@ Chris Richards
"Scotch is used (though I'd say it was somewhat dated) to refer to anything originating from Scotland, including its people."
Yes, but only by arseholes, to be fair.
10 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Mar 2008
Ah, Scott, you really are quite the wit.
James A - "I think you amply clarified my point that environmentalism has come to resemble a fundimentalist cult which cannot accept any deviation from thier accepted othodoxy."
Um, just how exactly?
Given that we're currently over-reliant on finite resources for our energy needs, surely cutting back a little - even just by using energy saving bulbs - is a good thing? I think you're confusing 'fundamentalist' with 'thinks that unimaginative, attention seeking little dimwits who'd eat their own shit if a perceived do-gooder told them they shouldn't (see Scott, above) are a bit tedious and really ought to grow up.'
Maybe the problem isn't the bulbs, per se, but rather the effect on them of your dull opinions.
Really, what is the point of articles like this? So the Guardian failed to have the effect they'd hoped for, but as Mark points out in the first comment, they may have been able to raise awareness of the issues and influence the behaviour of those who didn't sign up to their campaign in small ways, which is all to the good.
Certainly it's better than the tedious, smug, self-satisfied circle jerk of the "environMENTALISTS are teh nazis" crowd. Like, yeah, you don't give a shit. Well done, have a medal.
Well, it does in my case. Without being able to rip CDs and play them on my Sansa when on the move, I wouldn't buy around 90% of the music I do, as there simply wouldn't be enough time to ever listen to it all.
There's also the issue that the player has podcasts on it, and music that I created myself, and I use it occasionally as a portable data drive....
"@ the other freeloaders - As long as you exist I will support surveillance cameras, more police rights, less privacy, fingerprinting, DNA databases etc. If you don't want a world like that then learn to behave like a civilised human being ...catch my drift, Angel-Ass?"
You'd honestly rather live in the GDR than see someone get something for nothing? You are a retard.....
"The difference is this little shit quite obviously decided to ignore someone else's human rights FOR FUN, so why should we recognise him as human?"
Because if we don't, we, as a society, are really no better than he is. I'm amazed that you can write what you did above and yet you really can't see this.