The E2000 and some others can run DD-WRT, which mitigates this vulnerability. Call me Goku, cause I'm just sayin'.
Posts by Dive Fox
47 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Mar 2008
Malware-flinging Linksys vulnerability confirmed as a HNAP1 bug
US Senate bill would mandate 'kill switch' on all smartphones
Oooh! My NAUGHTY SKIRT keeps riding up! Hello, INTERNET EXPLORER
Snowden's email provider may face court rap after closing service
Starwing: Nintendo, Argonaut's Brit boffinry and the Super FX chip
Google kicks off Android 4.3 updates for Nexus devices
Take a number, says new social network
Skydiver Baumgartner in 128,000ft plunge from brink of space
Space. Space. Wanna go to space. Better buy a telescope. Wanna see me. Buy a telescope. Gonna be in space. Are we in space yet? What’s the hold-up? Gotta go to space. Gotta go to SPACE. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! I’m in space! Wanna go to earth wanna go to earth wanna go to earth wanna go to earth. Wanna go to earth. Wanna go home. It’s too big. Too big. Wanna go home. Wanna go to earth.
Register SPB hacks mull chopping off feet
Human 4G masts assemble roaming hobonet for pennies
Ten... sub-£100 mono laser printers
Go back to the future with Red Dwarf
Japan develops powered armour suit for nuke workers
Welcome to the H.E.V. mark 4 protective system. For use in hazardous environment conditions. High-impact reactive armour activated. Atmospheric contaminant sensors activated. Vital sign monitoring activated. Automatic medical systems engaged. Weapon selection system activated. Munition level monitoring activated. Communications interface online. Have a very safe day.
Domino's to serve pizzas on the Moon, apparently
Hackers hijack internet voting system in Washington DC
Secret docs reveal Dell knew PCs were faulty
Motorola hands itself divorce papers - again
Adobe heats up iPad Flash bash
Google contradicts self, confirms own Googlephone
Legless woman falls onto Boston train tracks
Linden Lab unveils Sadville: Enterprise Edition
Blind one-legged man wins arse-kicking contest
US deputies taze traffic dodging rogue emu
@ John J
You got it all wrong, Johnny! It's an Emosbusturduckencorphail. An Emu, stuffed with an Ostrich, stuffed with a Bustard, stuffed with a Turkey, stuffed with a Duck, stuffed with a Chicken, stuffed with a Cornish Game Hen, stuffed with a Pheasant, stuffed with a Quail. Serves fifty, or 4 really fat American individuals. Can't be deep-fried, as deep-frying poultry needs to have an open body cavity for the oil to fill. I cook mine on a rotisserie over medium heat for 2 hours per pound, or approximately 72 hours.
Abigail's Windows 7 Party
Alabama judges take hard line on dildos
I just buy mine from out of state.
Remember - Alabama is home of Redstone Arsenal, where the US developed all those nifty rockets. I still think Huntsville should secede from Alabama though.
And yes, Alabama has very liberal gun laws. Waiting period my ass; they just installed an express lane.
Gay animals going at it like rabbits
Rackable Systems slips into SGI's name
Asda clamps down on killer teaspoons
Taser use still plateau'd among firearms cops
eBay officially not cheaper than High Street
@ Steven R
£30 ProLiant may not be stolen, he never said it had top of the line hardware in it. I got one with a Pentium D in it for $20 at a salvage yard around here. With that being said, though, I haven't touched eBay in years; ever since I found a couple of computer equipment salvage places around town - I doubt you'll find a complete SunFire 880 on eBay. (Well, maybe you would, but I wouldn't want to ship the bloody thing.)
Google streams data center pods to world+dog
Intel chips get new logos, star treatment
Fennec leaps into beta
Put down your pens: Cartoons next on censor block
Sonim XP3 Enduro ultra-rugged mobile phone
Apple fights iPhone unlocking (again)
Breach of contract?
OK, I saw one of the points they made was breach of contract.
I have an original, 2G, 4 GB iPhone. I bought it off of Craigslist. I never signed a contract with AT&T or Apple. Shouldn't I have the right to use my device however I want, as long as I'm not copying or distributing their software?
Just my $0.02.
SCO boss to customers: 'Blah. Blah. Blah'
Mac OS 10.5.6 problems? Apple suggests shampoo
World's first 'thought images' seen on screen
Motorola TLKR T7 two-way radio
SQL injection taints
Torvalds brands Digg users 'W*nking Walruses'
Dell and Wal-Mart team on TV installations
Oh lord.
They probably have a minimum-wage clerk in the store to take the orders, and then probably dispatch it through OnForce or the like.
By the way, Walmart's prices are so low, they've dropped the hyphen and capital M from their name.
Do I hear whalesong...?
Baptist church in assault rifle giveaway
Reg readers kickstart WiReD UK recovery
Only Ubuntu left standing, as Flash vuln fells Vista in Pwn2Own hacking contest
Hannaford cc data thieves planted malware on 300 servers

I work for a company that installs and services payment kiosks and other point of sale hardware. I've found it'd be unlikely for someone to be able to sniff the PIN coming from a POS terminal to the server, as every installation I've done with modern (<2002) hardware has featured encryption in the PIN entry device. The Ingenico 6550, which is what Wal-Mart and most other retailers are switching to, encrypts the PIN inside the device, before even the host terminal sees it. Older terminals, like the eN-Touch 1000, which I also commonly see, ship from Ingenico configured for in-unit encryption, but it can be disabled, unlike the newer units. That does nothing to protect those poor Visa / MC / Amex / Discover users whose stripe data is still there in the open...