It would only be appropriate therefore...
... to equip his army of minions with Jesus phones?
9 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Mar 2008
The latest round of kit lenses are actually really good performers. The only reason to upgrade is if you need either a) something tougher and better built; or b) to shoot in lower light, i.e. a faster maximum aperture. There is nothing wrong with the kit lens for the crowd that buys these cameras, supplement it with Nikon's excellent 35mm f/1.8G DX prime and you have a very well-rounded kit.
The update is nice, much less radical that I expected. Probably because the avatars don't feature quite as much as all the hype would have you believe. The updated look and feel is a lot more contemporary, and agreed - it is something of a cross between the Wii and PS3 UIs, and a good one at that. I always found the Wii way too simplistic, NXE is just about right.
One of the major concerns I had about Rails was the utter lack of security support at the framework level. It wouldn't surprise me if most apps out there have tons of holes simply because there is no standard way of securing them. But vulnerabilities at the language level - ouch!