What a load of tosh
This is the first time that I have responded (ever) on this kind of thing but what I read makes me want to vomit. Climate change happens. Nothing we can do about it. Get over it. If humanocentric warming happens then we are probably averting an ice age (for the less mentally challenged look up Maunder Minimum etc). Personally, I would rather see the planet warm by a couple of degrees than see the ice. And for those who say "...what about the glaciers...?" why the fscking hell do you think Greenland was called Greenland? We have survived temperatures much warmer than this and we will do so again. Whether we can survive an ice age is another matter and I would rather my kids didn´t have to find out. Put it down to too much vino but I really get fed up with morons who believe every word that they read in the Sun or whatever repeating the drivel that is put about....
I give up. And yes, I have a background in climatology (see, I can even spell the word) unlike most of the posters who have but a passing acquaintance with both spelling and grammar).
Paris, because she is probably brighter than most of the posters who talk about this stuff - and I hope that they know more about IT otherwise we are really in the shit......