* Posts by Rab S

52 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Mar 2008


Sims 3 pirated 180,000 times in three days

Rab S
Black Helicopters


Theres a little voice in back of my head that pretty much thinks this is just convenet for EA...

Exam bosses target faster cheat takedowns

Rab S


INCOMING TAKE COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also @neoc that could lead to questions changing could it not?

It can already be a right pain to figure out not only the answer for teh question but what the questioner actually requires...

I remember once asking do you want this full listing of files and dirs actually printed out? Answer yes...well we are gonna need to reams of printer paper then...they only wanted the root not the entire drive listed ;)

Justice Dept to take long hard look at Google Book deal

Rab S

What about?

Publishers like baen that have been doing online books for years?

Ad watchdog gives thumbs up for female TV orgasms

Rab S

how did those

Shampoo adverts get past this eagle eyed protector of the public virtue <AKA sad twat>?

Google chief lectures newspapers

Rab S

what there customers want....

now could that possably something to read when they don't have net access?

fucking twat...

AT&T mistakes netbook for phone, sells with service plan

Rab S

for fuck sake

This "massive change" is pure marketing bullshit...in the UK quite a few mobile providers are doing free netbooks with contract mobile broadband.

New and exciting my heary Scottish arse...go back to give apple written blow jobs...

US Supremes flatline Virginia's hardline anti-spam law

Rab S

and heres me thinking

that the freedom of speech did not automaticly mean anybody gave a shit or had to listen...

Police ad urges: 'Trust no one'

Rab S

list of sus people

Gordon Brown

waki jacqi


jack straw

any mbr of BT that think Phorm was a good idea

any employee of Phorm

any labour MP

any mbr of the police that thinks this is a good idea...

wonder how that list would go down?

Barnes & Noble muscles Kindle with e-book buy

Rab S

open is....

What Baen Books do...if it can't offer a equal level of openness tot hat then its not open...

ICO strengthens criticism of Government data sharing

Rab S


It should be stabbed through the heart with a stake, burned, buried and then have horse trappled across its grave never to rise again.

Navy glovepuppets minister in carrier battle against RAF

Rab S

Getting a bit

Fucked off with the continual "its to buy scottish" votes refrain...its not like English Yards are not getting work from this contract you know...

Hackintosh maker lands Apple punch

Rab S


Personally i wish Psystar all the best...Kick the kings of lock in right in the nuts.

Well with a side order of "wheres you just works now asshole?" To some of the more annoying Mactards out there...Open the hardware gats on OSX, listen to the complaints about some weird bit of hardware not working on it...

Big labels or Google - who is the songwriters' worst enemy?

Rab S

Cry me a river

Build me a bridge and get the fuck over it....boo fucking hoo...."its the evil downloaders <sob>".

Try its the evil fuckers that sacked you...you been downsized get the fuck over it.

Apple moves to unify its OS and interface

Rab S


I would like to see their OS on generic boxes just for the potential "wheres your just works now fuckhead?" comments that I could use against a couple of mactards I know ;)

Most biometric checks will bypass ID database

Rab S


The fucking point then?

Slo-mo MoD budget traincrash rolls on

Rab S

Welcome to...

Fuck the forces day...with 364 reruns per year...

Attorneys for Palin email hacker: 'Don't call him hacker'

Rab S


And following on any system that allows you to get a reminder is fair game? Including yours or loved ones?

Broadband speed testers fail the test

Rab S
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they have a point

They do have a point, a lot of web testers do have somewhat flaky results. I work on ISP helldesk and the number of times I have used actual downloads to disprove thr results from speed testers is very high...thinkbroadbands though is pretty good.

I have also done the tests from my own machine and connection and got teh same kind of differance. Also weak wireless signals cause a lot of precived slow connections as well.

Geeks whup Marine ass in Call Of Duty 5

Rab S


If only RL with miles gear....."bunny hop out of this you little toerag...."

Iowa: How the vote was won

Rab S


Why so many people congratulating such a biased article? Just like the first one, full of sly little digs at the other side?

But oh no the blues are without sin...its those dam reds that are breaking the rules...makes me fucking sick...

Copper propositioned woman while 'on the job'

Rab S


So police officer can be arrestted and sent down for this...But a certain fat bastard can't?

Lords demand DNA database deletions

Rab S
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Nice to be right...

Been saying for years that the house of lords was a protection against fucked up goverments. Pitty Nu Stazi have already manged to damage them somewhat.

Can see a harder attempt to bring down tge upper chamber though.

Music royalties group pooh-poohs Belgian P2P appeal reports

Rab S


They do?...There was me thinjing they are a mearly profiding access for comms...perhaps you would like phone companies to filter all calls as they could be ilegal things happening or the post office opening all lettters to make sure nothing bad is being sent...

Or you could just fuck off you BPI shill...

Kentucky judge OKs 141-site net casino land grab

Rab S


He and the dipshits will get sued out of existance with the byline "nethier are you, ya inbred hick"

Son of state lawmaker charged with Palin email hack

Rab S

@Kevin Rudd

Whistleblower my ass...theres a certain soon to sent to the US "whistleblower" that could claim that by your standards then...

Rab S

@Christopher Michaelis

was wondring that myself...

EPO staff strike over patent quality

Rab S
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you go peeps, nice to see the people in the trenches are sticking it to the PHBs

UK.gov IDs identity vendors

Rab S

or is it?

A cunning plan by a NOID plant...face it, its well fucked now ;-))

Be Unlimited pulls plug on home CCTV service

Rab S

@ Simon B

I suggest you go wonder over to the thinkbroadband forums then...or read the other posts here of people that actually use O2 BB.

UK gov publishes 'kids and videogames' action plan

Rab S

New rating system i just thought of...

Have a nice non threating person ask the person leaving the shop who they bought the game for and what age they are....if the age is below the big sign on the case then get a couple of big bruisers take them round the back and kick the shit out of em...

Rare Mac Trojan exploits Apple vuln

Rab S


Still no Viruses for OSX in 20 years, too funny!

Yeah since its only been out since 2001...Hmmm anti mac troll, unfunny joke or fecking clueless mac user...its so hard to tell...

Rab S

trojan def

"A program that appears legitimate, but performs some illicit activity when it is run"

Walks like a duck quacks like a duck...its a fucking duck and this a fucking trojan...

But what the hey its on a MAC so its probably defined as myth as everybody nows MAC users don't have to worry about this stuff...

Veteran climate scientist says 'lock up the oil men'

Rab S

Hanson should be first...

Or has he relased his actual mentodalgy behinf his revisions?

Oh But he is wanting it for thoses that hold the other view point...so would he halpply go to jail if this turnsout to be the same as his global coolong idea?

NebuAd looks to 'spyware' firm for recruits

Rab S


nevermind what they claimed, I have never saw a mchine that had that shit removed not get a performace increase.

Big TV flips ad blockers the bird

Rab S


Edwin I don't block adds, but i don't click on the damm things...as others have said normal text based adds don't bother me (i just ignore the dam things).

"The only thing they ask is that you watch it in return for enjoying their content. Is that so much to ask?" It sodding well is if it platers its self all over the content I am trying to view.

Some adds are funny and stick in the mind <I always liked the say pepperami adds or going back in to the depths of time the ones with the guy from raising damp in them>, others on the other hand are just shit and make less likley to ever buy anything from the company its advertising. This is not even taking into consideration bandwidth of mine they are using for their shitty adds.

Organised crime law crushes animal rights duo

Rab S

@ Paul Fisher

Why yes I am quite capible of putting myself in others position...like the poor people this type of fuckwit tries to mess with?

Oh but since they on the other side of this debate they probably don't count...

Tell you what I will respect the AR/ALF when all members of them will stop using any and all products that are made/tested with the actions they find so objectiable...sound fair?

Like I also said this Law is not welcomed by me.

You have no idea how I deal with animials so try and not make yourself look even more stupid ok? But hey since you are perhaps one of the psychopathic fluffy bunny huggers (you know the ones that put their opinions higher than selected other people, no what was the defination of being a psychopath again?) you are just as fuckwitted as they are...

Rab S

@their defenders

Oh yeah its all harmless protesting, absoulty no targeting of people to make their life a living hell...Hell the last paragrah asks them to go and screw up school open days...

"Dr Sue Hughes is a senior scientist at Sequani animal testing labs. When she has not been busy maiming and killing animals at her place of work, one of her past voluntary activities has included being involved with Riding for the Disabled, quite ironic really when you consider how many times she will have deliberately caused individual animals to 'become disabled'.

One of her pastimes is skiing paid for with the blood money that she earns torturing, maiming and murdering animals. Dr Sue Hughes is also on the council for a Worcester school for Girls, now, we think it is bang out of order to have a sick vivisector sitting in council within an establishment that is supposed to be guiding children in the right direction in life. Many parents would not be too happy to know that such a monster is helping to carve their kids futures.

Below are the details of how to get in touch and protest to the school in question and get this sicko kicked from the school council for the benefit of those innocent children who would be horrified to watch this woman at 'work'.

Whenever the Alice Ottley school is having an open day or a school event open to parents activists will be there to expose the horror of vivisection and to air the skeletons in Alice Ottleys closet ... "

Save the animals, test on these utter fuckwited wastes of gentic material...

From the front page of the website linked to in the article (the one with handy tips on how not to get cought)...

Rab S

Pretty much with everybody else here

Its not like the nutter protestors have not brought this down on themselves. They have caused damage, and have more than one sucide layed at their door as well due to their intimidation tactics.

While yes I do find the Law worrying on this one, I would not piss on one of the extrme protestors if they were on fire, unless i pissed petrol.

$8.2m study to probe medical benefits of videogames

Rab S

@ Pete

Oh yeah nothing like the asshats that the contray views getting funding oh no...

Let me guess you come down the "games cause todays social ills side" yes?

International copyright talks seek BitTorrent-killer laws

Rab S

@Miami Mike and others.

I would strongly recomend that you go to the baen free libary and read the prime palaver...

http://www.baen.com/library/ anactdotal evidence it maybe...but at least its backed up some kind of figures, rather than untested statements...

Legal experts wary of MySpace hacking charges

Rab S
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well i might be a totally uncaring bastard but...

But its mearly stated that what she did caused the sucide...even if she did this is fucking big slippery slope, sucidial nutter decides to take someone down with them leaves a note and POW your off to chokey or physco ex who proclaims "leave me and i will off myself" does and that would be you are the direct cause of someone offing themself.

Sorry but unless you actualy phyiscaly help them the suicde has the choice not to do it, unless she actually broke a fucking law this should go nowhere.

Mines the one with "uncaring bastard" on the back...

Neighbourhood Watch 2.0: Your tensions are being monitored

Rab S

I too will welcome our nosy annoying overlords

I just need to finsh etching "fuck off you nosy bastard" on a baseball bat...

EU IT commissariat has lightbulb moment over green IT

Rab S

yeah help em ok

In a BOFHish manner, help them down a open lift shaft...

Scottish Government scuppers Lewis wind farm plan

Rab S

@Stuart Baird

well there is the point that we export power to england and have been doing so for quite a long time...but what the hell don't let actual facts get in the way...

Ballmer bitch slaps Vista

Rab S
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@ Giles Jones

built on cough UNIX...perhaps you might wanna look up BSD theres at least 9 sodding versions of it...

Music biz proposes 'iPod tax' in return for format-shift freedom

Rab S


Between shit like this and annoying priacy adds that I can't skip when i buy the f**king DVD to the latest "thank you for not being a thief" flyer in the last DVD I bought are making me more likley to just go and download whatever i want to see/listen to.

Metal Storm reveals pocket bunker-buster test outcome

Rab S


and the grunt on the ground would rather just make them dead as quick and finaly as possable...theres reason you are trained to be bloody carefull checking bodies...

Al Gore's green job bonanza - can we afford it?

Rab S

climate models

I will belive the current doomsday predictions when their computer models can actually model the past...once thats done then they can move on to the future, lets face it they have been wrong in the past (cough global cooling)...

Rab S

yeah well

Once he stops taking privte planes to places to tell people to fly less, orders endagered spices as food at privite functions and has a lower power bill than the average wage then he will have a point...until then why does he not just piss off?

Gore is just another of a long line of "do what say not what I do" wankers

Welsh couple cop Mosquito flak

Rab S

in two minds about this kind of device

While i can see the point of view that it effects a kids that are not a threat/nusince/whatever, I will say that having had my own experiaces with the little shits that will brick your house/try and intimdate you just because you don't act they way they assusme everybody does (drugged up or drunk most of the time).

I really mean from the bottom of my heart "FUCK EM", if the guy only sets the thing off when they activley harrssing him, threatening him or damaging his stuff more power to him.

As for the old biddy that just wants one because kids are playing she really does need to get a life to go along with the sense of proportion that she should get.
