* Posts by Kaitlyn Kincaid

18 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Mar 2008

Twitter silenced in Canada

Kaitlyn Kincaid

incorrect story

hate to burst the bubble, but we DO pay for incoming texts, $0.15 each unless you are on a special plan.

depending on the carrier, each text can cost up to $0.40 (25c to send, 15c to receive), I vaguely remember someone working this out in a cost per meg and it was in the thousands of dollars.

Mine's the one with the deactivated cell phone in the pocket.

Regulators back Bell Canada choking indie ISP traffic

Kaitlyn Kincaid
Paris Hilton

@ dave

100Mbit? where are you buying your internet and how much?

I'm paying ~$100 a month for 8Mbit, and that is about as fast as you can get here. Canadian internet is so far behind the rest of the world it is an embarrassment.

Paris, cause even she can get things faster then most Canadian internet users

Supersonic bizjets could have windowless flight decks

Kaitlyn Kincaid

take a queue from Quantus

and keep the kiddies away from the wireless mice

mine's the one with the Faraday Cage around it

US teen cuffed for sending nude phone pics

Kaitlyn Kincaid

good job guys

what a great way to help our youth with their body issues. "see that part of you? it's DIRTY! WRONG! if anyone sees it you will GO TO JAIL! you are an evil person for even having one! Don't even look at it and for gods sake DONT TOUCH IT!"

pah-lease.... want to know what so many young girls have such issues about sex? look no farther then crap like this.

'I can see dinosaurs from my back porch'

Kaitlyn Kincaid

@Craig Gorsuch Re: Christianity does NOT mean one is anti-Science

I can prove to you that the Christian god did not create the universe (at least using as much evidence as you used in your post to prove that he did)....

the Flying Spaghetti Monster did it

My proof? well, you can't prove mathematically that your "god" did it so therefore it must be wrong, so therefore my theory must be right! (cause there can ONLY be two right?)

Can you mathematically prove HOW your "god" did it?

I think you are sorely mistaken in exactly what science is. You seem to think that science is "absolute proof" when in fact it is the complete opposite. Science never tries to find absolute proof, it does however try to find ways of prediction. "If I hit mass A with force B, how far will it go?" THAT is science.... "If I hit mass A with force B, why does it go?" is not. You can have your god moving mass A all he likes, science doesn't care why, it cares about predicting how far he will move it.

I think you are also mistaken on what exactly a scientific theory is. First you start with a hypothesis "I think this will happen", after that you test your hypothesis and see if it holds up. If you are very good, your hypothesis will be held up with observations, get enough observation and you can only then call it a theory, if there is ANY evidence to the contrary then the theory is sent back and a new hypothesis has to be made. Evolution is currently in this stage of proof, there has been many, MANY observations that support it, and none that counter it. If a theory is observed to always happen, exactly the same way, then it may be elevated to the state of a Law. Since there is currently no way to isolate every single variable involved in evolutionarily observations it is currently not possible to insure that the starting conditions are exactly the same so the theory will not graduate into a law for some time to come.

I think you are also mistaken as to what exactly "separation of church and state" means too.... namely the actions Palin has taken to merge the two. Passing laws forcing christian reproductive beliefs on non-christian voters is one example. Were she to leave her faith out of her office then I would be more then happy to leave her faith out of her campaign... but so long as she seems convinced that she has the moral authority to impose her religious beliefs on others I see no reasons why her religion should not be an important factor in whether people vote for her or not.

Kaitlyn Kincaid

both? there are only two?

what about Hindu creation myths? Roman? Greek? Muslim? Cree? Algonquin? Japanese Zen? the hundreds of other creation myths that have came around in the thousands of years of human history?

teach one, teach em all.... know what, a course on nothing but creation myths would actually be pretty interesting...

ePassport tests put biometrics through their paces

Kaitlyn Kincaid
Paris Hilton

what happens when one matches and the other doesnt?

I am currently waiting for my new passport to come in (I'm Canadian), the one I have just expired, but even before that it was unusable due to the fact that I no longer look a THING like my photo. I've lost nearly 100lbs, grew my hair over a foot, dyed it... most people would never buy that the person in my passport is really me (and it has caused issues flying domestically)

so my question is, with all these biometrics, what happens when my fingerprints, or iris scan is positive but I look nothing like the photo in the file? Which one 'wins'?

Paris, cause I'm as confused by this as she is.

Bill seeks guidelines for US laptop searches

Kaitlyn Kincaid
Thumb Down

@Chris re: Come to Canada

actually, we do seize drawings of japanese girls who may be a day under 18. A friend of mine had a collection of vintage manga seized at customs when coming back from Japan. Took 6 months to get his books back as they finally found someone who could read Japanese and confirmed that the characters were in fact collage students like my friend said.

UK to outlaw cartoons of child sexual abuse

Kaitlyn Kincaid

waits for the ban on shoe catalogs

title says it all... people getting off on images of peoples feet? well we cant have that, now can we?

Kaitlyn Kincaid

dang those are thick glasses....

“This is not about criminalising art or pornographic cartoons more generally, but about targeting obscene, and often very realistic, images of child sexual abuse which have no place in our society.”

if you are seeing people who look like anime/manga characters you really need fewer pills, or more pills, I'm not sure.

Spam filtering services throttle Gmail to fight spammers

Kaitlyn Kincaid
Thumb Down

@ Ed Mozley

oh heck no! I have a hard enough time figuring out some captchas ONCE, forget every time I want to send an email.

US teen cuffed for disposable camera 'Taser'

Kaitlyn Kincaid

old days not so old...

I remember back in the '90s when I was nearly expelled and charged with attempted arson... for looking at a picture of fish through a magnifying glass while sitting in a seat near the window (it was sunny).... a 1" plastic magnifying glass that would have been low quality for a Happy Meal.

Thankfully my dad talked some sense into the twit of a teacher and pointed out that I would have had a hard time lighting a fire with that thing if I was on the surface of the sun itself.

Thailand cracks down on cut-price castrations

Kaitlyn Kincaid
Thumb Down

@ AC

that only makes it more traumatic to them. Puberty is hard enough, but the WRONG puberty... a little girl getting a beard, deep voice, growing far taller then their other female friends, seeing other girls developing breasts and other secondary sexual characteristics... it must be horrible, and if they know of a simple, cheap, and safe procedure that will stop that from happening they are going to go for it.

Gender is something that is understood from a young age... boys do this, girls do this. It is often not even consciously taught by parents, teachers or other kids, but it is learned very early on what you are "supposed" to be like. Cisgendered children rarely look at gender roles as they fit in with them (if you are biking with the wind you rarely notice just how hard it is blowing). Transgender people however, often know from a very young age that something isn't right, they may not always know what, but know that something is different. If a transyouth is able to start medical treatment before puberty they are able to stop most of the most problematic physical effects as well as severe mental anxiety. After puberty, the sooner one starts the better job their body can do with the hormones, the longer after puberty that treatment begins the less can be done with hormones and must be done surgically.

As I mentioned above, since fertility is generally not an option for transwomen after a few months on hormone replacement therapy, there is little reason to keep the testes around. The testosterone blockers can cause liver and kidney damage depending on the type used, and the tissue can become cancerous. Once the testes are removed, the amount of estrogen can often be cut by 1/4 to 1/2. It is not really a matter of if, but when something will happen. Removing the testes is the safest way to reduce the stresses on the body.

all this does is drive it underground... banning something like this will not stop it from happening, just stop it from happening in clinics so it will move to the back allies.

Kaitlyn Kincaid

i think I know what's going on here...

I think I know why so many (several ACs, Alan Ferris, Joe Stalin, others but I'm too lazy to find the all) is that they are thinking these are men having male genitals removed.

A more accurate view, and one supported by decades of research by psychiatric associations around the world, is that these are women having male genitals removed. What little research that has been done has shown trans people have brain structures similar to the gender with which they identify as. There has been FAR more (and better) studies done into thought patterns of trans people, and they are almost always in the average of the gender they id as.

so if a person thinks and feels like an average woman.... how do you think the average woman would react to having male genitals? or how the average man to female ones?

"It's just a man thing, to most men that part of our anatomy is our most treasured (and delicate) posession[sic] ....." don't think of it like a "man thing", think of it like a "woman thing"... would a woman treasure something that makes her look less feminine, grow hair in odd places, make her boobs flat as a board, makes her take medication that is expensive and hard on her body....

as a side note, re: fertility.... the hormone therapy transwomen take to suppress their testosterone production also leads to infertility after about 4-6 weeks, and that loss is usually permanent after about 6 months. Chances are high that few to none of those affected by this ban would be losing their swimmers as they are already long gone.

Kaitlyn Kincaid

@ Alan

no, they just aren't as terrified of coming out as they are in the west... or beaten to death as often, stabbed, raped, they have access to necessary healthcare, have basic legal protections and are viewed as being actually human.... which is better treatment then I have seen from some of the comments on el reg lately.

on another note: do they really think this will stop? It will likely just drive the practice underground, radically increasing the risk to those who have it done... and they will still have it done, a $150 orchiectomy is far more appealing to a low income thai person then a $15-20,000 sexual reassignment surgery.

What is better... a low cost surgery being done in a clinic with sterile equipment by licensed doctors... or a low cost surgery being done behind a store with a cleaver by someone who lost their license years ago?

US allows visual inspections of nipple rings

Kaitlyn Kincaid

not news...

that was the policy before, she was simply not informed she had the option and the agents refused to let her do this.

Transgender man prepares to give birth

Kaitlyn Kincaid
Dead Vulture

@ J

how about you look up facts in the DSM 4, APA (American Psychiatric Association), CPA (Canadian Psychiatric Association), WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health), and/or medical journals instead, you will find the same stuff. This is not some made up wikipedia stuff, the differences between gender and sex have been well documented for decades and have frequently been used in the court of law in most 1st world countries.

"in simple terms" you were dead wrong. "In simple terms" there are people who drive cars, and people who drive trucks... except for people who drive both, SUVs, minivans, motorcycles, walk, bike or take the bus.... but "in simple terms" people are only car drivers or truck drivers and you are one or you are the other. riiiiight. This doesn't even address the fact that neither you, nor I, know this mans genetic make up.

your, "biological" definition of gender is over 75 years out of date, there were people still using leaches to cure a cold when that theory last held water. I would say 'get with the 21st century', but you are barely in the 20th so I would be happy if you just got with the latter half of the one you are already in.

Kaitlyn Kincaid

RE:RE: RE: This feels nice and familiar....

unless the parents are planning on giving first hand demonstrations of a penis and vagina, what does it matter what is in their pants?

I don't know what my dad's penis looks like, I don't know how my mom's vagina looks like... assuming that is what they have, I've never asked.

if you are saying that a person who: looks like a man, thinks like a man, feels like a man and has a penis = good father, and a person who: looks like a man, thinks like a man, feels like a man and doesn't have a penis = bad dad.... then I have to ask what great task a father needs a penis for? (note i said father, not sperm doner)