* Posts by Sketch-UK

5 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Mar 2008

Devil dog laughs in the face of Taser


Who let the dogs out

Surely armed police was a bit OTT.

Couldn't they have used one of those long poles with a hoop. In the US these have been used on alligators, so I'm sure a staffy wouldn't be too much trouble.

At the very most a tranquilliser dart. These have been used on everything from grizzly bears to elephants, so I think it would work on a mutt.

Google tips hat to St George - finally


Here's an Idea

Let's forget St George and celebrate the true geeks holiday.

May 4th, Star Wars Day.

There are some similarities.

Both celebrate the work of someone called George.

Both are "A Long Time Ago"

Both include the slaying of mythical beasts (i.e. the rancor)

> Mines the one with the extra long light saber pocket


Saints day, why bother?

As England is largely non-religious country (not including those people who only go to church for Christenings, Wedding and funerals), is a saints day really relevant?

Maybe a national holiday to celebrate the good things about England without a link to any ex-saint would be more appropriate.

Naturally, Scotland, NI and Wales would need to have days as well, so why not make it the same day.

Of course, what we really want is just a few more public holidays....

Jimmy Wales resigns from Wikipedia

Paris Hilton

Pity the Fool

The tradition (in the UK at least) goes that if you attempt a prank after 12 noon on April 1st, you are the fool.

Paris, because we are talking about fools

Blu-ray 'to bloom', now HD DVD's dead


The real clincher for Blu-Ray is...

...when George Lucas finally releases the Star Wars Hexology (if that's the right word for a 6 part work).