Pensioner proof, my ***
Have MS ever sat pensioners down at a Windows system and actually listened to their feedback? Some of the most astute comments I receive have been from pensioners I've helped, ranging from "Why do I have to single click on some things but double click on others?" and "Why are there so many different and confusing ways of doing the same thing?" to more practical matters like "Why does the computer tell me every time that it starts that my network cable is unplugged - what does that mean?" (no amount of disabling solves the problem).
Before making PCs "pensioner-proof", perhaps MS should try making their operating system people-proof, in so far as making the use of Windows as intuitive and natural as possible. I usually end up having to write down a series of steps for common tasks for my pensioner friends, a thankless task that I wouldn't have to undertake if the interface actually worked on an intuitive and common-sense level.
Grumble, grumble....