
Now all we need is one Al-Qaeda operative to slip into that cloud and royally screw up everything !! How many more lies are these US military idiots expect us to believe ?? From pin-point laser-guided bombs that bombed the Chinese embassy miles away to military hunter-killer robots that turn on their handlers !!
Of course, HP is happy !! The DoD is giving them what is in effect a blank cheque !!
I've always had a soft spot for that company. At a time when the others, now extinct, like NCR, Data General, etc. were trying to bully their way into any business going, the Sun people will calmly explain the techie aspects of their kit !!
I have always had utmost respect for their kit and their software. However, it's a shame that their marketing people got their pricing so wrong !! Some more realistic pricing will help their cause no end !! Having said that, their support engineers and people are wonderful most of the time !!
@Glynn Williams - "So how much energy would you produce while running then?"
Answer: - Just have a peek at the staff photos of the El Reg 10th anniversary piss-up !! The delectable Miss Bee was certainly physically present; not too sure about mentally- what with the quantity of booze that was said to have been consumed !!
@Math Campbell - Is that a threat or a promise ??
@heystoopid - Nope !! Cos they're better able to defend themselves with their natural built-in coshes !!
@Dodgy Geezer - not true. Only dodgy geezers like them. Young men also dislike that scanners peering through their girlfriends' clothes and being leered at by dodgy geezers !!
@MarkMac - "Petrol prices (which are NOT controlled by the Govt, let it be noted) are a case in point." - WRONG !! In UK petrol prices *ARE* controlled by the government !! Just like cigarettes and booze. The majority of the price is in government taxes !! Brown could have solved all this "poor deprived people" crap by simply reducing the tax on fuel instead of pretending to be Santa Claus with one hand and taking it all back in taxes with the other hand !!
@Sarah Bee - Well, how about Labour-PF ?? And, no, they are breaking arms and legs; just hearts and wallets !!
@AC - "... imagine a terrorist who loaded a small van (trannie ?) with loads of fertilizer, and then detonated it whilst doing 90 on a motorway ..." - he'll spread self and trannie very thinly over a large amount of the motorway and the other drivers will just ignore the little bumps and get on with their journey !! Bombs only work when set off in confined spaces or in a directed manner (e.g. shaped charges) !!
Can we charge the Scots for all the damage inflicted by Brown in the poor English and Welsh ??
It is a well know fact that very,very few people can withstand the pain of more than three strokes of the rattan cane per session. Therefore, any sentence for caning is made in multiples of 3 !! Imagine, if you will, the sentence for rape being 24 strokes of the cane. That means *EIGHT* sessions of three strokes each. Just the anticipation of the pain to come will make anyone forswear any future misbehavior !!
Having said that, Singapore has progressed beyond its empire days !! It's become a fine city !! If you do anything the government doesn't like, you'll be fined !! SG$1,000 for littering, SG$ 1,000 for smoking in a public confined space, etc. !! Visit Singapore and have a fine time !!
gizmo23 - because you'll not get a lot of electricity from any blade that does not face South and the amount generated is so minuscule compared to the cost that this is an exercise in futility !!
As for the Scots, just cut their sticky fingers from London's well-provisioned purse and tell them to go spin on their windmills !!
1) Since that "chick" looked like a cow to start with, that mutation is shurly not to the correct animal !!
2) Sod the European Space Agency. They just talk a lot and cost a lot of money and achieve absolutely *S*F*A* !! I'd put my money of Virgin Galatic to carry the British flag into space with the minimum of fuss and the maximum amount of publicity (you can trust Branson- SIR Richard, to you - on it) !! Perhaps he might even be en-nobled as Lord Richard of the Outer Reaches !! And since he (and his company) is British, all Virgin Galatic craft WILL fly on the LEFT, like all good Brits do !! Ameicans will be charged by the pounds-weight since they are mostly obese (it cost a lot of fuel to send all that lard into space, you know) !!
3) Trust me, there are *NO* monsters near Hangzhou Bridge !! No self-respecting, intellegent monster will go anywhere where there are millions of Chinamen ready, willing and able to carve him up for their latest culinary delight ! If you don't believe me, just any shark you can find in the South China Sea !! Since there are almost none, it just proves the point !!
No self-respecting anteater will want to be seen dead within a 500 mile radius of Houston !!
@Dr Dan Holdsworth >>usng female sex pheromone - I thought that only worked with horny teenagers !!
@George (Re: How to eliminate Crazy Rasberry Ants) - Use the standard American solution to any problem !! When in doubt, NUKE EM !! I'm sure Houston is no great loss. Plenty more where they came from !!
@Wayland Sothcott - Ssssh !! Why do you want to let out our secret money-making scheme for ??
If you stop f**king about with that bunsen burner, maybe you'd learn something about highly inflammable hydrocarbons !! Chemistry is great fun, especially when you can blow something up once in a while (hopefully by design) !!
Mine's the very scorched, full-body, asbestos-kevlar armoured suit, thanks
The ME263 - Komet - of WW2 fame, did exactly that !! They launched off a dolly and landed on a skid, if they survived (1) the launch, (2) the climb, (3) the attack on the Allied bombers and (4) the unpowered plummet to the ground !!
Somehow, I get the feeling that if Rossy tried landing on a skid, he'll not feel like getting married any more !!
@Derek Bez - only if they carry surveillance equipment and/or offensive weaponry !!
@TeeCee - The supersonic version will not be available for the foreseeable future !! They are still working on a high-tensile belt to keep the pants securely fastened when passing Mach 1 !!
@bazza - Holland ?? Going head-first into a Dyke is not conducive to future good health !!
@Jim T - >>it'd be an awesome way to commute to work.<< - provided you don't try to land through the plate glass window of your office !! Glass shrapnel falling from 40 storeys up will not be greatly appreciated by the passers-by !!
As the great Omar Khayyam said - He who knows not and knows not he knows not, he is a fool shun him !! Rather describes our civil(??) servants !!
@Giles Jones - What you are saying is akin to that of the water cooling system in the car is not working but, don't worry, the engine is still going great guns !! If whoever that idiot, and I DO mean Idiot, in charge of the entire project cannot see the broader picture by concentrating on too hard on the individual bits, then he should be taken out and made to sit with his bare bottom on an uncooled dual core CPU running at full use !! The smell of roasting nuts will soon convince him of the error of his ways !!
WTF are "Project Managers" for if not to manage the *WHOLE* project. Excuses are unacceptable !!
With the US's history on technological bleeding-edge military marvels, such a thing is all too possible !! Think of their laser-guided ultra-precision bomb that hit the Chinese embassy in Belgrade instead of its target miles away !! All those blue-on-blue or friendly fire incidences and this is all too possible !!
I suppose we'll next hear of their unmanned drones shooting up a bunch of marines or their Tomahawk cruise missiles that should have been called Boomerang because that's what they did !!
...back in the old Soviet days, the Russians wanted something that translated English/American into Russian. After a lot of effort, they finally got something and the first try at translating - out of sight, out of mind - came back as - invisible and insane !!
Back to the drawing boards, lads, unless you want a free holiday in nice Uncle Joe's Siberian resorts !!
As an example of the kind of "wonderful deal" that HP has acquired, the NHS IT project is an open wound that will carry on haemorrhaging red ink for years to come since it is a *FIXED PRICE* contract !! Four more years to promised delivery date, then more years to next promised delivery date, then ......ad infinitum !! BUT NOT ONE CENT MORE WILL THEY RECEIVE since they have been paid and NOT delivered !!
Ross Perot and the other shareholders MUST be bawling their collective eyes out all the way to their off-shore tax-haven Caribbean bank !!
What's the betting that a now-relieved Ross Perot will be up to his old tricks and challenge Barack Obama for the Presidency ??
You forgot about Dell and THE original, THE ONE and ONLY Texas Instruments, makers of the best selling chip in the world !! The TI9900 is the most ubiquitous chip in the world; it's in everything from washing machines and fridges to the bloody annoying musical(???) doorbell !!
As the prophesy stated - "In the last days, there shalt be WARS and rumours of WARS, and brother shalt turn against brother, and failing companies shalt purchase failed companies !! Thus spake the prophet as he puffeth on (still) Class-C herbs !!"
Is it written anywhere on the McD's advert "Supersize me !!" ??
@Martin - you were right originally. They are almost always weak, pathetic things !! It's when the windspeed get to about 100 mph that one starts to get a trifle worried and windspeeds of 150 mph are definitely not unheard of !!
I was in HK once when it was hit directly by a big typhoon. The eye actually passed right over my flat. There were two tall buildings in its path that was supposedly typhoon-proof. One lost some 60% of its windows and the other lost some 70% of its windows, smashed and then sucked out by the vortex. The good news was that the more damaged building was the tax HQ and LOTS of filled-in tax return forms were sucked out and turned to mush. There was general rejoicing at that news !!
Maybe "tis an ill wind that blows nobody any good" but this trifling, 120 mph wind blew some people some good !!
If you looked at some of the (special forces ??) personnel on parade in London last week, you'd soon realise that 100kg is nothing especially when considering their muscle mass !! Large lads, them !!
>>What is the carbon footprint of accounting for carbon footprints. - more than the original carbon footprint !!
@Slaine >>what carbon footprint might one trigger by napalming Parliament whilst in full session? - DON'T !! Please DON'T !! The carbon emission is as nothing compared to the toxic waste spewed into the air !! London will be uninhabitable for a thousand years !!
>>But try explaining that to a bunch of project managers and spreadsheet trolls.
This is where real accountants should be involved !! The number of times that I have shot down in flames the "project managers and spreadsheet trolls" are beyond counting !! These creatures are so obsessed and fascinated by the figures in front of them that they cannot see the bigger picture. The cost of implementation, taken as a whole including the cost of manufacture,etc, is far, far higher than the actual figures produced by these creatures !!
However, in the words of Sir Winston Churchill - there's lies, damn lies and statistics. And all that these creatures can see are the statistics !! Eliminating all government sponsors and/or funded white elephant projects will save more carbon emission than 100 years of ordinary peoples' living !!
The cost of producing the materials for the Millenium Dome, oops sorry, O2 centre, is a case in point !! How much carbon was emitted in producing the concrete for that monstrosity ?? What is the carbon cost of all those NON-delivered and/or NON-working government IT projects, including the carbon and toxic cost of the hardware manufacturing *AND* disposal ??
This icon represents the effects of the actions by the rabid tree-huggers backed by a headline-greedy government !!
Well, first there's the non-ferrous metal casing to prevent the leakage of any magnetic signature. Then there's the motor/drive system, usually but not always electric. This usually involves a lot of ferrous material for the coils for the motor. This is followed by the "propellant", usually electricity stored in a BIG battery. Could also be compressed air in the case of gas-powered torpedoes. And finally there's the warhead and charge; two separate things really. The warhead may or may not direct the torpedo to where it can trigger the charge to maximum effect and the charge is a highly energetic chemical that releases all its energy in a fraction of a second !!
Altogether, it has a massive carbon footprint and makes the government effort resemble using an industrial steel-stamping press to crack a hazelnut !!
NB: - I have not known of or heard of a kinetic torpedo to date. The naval equivalent of the APFSDS (Armour-Piercing, Fin Stabilised, Discarding Sabot) anti-tank rounds !! The carbon footprint of the depleted uranium used in those rounds will make the most anal-retentive environmentalist loosen up instantly !!
What is this mythical "Average Person" (lets not be sexist - can be he/she/it) ?? A 80 cm tall, 30 kg kid or a 180 cm tall, 200 kg lard-arse ?? How do you calculate the food consumption of the "Average Person" and how does that relate to the (lesser) consumption of the kid or the (hugely greater) consumption of the lard-arse ?? What is the power consumption (and therefore, carbon footprint) for transporting each of the above over the same distance in the same vehicle ??
Should the kid over-eat and get obese or should the gross (both senses of this word) person starve ?? The list of questions is endless but I hope you get my drift !!
Answers on the back of a non-recycled postage stamp, please !!
>>Perhaps there is a wax mountain lying around that could be used to reignite the European chandlery industry as well.<<
Yes, try looking in G. Brown's ears !! He can't seem to listen very well no matter who tells him anything !! You can start mining from one side and exit ther other. There's nothing to impede your progress !!
You racist thing !! What have you got against Italians ?? Say - That will be 50 Italians, please !!
Oh, good !! One less bunch of scoundrels, oops, I mean consultants, in the market !! More to share around. Besides, HP has a history of groundbreaking disasters in the service areas - witness the HP PSO fiasco ! The HP/Compaq/DEC consulting arm !! Three strikes and they are out ??
ALTOS Origin - a world class consultancy ?? Tis the first that I've heard of that !! Now the other bunch of Froggies - them twins with headgear on - maybe !!
...the weird thinking and appearance of our current government !! Where do I sign up for the anti-alien guerrilla army ??
>>Given that *believing* in UFO's is a matter of faith - of course not !! The Vatican-approved astronomer, himself, said there ARE aliens, so it MUST be true !! We can't question the Church, can we ??
..we should be led into space by our government !! Can we pack the whole NuLabour government into a shipping container and blast them off into orbit ?? Please, pretty please !! No need for re-entry procedures. They can stay as a reminder for posterity !!
@Torben Mogensen - re. docking issue - no problem !! Just dock them nose to arse each time in 4 (four) equidistant spokes and then join them up to make a space wheel !! Spin up that wheel, and you have some gravity (well, centrifugal force, anyway) too !!
How can you trust an organisation like the International Rice Research Institute that is HQed in the Philippines who, just happens, to be the worlds largest importer of rice despite having massive acreages under rice ?? OTOH, the Thais have been quietly exporting masses of rice for centuries to just about everyone !!
@Andy Bright - Horatio Hornblower, you are not !! :-)
@ImaGnuber - Prisoners = Landlubbers !! Not the best kind in open seas. Galleys and Gallases are shore-hugging ships that will wallow, at best, or sink, at worse, in the rough open seas !! That's why the Spaniards used tiny ships going to the Americas despite owning a large fleet of galleys and gallases in the Med. !! Furthermore, prisoners+rum = mutiny by drunken louts !! Water and hardtack, now, that's a different kettle of fish !! Add in a good dose of cat-o-nine-tails and you may get some work out of those scum !! :-)
Wave in a friendly manner to any Kondor you see going pass !! They're doing a job, same as you are !!
@Hunde Kotze - Yet another moronic China-basher who just refuses to see the facts even after they have been presented in the report !! Go and pray hard in your Creation church !! God might even grant you an extra brain cell if you try hard enough !!
... my dearly beloved grandma's servants trundling to market, each day, with a basket on her/their arm(s). They'll return with the basket(s) full of veggies and bits of dead animal(s) and one or more live fowl, in the other hand, feet (fowl, not servant) tied together and hanging upside down, squawking (again fowl, not servant) at the indignity of their position !! You can't get fresher chickens that when they are still squawking at you !!
One of the servants was recycled into a majordomo until her death and was then replaced by another recycled servant. Since I flew the nest after that, I have no idea what happened next.
No paper or plastic bags to recycle. The food was wrapped in large leaves and tied up with "string" made from strips of dried water weed ! Biomass was maintained by composting wrappings and strings !!
Nowadays, kiddies don't believe in Santa Claus any more and think chickens come from supermarkets, ready shrink-wrapped and minus innards, head and feet !!
...is in playing with the /dev stuff. DIY device drivers !! This issue comes about because the Chief Gestapo at M$ insist that everything HAS to go through the Registry !! This is what you get for desiring no-brainer installations !! In the days of yore when everything was set up by hand....
>>If MS has known about this issue for 4 years, seems like that's enough time to put a fix in for it. Or is it too much to ask for a good customer experience.<<
Although I'm usually one of the first to bash M$, I have to say that however much M$ seeks to idiot-proof their OS, there will always be some idiot out there to prove them wrong ! It does not help when the company "that intends to challenge IBM" pays peanuts to hire monkeys as installers for their PC division !
As a sometime head of support, I'd have to say this is not a bug !! This is an RTFM case !! So no "fix" is needed. It is also "a good customer experience" for the HP people to learn to do things more carefully or get a good bollocking and lose their annual bonus for putting their boss eye-balls deep in the doo-doo !!. Perhaps they should outsource this function to a literate third world country and save all this hassle !!
Then again, kiddies these days expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter; so what else is new ??
When dinosaurs ruled the world, I was at a computer exhibition in London and at the DEC (remember them ? snooty mainframe wannabes) stand. In that HUGE stand, at one end, was a system running an application that will automatically generate a "secure" password for you !! At the other end, there was a system running an application that tested your password for obviousness and reject those that can be easily hacked. The password tester rejected *EVERY* password generated by the password generator !!
Perhaps this password strength thingie is included on the same basis - FUN !!
@ James Pikett - I agree with Stewart Rice !! You just cost me a fortune in mental floss to cleanse the image of you kissing Bill and Steve from my mind !! Isn't there a rear-end of a cow anywhere near you ??