Re: You vill parle Amrecianish Da!
Who are you to judge what level of daily use is useful to a given community?
30 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Mar 2008
TNMOC is not "Bletchley Park's National Museum of Computing". It is it's own self.
It's also a damn sight better at presenting the story of computing than anything on the neighbouring site, for a much more reasonable entry price. Don't bother with Bletchley unless you want cryptography-lite and Churchill-the-hero. If you want the real thing, go next door.
1. Yes. Users were prevented from contacting Google's servers. (at least, I was)
2. if you read the rest of the article, it says that the Chinese server black-holed the packets at least for some of the time, and so, Yes, the other packets were arguably stolen, but who knows if anything was able to inspect them.
Can I put in a plug for ABC notation - I've used it for generating sheet music and midi files for several years ( It's quick to write, human-readable (unlike most XML formats of any complexity), and controllable in layout and there are several open source tools available, my personal favourite being EasyABC (
Surely the music biz should love streaming. From getting us to pay every time we shift format: from vinyl, to tape, to CD, to MP3, back to vinyl, and on to whatever DRM-burdened lossless codec is flavour-of-next-month, they get us to subscribe monthly to a service that effectively mean we're ALWAYS listening to the radio and own nothing at all - effectively paying EVERY time we listen to a track.
No wonder I want to keep my CDs - at least I have a chance of doing my own format shifts, sticking with the format I want to use, and not having to have a fast mobile or internet connection just to listen to music I BOUGHT three times already!
I'd like to know why the Freeview broadcasters think they can get away with different levels of service for the same levels of license fee. Depending upon where you live in the British Isles (and I include the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands in this), you get varying numbers of channels, but everyone has to pay the same license fee. This means that I (as a resident of the Isle of Man) am subsidising UK viewers/listeners TV and radio. Not on, I tell you, not on!
When was the last time you received a 200 page motherboard manual. The readable part of every motherboard manual I can lay my hands on (and that's quite a few with my history of building PCs) never exceeds 100... and they're usually full of pictures.
You buy a complex product like a motherboard with the expectation of building a PC, you better bloody well pay attention to the documentation or on your own head be it when you blow both it and the $100 CPU you want to put on it.
MSI were absolutely right, and more power to them!
I have a stack of around 50-60 PS2 games, and when I found out that the UK PS3 had poorer backward compatibility than the US/JPY versions, I decided that a PS3 would probably be a waste of time & money, so didn't bother with buying one. Now that they've removed that compatibility all together, I know that I'll never be buying one, slim or otherwise.
So much for backward compatibility not being a 'purchase intent driver'!
The original point of motor racing (2-wheel and 4-) was to challenge the inventors and manufacturers of the day to better their machines. What better challenge for electric motorbikes than a course that pushes the fossil fuel variety and their riders to the limit already. The 37 mile Mountain Circuit is perfect. Who cares if the first few bikes don't make it round. The same was the case when the TT began back in 1907. Better luck next year. :)
"So if the Isle of Man is strictly regulated and not a tax haven at all, why do all those companies base themselves there? The weather?"
The corporation tax rate is very low... that does not make it illegal, simply competitive.
If a person or business is legitimately domiciled in IOM, and therefore taxed there, why should any other tax authority be able to say there's anything wrong? The bigger economies of this world can't have the free market they want in one area, and stop smaller economies competing with them in areas where they can.
It's unusual for the Doctor to be unconscious when he regenerates (though I don't think it's the first time), so maybe he has more control that in prior occasions. Note also that his 'daughter' (seen earlier in this season) was seen to regenerate whilst remaining in her original form... it might yet happen. And as the article says, RTD is fond of blowing prior settled issues - this may well be another.
I do think Robert Carlyle would be an excellent Doctor, though. :)
Rather than just say that agents add absolutely no value, they do provide a marketplace you can check for availability of the product. Just keep in mind that (for the VAST majority) their only motivation, their ONLY motivation, is their commission cheque*. Or in shorthand, whenever considering their role, change the name from 'agent' to 'pimp'.
* apologies to the extremely rare examples of individual agents who actually seem to derive a simple pleasure from doing a good job. I've come across maybe two in my entire life.
I always thought that the greatest argument against government organised conspiracy theories was that if you look at the gross level of incompetence displayed by government in every-day matters (like info-sec, or economic management), what makes you think they could lock down information so completely that nobody credible ever leaks it.
As Fraser said, "Never presume a conspiracy where good old fashioned incompetence and idiocy is a far more adequate explanation."
<blockquote>The director of Transport Security and Contingencies (TranSec) assured the audience that the government was continuing to invest in counter-terror technologies and was conducting screening trials of new technologies at stations to see how well they worked and, importantly, the extent to which the travelling public was willing to accept them.
The results so far were encouraging. The vast majority of the travelling public in the UK were happy to comply with the security arrangements. In fact, she'd been surprised by how few refused to undergo security screening.
The reality is that those who refuse to undergo security screening are simply not being asked to do so because they're avoiding the means of travel that require it. Consequence: it appears that few object to screening.
Alternatively, we just put up with it because we know there's no way we'll get on the damn plane if we kick up a fuss.
I won't be taking my tourist dollars into the US whilst such unconstitutional behaviour persists, regardless of whether I'm carrying my laptop with me or not.
Will they be copying the contents of the memory card in my phone next? Or my SIM card address book?
Clearly, it is control-freakin' idiots that run the theatre that is airport security.