I work for mediumCo, a local part of globalCo.. the best of both worlds.
I think.
The pay may suck, but the satisfaction is high.
20 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Mar 2008
You wouldn't say it to a girls face, why throw it around online? are we not better than that?
Maybe not..
I certainly can't afford stuff the she gets for free.. maybe I'm not better.. maybe capitalism is to blame for glorifying her.. maybe we should abandon all material possessions, then she'd be totally f****d.. ;-)
Mines the homeless coat with the disgruntled embroidery..
create this key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution\Options\GoogleUpdater.exe
Create inside this key, a string called "Debugger", set value:
cmd.exe /c echo %TIME% %DATE% >> C:\SuckItGoogle.log
Then, every time the updater thinks about running, instead you will just get a line in ya log file.. of course, you don't actually have to set it to do anything.. it is just convenient..
What works for malware, works for shiteware.. ;-)
Its not rocket science after all, its called a similarity.. except this system works globally.. instead of just one ISP's network. In that respect, its more sinister.
Phorm by design (as el reg reported) doesn't interfere with the flow of traffic.
openDNS by design, interferes!
This new plan, filter your DNS, is even more interference. Anything to stop them, say, diverting your requests to a more dodgy associate? Is this google in disguise?
What is to stop them being in charge of the bloody Trojan network? They say they are not? Nobody's asked them? They seem to be capitalising on it pretty quickly.. almost B movie quickly.
Beyond that,
Only DNS requests get funnelled through openDNS.. what if this new bot army suddenly uses a backup IP address.. and gets a new algorithm? What if they figure out how to incorporate p2p?
What then openDNS?
Does anyone really care if their network gets taken over by a trojan? It just means some hacker was too lazy to do it himself, so automated the task.. like a good admin should.
My network is now in his interest to protect.. ergo, you just acquired a hacker looking over your shoulder, cleaning up those "other" virii and malware.. well, in my utopian vision.. if all the altruistic hacker movies are correct..
In reality, a user complains the box is slow.. eventually.. when the machine is freshly cloned, it goes away.. waiting for the next one.. don't you just get bored with it all?
Its like we are all stuck in an infinite loop, patch/hack/patch/hack/upgrade/hack/patch/hack.. I believe its called software development, but the only party not enjoying themselves in this extended model, is the user!
Dire warnings, visions of hacker strength, embellishments and misunderstandings.. the media is making this an issue. What is it really? The product of laziness and overcomplicating things. Nerd problems.
I got a job in IT, its fun! Play war games with hackers all year!
That is how I see it. A big fun game you get to play till you retire! Like Risk, only with more pieces! I count on the machine being infected, that is the best chance I have of fixing the problems with them.. like finally being able to patch it, because the bosses wont let me patch them automatically, in case it breaks something, but won't let me have a test network to make sure it wont.. you get restrictions in this game, you get rules(rfcs), your board, your pawns, your dice, your playing cards, your bloody keyboards all rolled into one!
Are you a chaotic-evil troll with a C++3 of infection? or are you a lawful-good paladin with only a mild vision of what you hope to achieve in the dire prophesied land ahead? Why would the world be diced into fewer categories than have been imagined for other games?
It is a vast imaginary playing field people, get out there and enjoy yourselves!
How would you like to be infected today?
Not battered enough yet..
I would like to applaud Sony, for finally releasing the XP downgrade drivers for its Vaio line of laptops!! Yay, now that useless pile of expensive plastic in the corner can be a productive machine again! (we won't let our cherubs be exposed to Vista just yet)
If Vista had been recalled, it would have been a better product launch.
If Vista had been banned, it would have provoked more people to use it out of spite.
If Vista had worked as promised, it might have been intentionally purchased!!
Just for your edification: google "define:vista"
Definitions of vista on the Web:
* view: the visual percept of a region; "the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views"
Which sums it up beautifully for me!
I've been scanning my sites for this..
The evidence for the malware I picked up, were malicious iframe's linked to javascripts appended to every index.html and index.php (even if the name started with something else)
grep -i -r -H -n --binary-files=without-match --colour=auto -U iframe /path/to/site/* > ~/tmp.txt && grep -i fromCharCode ~/tmp.txt > ~/results.txt
Just delete the iframe and script code to clean your code.. don't know how to prevent it though.. anyone?
So, some geisha's can video-romp.. and stream it live online from the phone.. thats great!
They could do it before, but the bandwidth prohibited decent resolution.
Long live pr0n! Long live the net!
On a more serious note.. wtf are they getting wireless speeds massively disproportionate to our wire speeds? If its cheaper, would that promote pirate-bay style servers being run from cellphones? lol.. classic.
(he's taking off his jacket as a sign of respect to the Japanese... :)