* Posts by Dermot Bradley

6 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Mar 2008

Weeks after Red Bee Media's broadcast centre fell over, Channel 4 is still struggling with subtitles

Dermot Bradley

Re: Missing a few key points here

> It was generally known that the noise from gas fire suppression systems can damage hard drives, but not sure it was well known.

Yupe, well known indeed, e.g.:

Zurish Insurance: http://www.zurichservices.com/zsc/reel.nsf/b777a8062cedf191c12571fe00467717/6361b933b360dbac862584790079666a/$FILE/rt_fixed_fire_protection_data_centers_and_HDD_noise_sensitivity.pdf

3M (competitors to Halon systems): https://multimedia.3m.com/mws/media/1180481O/clean-agent-system-noise-hard-disk-drive-hdd-failure-faqs.pdf

I seem to remember reading an article somewhere (maybe even on TheReg) about someone (re)designing fire supression output baffles and also having design software to optimise their placement within DCs to eliminate the risk to HDDs. After a quick search all I can find (not the article I'm thinking of) is this:


Judges: Don't know the law? It's understandable

Dermot Bradley

@Julian I-Do-Stuff

> Ever tried to find out what the current Construction and Use regulations for Motor

> Vehicles actually are?

Yupe, they're not that bad. Also these days they're irrelevant anyway as EU regs take effect (CoC/WVTA) unless you're building a custom vehicle or its a very old vehicle where its registered age pre-dated the various EU regs.

Courts slam Blair's 'abject surrender' to Saudi prince

Dermot Bradley

Re: Is there a party I can morally vote for?

"None of the above" isn't an option to name a new party as, according to the Electoral Commissions guidelines:

"The Registration of Political Parties (Prohibited Words and Expressions)

(Amendment) Order 2005 prohibits the use of the expression ‘None of the above’ as

part of a party name."

Four 1TB hard drives on test

Dermot Bradley


Why was no Maxtor drive reviewed?

ICO queries Heathrow T5's huge fingerprint scam scan

Dermot Bradley
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been in place at T1 for several months

This fingerprint system is not completely new - it was implemented at T1 a few months ago so now if you arrive at T2/T3/T4 and then go via the Flight Connections Centre at T1 and are going on to domestic departures at T1 then you have your digital photo and 4 fingerprints taken. The reason for this is that the T1 shops are now open to domestic passengers as well as internationals.